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Nice Zionist boomer post

The great Israel looks closer than ever thanks to God emperor Trump

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You do know that if Iran actually attacks, they will nuke Israel as well. Killing two birds with one stone. That's pretty clever if you ask me.

Yeah right... Lets attack Iran - lets fuck with its allies Russia and China. Lets destroy third of the oil market, hell, lets destroy the dollar based global economy while at it.
NOTHING will happen wit Iran - NOTHING

Can this man stop winning
I can taste the libtard salt already
Praise kek. North korea is next

This. Its 4d chess. By attacking iran trump will acctualy dedtroy the jews. Just trust the plan and remember to sage anti trump shills

The great temple will be rebuilt over the rubble of Iran

This. Believe in the 4D chess goy.

I haven't felt as proud of a leader since Reagan was elected President.. I remember Hannity said Trump was like the modern day Ronnie Reagan and he was 100% right...

we ARE on our way to greatness! It's time for him to bring back ALL the good old American ways - as well as a little dose of American "family values", and start making our country great again - with a very strong President in Donald J. Trump!
Let your voice be heard!

Attached: Ronald Reagan on Israel.jpg (608x720, 101K)

>iranians are the ones starting shit
>jews, memeflags and LEAFS talking to one another begging people to stop supporting Trump

Can't make this shit up, you guys really are losers

Based. After trump reagan is my favority president. Commies literaly think he is satan.

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Take your hormones tranny.
2 scoops
2 genders
2 terms

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Based isr-
What the fuck?

I bet Reagan would be rolling in his grave if he was alive today to see some of the communists in the Democratic party I tell you what!

>Like nobody has been bitten before.

Except Japan.

not just that but using their fall to segway his own agenda to root out "anti semites" in our country as well, which presently, conveniently, is dems in congress.

>Jow Forums went from larping as libertarians to larping as nazis to larping as evangelicals to now larping as dumb boomers


Start the damn war before I piss meself!
It’s gonna be fun to watch an attempted ground invasion of this.

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>muslamic effort to free Jerusalem, Mecca and Medina from western control
>let's nuke the holiest of the three

nobody is gonna nuke israel you fucking idiot

>"god emperor"
>Meme flag
Shut the fuck up Boomer

I really hope they don't put boots on the ground, I kept getting confused by who was enemy because retarded grunts kept shooting at my plane and somehow it's my fault their fag parade gets rained on by my 20. Anyway, looking forward to killing iranians.

>nobody is gonna nuke israel you fucking idiot
Sure, bud. Kek. Your time is coming soon, kike.

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Can the godemperor be any more based? Truely the savior of the white race. He will succed where hitler failed. I just looked out the window. The entire jewish people is on suicide watch.

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the only thing hitler did wrong was not actually kill 6 million jews.

You may not like it but Iran has been going over the line lately.

See this?

This is the kind of man that built this country... The kind of guy that Trump stands for.

do it

Nice memeflag shlomo.
Dont bother running to another country. As soon as israel is nuked we whites will genocide your entire species. Right wing death squads are already being assembled

One cancer said to the other cancer

Zion Don is one that ended the deal by reinstating sanction on Iran. Is that man stupid?

He did all the things Israel does. Like supporting jihadists.

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>Iran is the one starting shit

Hey Rabbi whatcha doin?

"Kike"??? Well I never.

iran is making wrong move by shit talking the 8 foot tall retard that lives alone with his mom in a derelict hotel

He was too kind hearted.
This is the curse and blessing of the white race. Being able to feel empathy. He was an artist after all
But trump is a cold, pragmatic buisnessman. He was in new york. He saw what the jews are capable of. There will be no mercy to the rats once he wins the election in 2020. You think all those troops in washington are for a parade :)

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fucking kek

How did Israel get nukes? They're not enriching Uranium, are they?

We call them anticommie-fighters

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>Illegal immigration at highest levels since Dubya
>No repeal and replace Obamacare
>Trump couldn't stop the caravan
>Trump couldn't end DACA
>Trump couldn't pass the RAISE act
>Trump couldn't end Birthright Citizenship
>Trump couldn't make E-Verify a law
>Trump couldn't defund Planned Parenthood
>Trump couldn't invest $1 trillion to improve national infrastucture
>Trump couldn't pass the travel ban
>Trump couldn't close the Wall Street special interest loopholes
>Trump couldn't put price controls on prescription drugs
>Trump couldn't stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election
>Trump couldn't resist bombing Syria
>Trump couldn't pull the U.S out of NATO
>Anti bds law
>Gave israel 38 billion
>Increased the National debt by $2trillion
>Gave the 1% a tax cut
>Farmers bill
>Omnibus bill
>Amnesty bill
>Crime 'reform' bill
>No unclassified FISA
>No Awan indictment
>No Uranium One investigation
>No voter fraud investigation
>No Feinstein Chinese spy investigation
>Pedogate has vanished
>55k sealed indictments went nowhere
>Hired a bunch of neocons
>Continued middle eastern wars
>Ramping up for even more wars
>Global LGBT crusade

>Full amnesty omnibus Bill

>Summary of bill:

>Combating European Anti-Semitism Act

>Assembles a cabinet of bankers, generals and chickenhawks who precum to the thought of war with Iran.
>'Gives' Israel Jerusalem.
>'Declares' all jewish settlements to be Israeli land.
>pulled out of missile treaties with Russia
>fired McMaster and replaced him with Bolton because McMaster dared to criticize Israel
>the Trump Dept of Education makes it illegal to criticize Israel at public universities as it constitutes 'antisemitism'

germans lost because while they are superior to europe they are not superior to the american. Everything he does is just plan superior to everything a german german does because trump is an americanized german and america is #1.

