Why are Social Justice Warrior cucks OBSESSED with Nazis?

Why are Social Justice Warrior cucks OBSESSED with Nazis?
It’s almost like a reverse psychology fetish.
>please don’t choke me daddy

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Behold my exchange with their social media manager and realize that the west coast might as well be an insane asylum

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Its a justification. If they fight nazi's literally everything they do is ok. Both sides do it they just have different targets.

These people are retards lmao
They said anyone who unsubscribes from them is a “bigot” while their subscriber count tanks

>that ratio

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>those digits

the toxoplasmosis makes them feel brave, but the soi makes them weak, bad combination

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It's the ultimate strawman so they don't actually have to present logically coherent arguments.

To explain: Very few people (outside of Jow Forums) give a fuck about Nazis and assume that they are simply bad guys - all that they stood for and represented. Very few people would be interested in spending time with one and even fewer would defend their ideas. So it's really easy for dumb people to rally against the straw-boogey-man "Nazi" with emotionally charged arguments. What are people going to push back against? "Please me nicer to Nazis?"

No pushback, so it's a great way to advance stupid arguments.

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It's because deep down, those people want to fight for something meaningful, and they themselves wishes to be meaningful.
They want to escape this degenerate society where people are just another cog in the machine.
Since nazis are the " ultimate bad guy" , they simply decided to "fight" against them to give their live meaning, because deep down, they know they don't have any.

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lmao this is some real retarded shit

I agree with Pierre and would add what he said to my comment.

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Because they're overwhelmingly Jewish and the ones that aren't Jewish were taught by Jewish professors and the professors that aren't Jewish were taught by Jewish professors. It's the circle of kvetching.

anyone else secretly enjoys these videos because of how stupid they are and how vicious the comments against the creators are against them

also power, they've been victims all their lives, but now they see a chance to turn the tables and join lots of other victims to finally have a feeling of strength and power for the first time, especially as they can do it hiding behind masks.

World War 2 is their foundational story, somebody post the screencap talking about it.

Their entire worldview comprising what is good and what is evil is centered around Nazis.

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Hence why they hit old men and little gay Asian guys instead of fighting adults (or actual Nazis).


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Because it's always about the idea of national socialism.

These are globalists. They want to destroy national identity and any body that is willing to socialize a national identity will be the enemy of the people.

They want you to stop fighting the image they are trying to sell you.

>EC: Don't normalise Nazis
>EC: Normalise violence against POC

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Some folks dislike it for the topic
Others dislike it because it puts nazis in a bad light
Most dislike it because LARPing as BJ AssBlastkowitz in Cuckenstein is how they fap and they don't want their porn taken away from them

Nice trips


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>In this image, the Allies players are depicted as generic and faceless. An obvious parallel to the alt-right "NPC" meme. For comparison, the girl in the Axis cue is fully detail, suggesting that she's "special," that she "thinks for herself." Why is Extra Credit promoting Nazism?

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>Why are Social Justice Warrior cucks OBSESSED with Nazis?
Because their entire political system boils down to calling the opposition nazis or fascists. Their arguments can't stand on their own unless the other side is "Literally Hitler".
They fear it WW2 becoming "normalized" because once you take nazis at historical face value (as a regime made by human beings that rose in a specific historical context, instead of cartoon villains), they have nothing.

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>read a history book, Nazi! We’re trying to keep history from repeating itself!
This cracks me up because they’ve been trained to think WW2 was completely black and white.
Yes, Germany was the belligerent. They were the “bad guys” who were invading their neighbors and violating their sovereignty. But it’s a hell of a lot more complicated than that. They think every German was just possessed by demons or something and pure evil. Ironically these people are destructive assholes who also believe they’re doing the right thing attacking people who just want to be left alone.
And before you guys tell me “but Hitler was the good guy”, I get it. I sympathize with the Germans, that’s why I can see why they weren’t just 100% pure evil but legitimately fighting for the good of their own people.

God i wish that were me (the white guy)

>why can't we all be the good guys?

