Damn, I love capitalism

Did you hear how great the stock market is doing?

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(((1 percent)))

>blaming others for your failings

Fuck the stock market. Big cause of or massive contributor to many problems with corporations & shit like planned obsolescence.

I love mass immigration and tolerance!

It's almost like capitalism has a built in flaw where since people can use wealth to generate more wealth it will natural tend to concentrate all the wealth in a few hands leading to an inevitable economic collapse... almost

Not perfect but still better than socialism
Prove me wrong. Notip you cant

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I didn't lose 9 billion dollars

That's what you get with an increasing size of government and never ending deficit spending and higher taxes. The middle class is always hurt the most

I love the stock market. Feels great to be an American, land of the free, I love my freedom from wealth and life.

Seriously, if you dumb shits understood anything at all you'd know that the top 20% of people/anything produce the most. Read a book you ignorant niggers.


What do you propose? That 1% owns both political parties. We're fucked.

Socialism will happen

Daily reminder that this is an inherently flawed premise-
They're bringing poor people in, which is dragging down the average.

>Smart go up
>Dumb go down

>read my Wikipedia article explaining why 4 people having all the money and everyone else being poor is actually a good thing

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It's not about single individual, it's about the whole humanity you dumb fuck. We are all going down, unless we change something.

>Still believing the lump of labor fallacy

That's why you should vote democrat so you can feel like someone is going to do something while they continue to bail out banks

Unfortunately there's never a proposal attached as to how to solve the problem, whatever the problem is. Because what I see as the problem is that money can be converted to power and what I say is that this is what should be stopped. What the retard probably sees as a problem is that he has no power and what he says is that the envious losers should rebel and elevate him to General Secretary of the People's Communist Party.

No, that’s really smart. And that’s why we should vote for the worse of two evils and definitely not try to change anything

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Most of that is generated by the fed. That money they whip up tends to stay in the stock market and not circulate.

I never said it was a good thing, I said that's what happens in nature.

We've reached levels of boomer I could never have dreamed of.
tell me again about the virtues of hard labor


>vote libertarian


>Propaganda graph implying "top 1 percent" can pay for all social programs

and the top 1% colludes with the bottom 25% to take money from the remaining 25$. New York and California did taxed "top earners" to pay for bottom earners. Worked out well until Trump and Republican House and Senate took away their statte income tax SALT deductions.

Attached: Kids4Trump.png (640x778, 396K)

>we should tax the rich less and remove regulations that stop them from abusing the poor
Yeah, I was really suggesting we go further right buddy.

Whoops! Sorry guys! We made ourselves richer and you poorer! But don't vote for the populists! They might disrupt the system!

I'm part of the 1%

>Did hear about how well the stock markets doing? isn't this Great?

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Is it America or worldwide? If second, it's meaningless.

The 1% in terms of earnings or net worth?
Most college graduates will have a negative net worth due to loans, so make up a proportion of the bottom 50 in terms of wealth


>import people
>use normal people's money to pay them to vote for you
>use the law to hold normal people hostage
>use your imported voters to expand the labour supply artificially
stop it OP

record profits while they fuck us. so obscene and outrageous. we pay them to fuck society. keep supporting them corporations dumbfuck republicans while they replace you with cheap labor and push more degeneracy. I was never a hard left liberal but I always knew where to draw line.

Who are these 1% hmmm?

This. We just need to look the 1% in the eye and give them a firm handshake

Not great, not terrible.

my stocks are doing well enough thanks.

Why? Do you guys not have access to funds that hold American companies?

I have. Glad I haven't been sitting on the sidelines for the last damn near decade. Take it you have? Shucks.

and you will still be broke and the 1% will still be your overlords.

You know it would be smart for the smart and poor to disadvantage the dumb and rich. Laissez faire is for dumbs. Your logic

How many of the largest companies by market cap are ran by republicans or republican controlled, you dumb nigger?

>confronted with statistics
>"they just aren't working hard enough"

Bring back unions then.

corps are profiting but I'm too stupid to buy stock and profit too... there is a reason you are broke.

