Is incest between white people better than African/European racemixing?
Is incest between white people better than African/European racemixing?
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only for so long desu
only jews and sandniggers practice incest though. Vasy majority are inbred.
have dog sex
Why is incest porn being pushed so hard on porn sites?
idk, but spam /b/ with CHAINLINK threads.
phase 2 of YELLOW.
Honey Wilder, Taboo 2 1982
your faggot yellow spam failed miserably, and this shit will fail too
Because it is popular.
because people want to fug their relatives
simple as
What the croatian said is true, looking at statistics, the vast amount of inbreeding happens in majority muslim countries in northern africa and the middle east, mostly marriages between cousins. In comparison, white people barely inbreed, lower than any other group
Alabama please stop.
>Sex should be for positive pro-creation
Pick one.
historically white people used to breed with cousins, etc. to preserve healthy genes. Breeding too far out caused dental and other problems leading to early death, issues that can be handled in the modern age.
There was a method to it.
Anything more distant than first cousin should be fine. So, yes.
If your only options were incest and racemixing you probably just shouldn't reproduce, or realize you're not qualoty material.
Threadly reminder that incest is a muslim and ESPECIALLY kike thing. 9 times out of 10 a muslim or kike couple are cousins or have other blood relation. The whole "le inbred redneck maymay" is hollywood kike pushed propaganda
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are mods asleep?