Be "white"

>Be "white"
>See a black girl cast in a little kids movie
>Take to the internet to cry about genocide
wtf did I miss something here

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I never see you making the same comments about niggers screeching about "whitewashing".
Fuck off kike

Yeah you did.
You're retarded

I'm not seeing it anyway. I hate Disney live action redux's. I didn't go to the recent Aladdin either.

Why are Ameriniggers such cultural barbarians.

>Be "jew"
>change the race of yet another character
>rub hands together ferociously
wtf did I miss something here

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It doesn't really matter. It will never be called The Little Mermaid. It will always be called The Live Action Little Mermaid Remake.

It was just released 3 minutes ago, SHUT UP SHILLBOT!

>did I miss something here
That shit is done just for free adds, >don't like the cast >don't watch the movie, fuck this kikery

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> black

White people have too much time on their hands to cry about stupid shit. Sad.

>be (((Disney)))
>claim to want to reach non-white audience
>remake classic story
>turn Danish mermaid into nigger
>could have made new story with nigger mermaid
>no, appropriated Danish story for nogs
>not a slap in white faces, at all

I wouldn't let my kids have anything at all to do with the new Jewish (((Disney))), they clearly are following the genocide whites agenda their international clique has demanded.

Disney is the enemy of all whitekind, do your best to destroy them.

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>Hey, we need to promote our upcoming movie, but we're a bit tight on budget
>Easy, just start up some basic controversy so people talk about our movie
>Let's change the race/gender/sexual identity of the main character. That always get both sides arguing and therefore talking about our movie
>Free press bois, this is too easy

I feel like it's being calculated and thought out in advance.
It's not like Disney controls every aspect of their IPs and carefully plan their fuckeries in advance.
I feel that this and other outrages are purely manufactured and used to make money.

Unironically this

Doesn't matter if whites boycott them.
I wouldn't bother to take my kids to this travesty, and if nogs want to, fine.
This can't do anything but give Disney a black eye.

Oh boy I can't wait for chinks to shit on this for having not attractive cast.

>yfw burgers will make sure this movie sell
Everyfucking time

>Disney is the enemy of all whitekind

>we all agree on destroying white civilizations

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this. Asians can't stand black castings, and prime cast being black cuts them out of the market.

>did I miss something
the death knell of Western Civilization

here's a (you)

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Fuck it everyday niggers make me hate more. Fuck Hollywood and niggers. Its Danish.

its all so tiresome. enjoy your shitty film.

Reminder that us redheads are being replaced.

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Why did you put white in quotation marks? Or do you not know how punctuation works?

Nobody gives a shit about Hollywood. Except (you).

>Fuck it everyday niggers make me hate more.
This is not the fault of niggers, it's the Jews at Disney.

Brave and stunning!

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this jew is too white

box office revenues are slumping domestically due to whites turning elsewhere for entertainment, and big names like disney see racial minorities as their growth market. that's pretty much all there is here... they think the sales they'll gain from racial pandering will make up for the losses

What's weird to me is that they're remaking THEIR own versions of fairy tales. Disney Ariel is an iconic redhead, so of course people expect that. Seems like a bad marketing to make her black. Obviously any other Little Mermaid can be whatever race.

The Little Nigger
The Nigger Mermaid
Nigger Little Mermaid

I'd understand it if they pander to spics and south american audience, but pandering to blacks who are smaller minority is downright retarded.

The Little Negro Mermaid

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Damn they are doing good job. And just few people's act on internet makes hate for all of their race.

when will you idiots not realize they do this for money? they made no money off of tiana so they're blacking established characters until the novelty wears off and they can't make money off of them anymore, then they'll go back to the normal ones

Why are they exclusively targeting gingers?

Get out of the white mans country

Historically pertinent!

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>white mans country
Lol come visit, it is most definitely not a ''white mans country'' and never will be, thank G-d :)

The bad guy in the film will most likely be white I’m assuming

Its not even about white genocide, it's just annoying virtue signalling

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I'll probably invest in their streaming service tho, they have a lot of money

Kill all niggers

It is genocide though. Just look at this class room in rural Ireland.

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only 1 ginger
jesus christ

Niggers can't even swim how is she a mermaid


The fact that they are modifing and already existing character for no reason other than internet brownie points

And the fact that if they took and already black character like pocahontas , and decided to make her white for no reason everyone whould lose their shit

every NORMIE whould lose their shit*

>Every single white character is replaced with a talentless monkey lipped nigger
>Wiw why are whytpepo angry about this!

Redheads are a very small subset of whites. They're picking off the minority white groups one by one. They've been slowly chipping away at blondes, but they've figured that there are fewer redheads, so they should get rid of them first. It's going to be redheads, then blondes, then blue and green eyes, then (light) brown hair, until there is no quintessential white representation.

WTF DISNEY!!! The movie is about mermeaids not seamonkeys

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yeah, you've probably missed some things. Stick around.

Recasting an old story, is a lazy way to make money.