Damn. What went wrong?

Damn. What went wrong?

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Q predicted this

I used to think my life was a tragedy, now I realize it's a comedy.


The more i stay here the more i get the feeling Jow Forums is full of sjw
>"look at me i am so oppresed! The distopian evil government doesnt let me have a wife and kids!"
Yeah not the fact you are a mentaly ill loser who spends all his life infront of a computer eating chips.
Ow poor you so oppresed. The government should force women to fuck you. If only hitler won thr war, you would be swiming in pussy right now

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Who left the oven door open?


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Absurdly reductionist argument coming from a reviled big nosed sandnigger with a chip on his shoulder so no surprises there.


How is that gross you fucking incel

She's fairly light skinned already, so there's already a good bit of white admixture. Their kids will be even lighter.

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I remember explaining this to my father a few years ago. As a former mod the minute he heard it he finally became truly redpilled. He's been basically a stormfag ever since.

>strawman as fuck
>sjw = anti-government

nice flag, kike

Nice bait. No back into the oven, Ariel.

Having a wife and kids is cucked.
Huge waste of money, drains your energy, destroys the lives of most good men.

>"look at me i am so oppresed! The distopian evil government doesnt let me have a wife and kids!"

The government incentivized the destruction of the nuclear family easily. Give a financial incentive and these roasties will follow. Other social changes pushed by (((Your people))) have done an even bigger number changing the moral makeup of our culture and throwing us into a world of unfettered degeneracy.

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you forgot your memeflag bahaha

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Black women hate black men so IDK why this dumb nigger is REEEEEEing. Plenty of hot brown women who do love black men.

typical Amerimutt post

The pendulum swings. It's human nature. It will swing back.
The clearest evidence of this is how people vote according to their temperaments and genetic predispositions.
It's kind of wired to have the two ideologies:
>the free loving irresponsible artistic cunts
>the authoritarian orderly people
The issue isn't if it'll swing back but WHEN.

The hippies, punks, rebels of the 60's-90's, they won. Together they were the loudest group, they were the most marketable group.
Corporate started to appeal to them. Laws were changed in their favor. Social norms and political correctness was changed in their favor.
And these people, who rejected the "common" way of living, they themselves became what we now consider common. To rebel (to some degree) is the default.

And now, with everything still swinging their way, the people trying to live normal lives are the ones fighting the uphill battle.
Social norms and customs are still adjusted to being weird. To be normal is now to stand out.

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it's clown world, where the strange and radical takes center stage, and normality is the sideshow.

for example, if you went to a party dressed as a clown, you'd look ridiculous, right? but if you went to a party where everyone else are clowns except you, then you'd look ridiculous for being normal. that's the state of 2019.

A fathers heart is such that he sacrifices himself willingly for his family.

Is this what it means to be post-punk?

You're wrong and you know this. Your kin have created systems of multiculturalism and promoted affirmative action to hurt whites careers. Forget woman, fucking a woman is easy, they love whites and will always be superior. The problem is establishing a home where you can afford greater than 3 children. But we both know this now do we. I'd advise you to stop trolling now before you embarrass yourself any further.

They're pathetic incel losers but they can hopefully one day stop trolling.

>Spend your life and earnings on video games and RPG knicknacks/capeshit memorabilia

>Spend your life and earnings caring for your family you can take pride in and give you happiness far beyond what fleeting experiences and consumerist baubles could ever return.

Gee, tough choice there, Skippy.

Counter culture became mainstream and thus usable. Traditionalism will eventually also be hijacked and Jow Forums will support the destruction of their societies masquerading as the opposition they built.