>Implying unions do more good than harm

sad to say, but for a large number of you, that's exactly what it is. why aren't you teaching yourself how to code instead of posting here? bootcamp / self-taught development jobs are still out there and still paying a good wage. Is that too much effort? You don't want to do the job? Is this where I'm supposed to feel bad for you?

get rekt boomer

so does this mean that inflation is coused ONLY by top 1% ? since everyone else seemse to not increase their wealth ?

And they continue to praise this shit on while they destroy society all in the name of making more money. "In God we Trust", what a load of shit. Business as usual. They vilify the family every chance they get, they push fag agenda on TV for kids, movies, clothing, food, every fucking little thing has some evil plot to fuck whatever purity this world has left. They want more illegals here so they get limitless cheap labor while we have to fight each other over table scraps. Wake up. We sold out to big corporations and this is our medicine. We deserve it. I totally understand God now.

stay poor zoomer

And I wasn't actually entertaining any of your retarded ideas since your solution is to vote sanders or some faggot bullshit when sanders is bought out.

Protip follow the fucking money. In 2008 Obama was supposedly the "anti-wall street candidate" but was able to outspend McCain 2:1. He was always bought.

Trump was basically abandoned by big Republican donors in 2016. Trump is the candidate of the people right now. Sanders kowtowed to Clinton, he is one of them.

Nigger, these kikes are taking you for a ride

I own a business and pay my quarterly taxes. I'm far from broke, I save everything I make and don't buy useless shit that Id on't need. Still doesn't change the fact that they fucked this country all in the name of money.

>blaming a business who exists to make money for taking advantage of legal ways to increase profits instead of holding those who are entrusted with doing what is best for our interests accountable

yep, you're probably a dumb nigger

>why aren't you working hard enough

Because we're going to fucking eat you in 10 years, old fuck

good luck with that

Quit whining about it and join the 1%. 500 per month into a stock and take what you earn from said stock and and your 500 next month and reinvest in something new. Keep repeating until you're financially independent.

you have yourself to blame as well as many others for why the kikes are allowed to run rampant with your nation's resources and power

I really wish you to experience it, we already did and we know that we will never ever return to it. Democracy and capitalism is the best we have on Earth so far.

You need to learn that lesson too or else you will be still glorifying something that sounds very very nice in theory, but you have so far no idea how it works in real world.

It's like corporations are a bad idea. Back then people were self employed

Lol usher in immigrants into the bottom 50% and it will go lower. The bottom 50% is not the same 50% back in 1989

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That one percent has manipulated capitalism into their favor. Holding everyone else hostage.

Get rid of that 1 percent and things probably wouldn't be this bad

Says the man currently paying $40 for a pork chop, nice suggestion bud

Free market fuckstains need to stay off Jow Forums. This is a NatSoc board now. We won’t tolerate your Jewish garbage any longer

blah blah and more blah. no ones buying your kike shit anymore shit for brains.

If you make over $45k youre in the 1% globally

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saving and investing are two different things. as a business owner you know that. My simple Fidelity Fund has more than doubled since 2016 and that was after 10yrs of slow 4% annual growth.

>Get rid of that 1 percent and things probably wouldn't be this bad
That’s retarded. Removing them without changing the system solves nothing except creating a space for new people to replace them. We need to fundamentally change the economic system so wealth inequality like this isn’t allowed to happen again.


>hey, someone with a lot of resources is using those resources to their benefit. wow, i am shocked. they must be crushed!!!

logic skills +1

Even if you teach yourself to code and make 100k a year, you're still no where near the 1%. So what's your point? Because you didn't address the fact that the 1% added 21 trillion to their wealth while the bottom 50% lost 900 billion. This right here is literally the definition of moving goal posts.

The amazing part about boomers is your failure to learn from history. An empire that is obviously bleeding out always becomes more restive, it just so happens that the ruling class in this empire are old fat people who ran from 'Nam like pussies instead of warrior-kings like Diocletian.

20 years of millennials shipped off to the desert. Did you know Adolf Hitler was born in 1889? The Millennials match up perfectly with the Lost Generation.

By 2030 you'll be cannibalized by rabid zoomers lead by Millennial banfuhrers. This is your future because you are too stupid to learn from history, fat fuck. You are a gross product of a decadent, decaying society and deserve this.

And as a final note- most of those "good jobs" are not actually hiring because they prefer pajeet street shitters and women because the human resources departments are controlled by women and pajeets, women and pajeets YOU let in you boomer fuck.

