bong Navy detained and boarded a Syrian Tanker with oil from Iran in Gibraltar
The Grace 1 supertanker (VLCC) has been detained by authorities in Gibraltar after it was boarded by the Royal Marines for sanctions evasions. The tanker was heading to Syria from Iran and was reportedly full of crude oil #Iran #Syria #Gibraltar
PREVIOUS THREAD: READ THAT SHIT YOU FAGGOTS forgot the major one prepare yourselves faggots israeli media reporting US airstrikes over Iranian nuke plants in the next 24h, after turkey reports from yesterday claiming the same
# Urgent Four Israeli TVs announce attack on three nuclear sites by the United States in the next 24 hours # The war also signaled the arrest of Farzad Ismaili and Mohammad Ali Jafari by the IRGC's # War # War
if the info above isn't just kike war-mongering, we should see reports of airstrikes in the next hours fuckton of AWACS aircraft were spotted up at the gulf, they're the eyes of the fighter jets during combat, if they're up so are F35s gonna keep posting shit about the situation and it dies out.
this should be enough to inform you better about the conflict rather than that pre-approved MSM kike shit don't trust intel you can't check for yourself, and NEVER trust MSM you're welcome user
if any user wants to keep looking at this stuff, these are the accounts i forgot to link in the resource dump be aware, the ones that are not straight up kikes are usually mujahideen or something alike, so always take this shit with a pinch of salt
>When you make a shit ton of dosh on oil, but are too cheap to pay the suez canal fees
Don't Iran and Syria have a land connection? Why are they shipping oil via boats?
Mason Long
FUCKTON of mil. planes spotted with spoofed/hexed IDs i'm not posting all of them here,just the AWACS and the more recent/important ones if you want to check them out see this twitter feed
from my understanding, the Syrian vessel was loaded with Iranian oil headed to Europe, trying to bypass the sanctions, that's why your Navy boarded the ship
Dylan Brown
more info regarding it
The @RoyalMarines who boarded the tanker in #Gibraltar were from 42 Commando. They’d been flown out from UK at the request of the Gibraltar government. RM boarding parties normally made up of a team of around 20. They train to board either by fast boat or helicopter
Royal Air Force Sentinel R.1 ZJ692 RRR7303( Ascot 7303 in comms with ATC) over North Eastern Poland // Royal Air Force RC135 ZZ665 RRR7212 also over Poland
BBC told that @RoyalMarines from 42 Commando first boarded the tanker by “fast rope” from a Helicopter. Then followed up by others including #Gibraltar agencies by boat. No shots fired . Tanker was being tracked and action taken when entered #Gibraltar waters
>just wanna have a comfy 4th >ww3 They'll pay one day
Parker Ramirez
#FLASH: China’s Ministry of Transport has raised the security level for Chinese vessels in the Malacca Strait. *An increase to Level 3 is an exceptional measure applied only when there is credible information that a security incident is probable or imminent.* - @globaltimesnews
you cunts boarded a syrian vessel loaded with iranian oil headed to Europe we need to wait and see what will come out of it
Jackson Morgan
bumping for HUE bro, also thanks for all the OSINT resources
Hunter Gomez
i think it's confirmed at this point the 42 Commnado squad was the one doing the boarding
Thermal image of @RoyalMarines (42 Commando) fast-roping from a Wildcat helicopter to detain an oil tanker off the coast of Gibraltar in the early hours of the morning.
could be good-old kike war mongering, but there were a fuckton of military planes flying over the persian gulf lately, most of the with hexed IDs which raises suspicion they're doing something even more also the AWACS/AEW&C planes, they're used to differentiate between friend or foe during engagements involving air units, be it ATA or GTA, so that's another big point in my book
Christian Cooper
If they're using these for bombing, and israeli tvs said US attacks on nuke facilities, who the fuck are they attacking? Iran doesn't have that many facilities presumably
nothing out of ordinary, the callsign is replaced daily
Charles Cook
#Libya- a couple of videos from Mitiga International Airport (#Tripoli), from a source who asked to remain anonymous but is credible nonetheless (so H/T goes to source). First, alleged Turkish UAV over Mitiga immediately after takeoff
>june 25 >"~02/07: first major sighting" If that post is anything besides a larp, this might be related to buildup to distracting from that day Probably a larp though
Levi Campbell
Did you know Brazil is literally a shit country run by crypto kikes?
???? it seems the sub sank? they haven't recovered all bodies yet
Christian Richardson
With the tanker that was bordered in the Bay Of Gibraltar, last night, I believe I have identified the Wildcat helicopter that was involved in the operation. ZZ381 of 815 Naval Air Squadron was operating around Gibraltar on July 1st, so was likely the one involved.
Iran’s air-defense systems include roughly two dozen different radars. Such a network is extremely hard to fight because any opponent must find a solution for facing multiple radars at once. Ex: "Qadir" early-warning system providing 360-degree coverage.
Mossad head Yossi Cohen delivered an aggressive speech against Iranian entrenchment in Syria, reflecting the forceful policy adopted by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyah.
Syria and #Iran to defy #sanctions by building railway from Tehran to Mediterranean AMN Al-Masdar News BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:00 A.M.) - Iran is preparing to begin construction on a large railway that links their capital city of Tehran to... #Trump #US #Oil
@Liveuamap Pair of #RAF intelligence-gathering #ISTAR assets out of Waddington, currently over #Baltic region 1054z: RRR7303 ZJ692 Sentinel R1 - crossing Poland hdg northeast RRR7212 ZZ665 RC135W #RivetJoint - over Baltic Sea.
it was a psy-op it seems this Hezbollah account is claiming that it is false
Iranian Ministry of Intelligence denies the reports saying that negotiating with Washington is possible if the sactions were lifted & the Supreme Leader agrees
so four-two took a tanker but it didn't have any armed guards, or have you heard differently?
James Gonzalez
Jow Forums user? i fell asleep yesterday, i was interested in seeing what the crazy theory dude would post but no one baked a new one
Aaron Reyes
no info regarding that, even if it did had armed guards i doubt those fucks would shoot at bong Commandos storming the boat from a chopper
Elijah Cook
yes sir, you fell asleep? Sugar crash or late? Lay off the coca-cola and switch to the green tea bro. You should do a youtube channel and set up Patreon.
I don't think they came up against any resistance. It's quite normal for vessels not to have armed guards, unless they're going around the horn of Africa.
Adrian Brown
i barely had any sleep these past couple days why green tea?
Jackson Edwards
saudi RAF Hercules spotted flying west same as yesterday, adsb exchange is showing it as a Saudi Airlines flight
People recognise patterns best, I'd quite like to visually organise all this data better and present it on a live map with different keys, legends etc. There's probably something already off the shelf??
We need like an 'event handler' map, even if we're putting in the data manually, it will pop up for people to see track follow; then you could do the voice over on the youtube or whatever.
Do you think something like that has got legs?
Green tea is good, don't know if it's a placebo, or the 'bro science' but it does wonders for my temperment. Black tea, earl grey is good for the mornings.
Matthew Cox
for example, i'm pretty sure this one is a drone spotted that fucker a couple times already
who gives the JewK the right to send it's military pigs to take over a ship engaging in trading activities with Syria?
fucking Jews think the World belongs to them
Ian James
i'm really not interested in doing that dude, feel free to make such channel and use the info here if you want though i can't do this 24/7, i'm post-poning a lot of stuff i had to do to observe this shit btw from what i know, green tea is great for your circulatory system, it acts as a vasodilator-lite