God what a faggot. Glad I don't do vidya anymore

Since it's made in 2017, the guy in the wheelchair can only be a pathetic stupid ugly spoiler boomer who lost in the vietnam war and ruined the economy and then started worshipping nazis to stick it up to his own old man, and not a heroic greatest generation war hero.
The antifa is doing the right thing.

Checked and keked

I'm not going to watch the video and give them free views. Can I get a rundown on their argument? Because from that still I can't get what's happening, the bad guy is calling Nazis not Nazis?

Germany also went around killing a shitton of civilians for LEBENSRAUM. That country was possessed by demons at that point.
But man, did we make awesome amounts of money out of it.

Because of them. They are obsessed with them.

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They just wanted their rightful clay back. Also, ethnic Germans were being cleansed from said clay. The only demons in WW2 were the kikes and their allied lapdogs.

Re-skin of "violent games make people violent" argument that your mom used when she saw Mortal Kombat for the first time

Nazis are the mythical boogeyman that leftists cling to as Mexican Drug Cartels, Chicago Gangbangers and Islamic Extremists commit violent crime in broad daylight.

The main reason they hate nazis is because nazis are predominantly white.

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Wasn't this show previously sponsored by World of Tanks?

Hes right. I used to be a red blooded american and then i played one game of counter strike and now i work for al qaeda

Basically, people should willingly choose to be nazis if they wanna play as nazis, instead of the game randomly assigning you to the nazi side randomly.

>Iron cross is symbol of hate

>Why are Social Justice Warrior cucks OBSESSED with Nazis?
Because Fascism and Nazism were the only times the right wing was effective in fighting the left wing. As you may have noticed, all other cuckservative and civnat trash ideologies do nothing but lose to the left. Just look at the years between WW2 and now.

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Checked and pretty much this.
They hate whiteness and white people, therefor any terrible crime committed by a non white is over looked and at times even blamed on whites, but if a white person is even breathing the wrong way they are accused of everything from genocide to deserving to have their countries taken from them.

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>please don’t choke me daddy

Nazis aren't whites. They're aryans. Anglosaxons were whities. Stop globohomo-appropriating the cool looking bad guys to your side.

the final redpill is that history is actually black and white
you are either with the forces of satan (jews, hedonists, capitalists) or the forces of light and good and purity
the great plot of the jews, proscribed in their precious talmud, will unravel soon in the ultimate war between the jews and their cattle against the free gentiles fighting for God

>Because Fascism and Nazism were the only times the right wing was effective in fighting the left wing

but they lost? and half of Europe was plunged into a communist shithole. How were they successful in anything but a short-term right-wing revival?

So an argument nobody cared about after 2005? I thought EC was super pro-game?
That doesn't make sense though, won't that make super unbalanced and less fun games?

yup, and always cowardly tactics, because they're too weak to fight fair

Because they are adherent to the same philosophical principles from which nazism derived. The Nazi is their "other." They are able to justify actions by turning any category of opposition into a single, nebulous enemy. They follow the doctrine without consciously acknowledging it because they refuse to learn what that doctrine was.

They propose that instead of nazis vs. allies, you should be blue vs. red instead. So, democrats vs. republicans. That's far better.

>but they lost
At least they tried

here's a red pill

why are they always so scared of us taking power and killing everybody who isn't normal and white?

because they know they fucking deserve it

Commie niggers, not even once.

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>red pill
You sound like a disgusting commie.

is this a late april fools?

Lost 8k subs in two days because of this according to social blade. Top kek

and you sound retarded

>dont be ww2 factions in the ww2 game
What a bad argument

Holy shit this is an excellent explanation.

Because for the few years they were around they actually managed to push the left back. If it weren't for you and your other cuckservative buddies they'd have managed too, but of course you have all these notions of "freedom" and "democracy" to defend. They saw that your path was one of sure defeat, so they at least tried one that could work. Ironically, those same values of freedom and democracy are the ones the left uses to run circles around you and bring you past the point of no return.

The cuckservative right is tolerant, anyone tolerant loses. Look at the fags, they are 4% of the population yet exert power as if they were 80%, because they are intolerant.