You caused this, now you're going to suffer for it.

if you do't get it you are literally retarded. it goes for companies hiring illegals, too.

>have to compete with competitors that hire illegals
>government does nothing to enforce laws
>go out of business or hire illegals

hmmm, what is going to happen? hmmm, what would happen if the government did their fucking job? would the problem take care of itself?

Yeah, stupid and ambiguous statistics that don’t really paint the picture in too much detail. Taking something this inconclusive to heart requires an even bigger leap of faith than religion

That's not a flaw of capitalism, that's a flaw of fascism - when those who get rich seek to stay rich by using their wealth to install puppets into govt, thereby assuring their continued success while using regulation and corruption to keep competition away.

If you goys are not investing by now, that's on you

t. 30 yo boomer

Ask me how I know you’ve made fuck all buying and selling stock.

There are no parties, bro. There is only the people, and the small handful of satanic cucks who want the people to continue fighting each other.

Why do USA boomers fellatte their kike handlers so much?

>that's what happens in nature
that's fucking ridiculous. it's absurd. 1% of the lions eat 50% of the gazelles? come on, this system is indefensible

Kill yourself unironically

How does the point need further explanation? And what is your point? Limiting what someone can earn? $100k is shit despite you not earning near that? What would be good enough for you? You have to be included in the 1%? What is stopping you from making that 100k and then living like you make minimum wage while you invest the money and make it work for you like people who aren't failures do?

You could give ever person in this country a million dollars and the majority of the faggots who are broke would find themselves back in that position in a short while. There is typically a reason bottom feeders are at the bottom. And it issn't because they're all working 4 part-time jobs.


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What exactly is wrong with regulation kike faggot?

>crediting yourself for what amounts to luck

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If the populace had any sort of dignity and soul. We would have put these one percenters in their place a long time ago. Sending a clear message that if you try to fuck everyone else over for your own individual gain, then you will pay the price.

Behave or gtfo this planet. I don't think the founding fathers were expecting such a docile, limp wristed,soiboy populace that allows itself to be pushed around in such a way.

seriously. like literally imagine sitting out this entire run and then complaining because the people with money invested it while you just sat there and complained.

gee, i wonder why you aren't successful...

Implying the most rich actually contribute anything to society rather than leech off of it like an economic parasite

>poor family on gibs
>if they work better jobs they'd earn too much so gibs would stop
This is how people are stuck at the bottom

>what would happen if the government did their fucking job?

That's what I've been trying to explain here you stupid fucking moron. Corporations own the government, they lobby to have laws changed in their favor all the time. We need to remove money from politics, but with kikes such as yourself you can't see past the end of your kike nose. If corporations say their business will hurt because they implement e-verify for example, then they will revolt against it and the government has no choice but to not enforce the law because it would hurt their business. Go look what happened in Florida when they tried to implement e-verify, businesses cried foul and had it removed from the ballot. They are essentially taking the american people hostage just to save their business, fuck that bullshit. There is no enforcing immigration law, the entire republican party behind trump are open border advocates, and so are the democratic party. Get with the program dickhead.

Have something to say?

Hold on ALT+F4 . Sorry I wont be here to read your shit reply, but I'm glad you read mine.


I am a millennial. I am not fat. I have striations. I am someone who came from an alcoholic single mother who had a thing for abusive alcoholic construction workers who has found himself in the top 3-5% for his age bracket. Keep making excuses.

sadly, you are in the place you earned. like a bunch of dumb sheep who think their life will be better if they kill the farmer. You'll all just starve out in the field.

yeah, all these companies would totally be able to run without shareholders investing money. that's how it must all work.

implying that investing (potentially in YOUR complay) isn't contributing to society. Should have taken an econ class.

apparently you haven't read Jow Forums long enough to know what "boomer" means here
most millenials are boomers

Ok, first off retard I make well over 100k. I'm a fucking over night on call radiologist you broke dick loser. Second, my point was pretty clear you moved goal posts and didn't address anything in the OP. You literally just called someone lazy and told them to learn to code. Fucking room temp IQ downey.

>I was extremely lucky, so allow me to shit all over you like I achieved something
Fuck off