Anons, what are the chances we will get a happening? Some dude shooting up 4th july. I guess pretty low. But there will be protests i guess from antifa and i hope we get a american tiananmen square moment
Have 2 hours until the mutts wake up
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israel nuking iran, thats it colgate
If anything is going to happen it will be in DC.
Atleast it will be nice explosion compilation material
i think it will be happening free but digits ans i'm wrong
Fuck you, kike
That would be funny, made even funnier if we see a bunch of loonies get squished on live tv. In all seriousness why does anyone think something is going to happen today?
Its just that it has been a while since a REAL happening
I hear you but as the saying goes, nothing ever happens. Probably just a bunch of fireworks and gunshots. Happy 4th y’all!
this is tha nation that never sleeps brother, we got our best and brightest on guard!
Imagine the shape of the coast guard
>tiananmen square moment
Wouldn't it be totally opposite though? Tiananmen protestors wanted civil liberties and democracy. Anti-fa want a totalitarian socialist-communist state
this, most likely
Sad that Mr. Hall tore his bicep
one can dream ...
Go to sleep u need 8 hours!
I know... So sad. Must have something to do with his giant weight loss
im gonna bite yer knees off ya tall bastard i need my midnight brunchies
How do I sleep
It's cute that you think my sleep schedule is normal
Fuck off aquafresh. They are not asleep.
>The truth about Amerimutts
>The truth about Amerimutts
>The truth about Amerimutts
Jokes on you faggot, I never went to sleep.
Uh guys a mass shooting just flew over my house
a few children already got abducted during a 4th of July festival
Amber Alerts have been spamming my phone all day, but that's about it.
There would typically be politically motivated protests with such opportune events, but I doubt anyone wants to work during a dayoff.
This is just a military parade to celebrate and honor the military. Tiananmen square was completely different and in a communist state. Antifa might try something but I doubt the kikes have planned a mass shooting because all the main news channels have said they won't air the parade. Also some mutts are awake at these hours. You are never safe.
you mean iran nuking israel as a present to the american people for the 4th of july
Cursed image