Because it's thier new boogeyman because it doesn't really exist(yet) so they place all their non-existent imaginary problems and make believe first world upper class problems on it by playing slactavist to fill a void l in their boring comfortable lives.

That's what they are taught by Marxist teachers in public schooling. They are literally brainwashed.

Also the ideology doesn't care for Jews, so it is extra bad to them.

Their video is
> 1)Being forced to play as a Nazi or Terrorist normalises them. Instead you should have to willingly choose to pick that side and be told your guy is actually just a Czech conscript or something. Artificially extend wait time to compensate.


> 2) Unless the game is 100% historically accurate, any historical accuracy doesn't matter.

Rebuttal from comments is
>The core fault in this argument is that soldiers didn't choose what side they were on apart from in extremely rare examples. If you were an 18 year old German man in 1942 chances are that you're going to be a soldier, regardless of what you think. It's the same for the Russians, or the British or the Americans. Nobody had a choice, and as any combat veteran would tell you, in combat you don't fight for your country, ideology or God. You fight so that you and your brothers-in-arms don't go home in a box.
They didn't have a choice and neither does the player. They didn't fight for some greater goal, the fought so that when the fighting was done they would still be kicking and so does the player. If anything the player does have more choice, the player chose to buy the game, chose to play multiplayer and chose to stay in the match, even if they don't like the team they've been put on. In many games there's also an option to switch teams.

Now about historical accuracy. The argument for historical accuracy is an argument for immersion. I know that El Alamein is in Egypt. I know the battle was fought with semi automatic rifles, machine guns and SMGs. I know it was fought between German soldiers and British+Australian soldiers. Other than that, I don't know much about it so differences in layout of the battlefield, specific weapons used and tactics used don't break my immersion. Soldiers running around dressed like power rangers and the Germans saying on spawn, "Gee, that Hitler bloke is a dick" is immersion breaking.

Also a smaller gripe but you imply that the Nazis were not obviously wrong by saying the only thing that is stopping people from reading about and deciding the Nazis were right is a is being scared of a .jpg of an iron cross. This is "Marilyn Manson is responsible for Columbine" and "GTA turned my child into a devil worshipping car thief murderer" tier. You can do better.

This is why people call you mountain jews. You're nothing but disgusting kikes disguised as europoors. Also, neck yourself you bluepilled faggot

If they do this all that is going to end up happening is people stop making ww2 games, and this will stop the reinforcement of WW2 as the foundation myth

Previous thread, if anyone cares:

>extra credits

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I like how the video assumes that if you simply read nazi propaganda online, you will become a nazi.

The left used to say that nazis are stupid, have bad ideas, bad arguments, etc. Now they're saying "don't read what they say, or you'll become one".

Really makes you think hum...


stop posting this video eveery hour you fucking nigger. noone will give you sheckels

>When your entire identity revolves around opposing something
>To be seen as agreeable you look for ways to be radically different even at the cost of reputation, practicality, and health

It's easy to manufacture ideas and behavior for people with no/superficial identities, they can oppose any remotely traditional hierarchy and be molded easily because their reactions are overwhelmingly emotional.

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Please don't imply their religious fanaticism is the same as people wishing they'd just shut the fuck up.

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I really like the historical accuracy angle, in a twisted way. It's the same argument they made for Battlefield V, the deliberate obfuscation of accuracy of theme and accuracy of gameplay to turn the argument into "if your game isn't Arma 3 Iron Front mod, you aren't allowed to have Nazis as a playable faction".

that's why they're pushing subjectivity so hard. make everyone slaves to their feelings in the moment. no past no future just the now.

Makoto posters are the strongest race

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>Soldiers running around dressed like power rangers and the Germans saying on spawn, "Gee, that Hitler bloke is a dick" is immersion breaking.

What is this referring to? Battlefield 5? I didn’t watch the video and I didn’t play BF5.

Sounds like it’s referencing this m.youtube.com/watch?v=x3-4ue8Kv-w

They see nazis as PURE EVIL HURR DURR thats why.