>Zion Don - We're not going to uphold our end of the bargain
>Iran - Well then, neither will we
>Zion Don - HOW DARE YOU!
Fuck the golem.

Litteraly stole them from the white man like they steal everything.
They used to belong to south africa. You know that place where whites are being genocided by niggers.
Realy makes you think

>orange man bad
Gas yourself shlomo

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we gave them to israel because we realized they were surrounded by muslims and wanted to make sure that if they were to get overwhelmed at least a few mudholes would get glassed

The socialist regime of Iran will understand the full might of the American military and our SPACE FORCE!

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Have fun. Stop trying to blow up ships with our flag on them in an attempt to drag NATO into it.

Fuck off, boomer. (((Trump))) only stands for Israel.

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Funny thing is (((they))) were the first to point to the fact that trump is hitler. Since day one all the jewish media called him a nazi. Well what do you know he realy does turn out to be a national socialist and now they are realy afraid like never before. In1933 they could escape europe. But in 2020 there will be nowhere to run.
They know that and try to pretend they are friends with trump. But it is too late

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>I'll do it, I swear I am going to do it!
>Hey Iran, could you please give me a list of 3 empty targets so I can show some strength and pander to my base and media at home

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Since when haven't you kikes played all sides against one another?

Working overtime moshie?

>t. shill

Nice memefalg shlomo

Iran blew up that ship and downed a very valuable drone..
Speaking of which there are too many unamerican shills on /pol\ these days...

Though the drone was in international airspace, the US can have a drone where we want, when we want it, and no country has the right to say or do otherwise. Why? Because we’re the United States, and we get to do things other countries can’t. If a country tries to fly a drone into our airspace, we should shoot it down. Do I have a double standard here? Yes I do, because I am firmly on the side of the United States, and refuse to buy into “nonpartisan” high-minded lunacy. We’re a better country than Iran. If they don’t like our drones around them, they have no right to do anything about it.

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No. Israel or Saudi Arabia "blew" up those ships. Fight your own wars for a change, Israel.

Can someone explain to me why Iran needs highly enriched uranium? Honest question, I don’t get their policies on uranium. If they end up with weapons grade uranium, Israeli/US airstrikes on all their enrichment and nuclear facilities are guranteed. So what’s the point?

regular jews arent so bad, americanized jews aren't so bad. It's zionist jews, zionist goys, and especially, the germanic jew that are the worst.

Let me give you rundown on germanic jew:
>jews are sneaky
>jews are liars
>jews are greedy
>jews are carriers of schizophrenic illness
Now the jew on its own isn't capable of much, maybe a jewess will let you cuck with her so she can turn your son on you, maybe some street vendor will guilt you into buying a bottle of jew piss, it's barely above gypsy tier, but when

you combine germanic DNA...
>germans are destroyers of europe
>germans are responsible for the three biggest white genocides in history
>germans are currently working on the fifth attempt to destroy europe that I'm aware of
>germans have a smug superiority complex and cannot be proven wrong even when they are wrong
>germans have no souls
And now you have the zionist problem and predators like george soros going around crashing entire countries to make a buck.

Litterally this kek

Iran’s got S400s courtesy of Russia and missile silos hidden all over those mountain ranges. If you go to war you can’t put a stop to the threat without a ground invasion and occupation.
Have fun!

I hope you’re being ironic there Shlomo

This entire thread is like John Bolton samefagging on six different cell phones.


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You know the deep state is btfo when the low level JIDF and discord tranny jews start turning on each other.


>Jew telling us to keep supporting israeli dicksucking neocon who wants war with iran.

Dont think we dont see what your doing here moishe.

Why haven’t we memes the war with Iran yet? We could easily have the SjW media eat it up if we say shit like “Iran still executes their gays” “women in Iran are oppressed!”
“Those mysogonist barbarians need to be set straight! Let us do some good for once as the USA!”

s400 is a great system, it doubles as missile defense too. Coincidentally we have a lot of old and outdated ordinance that still works that we can fire if it came down to it, but embedding a nuke in a swarm of cruise missiles and detonating it over the attack vector first would be most efficient method, but i'm sure our politicians don't have the balls or intelligence to do it properly.

We almost went to war, before the Iran nuke deal. Once Iran starts enriching on Sunday, the deal will be scrapped by all parties and they're back on the path to nuclear weapons.

It's because of Trump, Bolton and Pompeo that we go to war. We may not even be the first to strike, just give the nod to Israel and Saudi Arabia and when Iran hits them back, "We must defend our allies".

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to elaborate, s400 comes in quad racks and they can be forced to make a choice, defend themselves from incoming missiles or let ground targets burn in favor of stopping aircraft instead, but I still maintain a tactical nuke is the most efficient way to deal with the threat of anti air on the ground.

At this point, Trump has to follow through on some threats because he has made way too many and followed through on way too few.

It's the boy who cried wolf.

Trump won't start a war, he'll drop MOABs and be done with it in an afternoon.

No rules active Jow Forums server, get the fuck in here already:


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Iranian socialism will never take hold in AMERICA

>if you don't pay us we'll make weapons
>if you do pay us we'll make weapons
Pretty empty threat Iran.

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Just want you to know you're falling for propaganda. The idea of just air strikes as a response and no ground war is pervasive among the establishment, neocons and the military industrial complex. It's because they know that once you do an air strike you've set up a situation where American troops will get hit and die and the drumbeat for total war will be so powerful that even Trump won't be able to push back against it.

The shit they're storing is nowhere near weapons grade. Don't fall for the kike propaganda.

boomer: the post

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They died for our sins.

You ain't gonna do shit nigger! Based Iranians would wipe Israel off the map.

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Won't Iran just respond with another "ok retard"

That would not be wise!!!

This is the brize of freedom. Dog bless.

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