How low is too low for the modern Western man?
How low is too low for the modern Western man?
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Is that really Belle on the left before her transition?
Hard pass for me. I'd never even consider buying bathwater or bodily fluids of any kind from someone who doesn't respect the source material.
that doesnt sound FDA approved. im sure she can get in a lot of legal trouble with selling bodily fluids.
It's just going to be tap water that's never been in contact with her.
And there are still regulations.
She's from the UK. Brighton I think.
do we really need another thread about this?
I wish some enraged autist would care enough to put in his time to take this clown whore down that who is actively accelerating degeneracy of society
That's not a bodily fluid. She's not selling it for drinking. Have sex icels.
It clearly states that you shouldn't consume it on the web store. She's legally in the clear
Doesn't mean you can sell microbe-infested water just by calling it a teddy bear, incel.
She's not the problem here, it's these lowly worms that enable her behavior by giving her positive attention and money. If she disappeared another either would emerge in her place.
You know it's all going to Japan.
She's a Bong. There was a documentary here a few years ago about prostitutes selling their poo in the post so I can only assume it's legal.
She could sell sewage water from Flint, MI and idiots would buy it.
Once I become the Fuhrer I will spare her life in return for a list of her patreons. I will send every single one of them to Guantanamo.
With the money she's making she could have any of you killed... If she knew or cared you were alive... Why dose anyone care about this again?
Men, or whatever passes for such these days, are just as pathetic as women. Imagine those idiots being eligible to vote.
Apparently people care a lot given this is the third thread in a couple of days on this thot.
Today is the day, I'm ending it early in the morning before my parents wake up. I haven't slept in about 30 hours.
Goodbye everyone, and thank you for the fun times. I'll start it in roughly 45 minutes. mH
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because she is a great marker for how far down the path to hell our society is. Everyone says 'we are in decline blah blah blah' but showing a 8/10 female dress up in costumes and sell her bathwater and become a millionaire is shocking enough to actually convince people we are deep down the degenerate path user.
Is her bath water schloppable?
Am I the only one that's always surprised that there aren't more women doing it already?
Today is the day, I'm ending it early in the morning before my parents wake up. I haven't slept in about 30 hours.
Goodbye everyone, and thank you for the fun times. I'll start it in roughly 45 minutes. qX
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dumb cunt is fucked, you need a loicence to distribute home craft shit, doesn't matter what it is, the sample has to be tested and approved by them first
report the thot
> I'm ending it
ironic how she is also an unironic Jow Forumsack playing beta thirstbuckets
Today is the day, I'm ending it early in the morning before my parents wake up. I haven't slept in about 30 hours.
Goodbye everyone, and thank you for the fun times. I'll start it in roughly 45 minutes. qX
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don't do it. suicide is bad karma, you'll reincarnate with the same problems or even worse until you solve them.
Stop spamming you faggot.
I don't get all the dislikes, this one had me in tears.
Please don't do it Kraut user. It's a permanent solution to what might be a temporary problem. I've been there, a lot of us have, this sounds uber gay but please reconsider.
Lost your iPod?
Why are the British so fucked up? first dogging now this.
don't do it faggot, it's a pussy thing to do
You better just be pretending you won't send her to Guantanamo and have her strapped spread eagle on a table in the rec yard every day for the betas. Not so the betas can enjoy it, they'll be shot while they penetrate her
the absolute state
Imagine caring this much about women dressing as cartoons.
Because it isn't actually all that easy to do what she does consistently. Very few people have her looks, skills with costume/makeup and the ability to create content which is sexy without actually being pornographic. The no porn thing is important because it allows neckbeards to lie to themselves that they are not paying for a camgirl.
>a 8/10 female dress
If she was 10/10 she couldn't do what she does. Her looks are the right mix of pretty while still being approachable enough that a guy might have a chance.