>Spanish feminist propaganda photo from Spain
>being shared by Iranian thots living in Iran
So this is the power of globalism
Spanish feminist propaganda photo from Spain
I don't get it. Nudity is nothing in Spain. The beach at Barcelona is filled with bare tits.
Brown people identify with other brown people. Who would have guessed.
This is not about the beach, but everywhere in public
Ironic because they're whiter than amerimutts
Men should stop walking around topless too. I don't want to see your disgusting fatbody or your gayboy manscaping.
>your gayboy manscaping.
Kek what
To whip women into a political frenzy you always appeal to their desire to be naked, fuck and kill babies.
They may as well be Iranians so I see no issue
You insecure viruses literally never stop talking about whites
No wonder your country is failing!
The girl looks like a less feminine linetrap.
They're brown but amerimutts are brown too when you consider who they count as 'white' in official statistics.
>You insecure viruses literally never stop talking about whites
Top kek, you, the amerimutt had to bring skin color into this. Also not everyone who makes fun of you is Iranian or Russian.
why are nonwhites such subhumans
Everyone frowns upon men walking around topless too, its for niggers and white trash
there exist women who actually care that they cant walk around topless?
i find that pretty had to believe, they just love having something to cry about like niggers
Yeah, just get dressed. Also stop wearing flip-flops. Gross fucks, I don't want to see your ugly chunky bare feet and gross toenails. To be honest I'd even rather not see your bare legs.
Unless it's bathing time, then everything is fine.
in the 60s or 70s women/feminists in canada fought to legalize bare female breasts in public and won on the grounds of equality
since then literally none of them have actually done it, never seen or even heard of a woman doing this even once
so they don’t even give a shit, they have no intention of baring their breasts publicly, it’s merely a case of women loving to complain
>You insecure viruses literally never stop talking about whites
It's funny how it affects you mutts cause I keep seeing ancestry threads on a daily basis here on /pol posted by mutts
Whites are way past them in sexual degeneracy.
Kys you autistic retard.
Wearing shoes during summer is retarded.
Grow up man. Adults wear shoes.
What's wrong with her nipples?
Spanish feminists are extremist feminists and fucking gross always.
They're not like the hippie feminists of the olden days.
Are they Iranians living in Spain?
Oh shit.
WOW. Fucking Spaniards, don’t you EVER make fun of Americans not being white EVER AGAIN. LITERALLY whiter than you muhammads
I never said or think bare-chested men are ok. They look like faggots, unless on the beach or around the pool.
why is most of this feminist nudity shit coming from spain?
that's because the feminists have to make dindu gokkun videos these days to set the bar lower
based aquafresh.
Feet are disgusting and should be covered at all times.
FeetFags will be the first to get the rope.
Now deal with it
Mental patient tits belong covered
God damn I have seen so many mexicans with that guys fucking face but slightly uglier due to goblino admixture.
I think you mean God in the form of the Bible. So basically what they're saying is "I'm disobeying God which always leads to death and misery, join in!"
Society says nothing fucking retard, we're only happy if you go around with your boobs exposed.
Iran has a fairly westernized youth. Including homosexuality, casual sex and so on. The Islamic thing is mostly just on the surface.
And they dont get killed? Wtf Iran you disappoint me.
Who cares what shitskins think?
select all images with a gigantic penis etcetera...
>all men are rapists
>i wanna be able to walk around topless whenever i want
No the photo is of Spanish people in Spain but the propaganda is being spread in Iranian social media circles
Spain is extremely feminist biased. Their judicial system is also absurdly biased.
Iran doesn't enforce Islamic law unless they need to get rid of political subversives, and then they use it as excuse.
My uncle from Spain showed me his preteen daughters titties. And joked around about them coming in nicely. (. )(. )
If anything, it's too much too fast for Iran. Even women would be fastboiled by this. Imagine if "first wave" feminists in the west had went with this angle.
>Society says
If the initial response to this isn't
>Which society
then you have already accepted their pretense of the global society, and enable the redistribution of accountability for the environment created by Islamic, Jewish, etc societies onto European ones.
He's a pedo for certain.
I remember a similar push in I guess in the 80s or 90s where I was growing up. I don't particularly recall ever seeing any titties as a result. I'm pretty sure my pubescent self would have remembered.
I can't imagine a context where that isn't weird
>we live in a society
good job moorish rape babies
To be fair they almost look like sudacas, Spain does have a problem with racially impure south americans coming over and speaking new world mestizo spanish.
How is this bad.
Let women show their tits. Better for everyone, easier to check body and date, easier to weed out the hags.
The number 1 interest group against nudism will be the ugly feminazis
Give an inch and they want a mile.
Or give a centimeter and they want a kilometer
>says the potato nigger
And think of this:
Part of why women are so entitled and able to choose is because of the male sexual desire for them.
This sexual desire is fueled by taboos and the unseen. cleavage, stockings etc... are all part of the trick.
If women spent their time naked, this attraction would burn out with time, and women would just become breeding meat for household chores and reproduction, like it happens in tribes.
Those are nigger lips on the male. They are probabily american
Maybe a residual from the al-andaluz.
I support the male Burqa
Ok, now what?
As criaturas espanholas....
Based and intactpilled.
Just wait until said thots get caught.
Right--they want attention from men they like (although they'll pretend they don't), and every other man is a potential rapist. Putting women in charge of society was the number one mistake that is breaking all of western society. China is going to completely dominate this century because the west has gone the way of the matriarchy.
Most places in the world are only one to two generations behind the west in terms of degeneracy. It's already seeped through to eastern Europe and next is the middle East
countries who block social media clown world shit might survive god's wrath