DC Parade

Live look at the DC Independence parade. Looks wholesome as fuck to be honest


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Other urls found in this thread:

m.youtube.com/results?search_query=Russian hell march

thanks for the link user

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bump for 'merica

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How can a superpower have such a pathetic parade? Even Ukraine which is damn poor had better parades for the Independence Day and had more to show than USA.


When is tanker time?

yeah, bring the tanks already..


Goose-stepping MIGApedes when?

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This looks boring and cringe as fuck lmao

America is kiked beyond repair and I just don't feel it anymore. I want to see the Capitol building a smoking hulk, congress and the president in a mass grave, Jews behind barbed wire, and Russian tanks rolling down Pennsylvania Ave. Fuck yeah.

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>A very small number of armored vehicles will participate as part of a "static display" at the event on the National Mall, a US defense official said.

There are no tanks the whole parade is shit

link doesnt work

Watch this; Russian Hell March
m.youtube.com/results?search_query=Russian hell march

>There are no tanks

That's the most famous officially recognized cult in China called Fa Lun Da Fa. They organized a protest by burning themselves in front of Tianan square.

Bump. You Americans are alright I guess.

I got to say what they're advertising is something similar to /x/. Like universe, god, politics, conspiracy, and most importantly revolution through mental power. That sounds like what Jow Forums would say.

Norfs cousin Dixie

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It’d be badass if there weren’t niggers in it. Niggers only join just to get gibs and free shit. I used to work retail and these fuckheads would come in demanding shit half off. Not to mention their fucking egos are the worst. Niggers ruined the military because of (((them)))

What is there to celebrate in 2019? Mass brown invasion? Corrupted puppet government of Israel? Looming legislation destroying freedom of speech and gun rights?


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Meh, As an American. I don't care about these holidays. They are just retarded.

Amerimuttland in all of it's diversity....


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I wouldn't worry about it since you're not American

Dios mio, el ogro de los americas...

lol this looks NOTHING like a fascist military parade that everyone was complaining about. It actually looks quite wholesome and friendly

I am. Just don't consider it nowadays, because you know, Jews running things, blacked every where you see. Less freedom to have opinion. Oooh look, shooting Chinese-made fireworks. Yeah, very "American and the concept of freedom there!" Can't celebrate anything anymore. America is fucked. Hope you fucking Iranian cucks would stop holding your sandy-dicks in your hands and just make those nukes already. End it all.

Lmao the Qoomers were going crazy about "military coup" that was going to happen with all the hardware being brought to DC. Instead it was just a pathetic "military" parade

Absolute shit...
America will NEVER be a real nation.
This is how a real patriotic nation does a parade. Urrrrraaa !

My God... it's real!

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El chupacabra...

It's not supposed to start until 6pm, or 3.5 hours from this post time.

Man thanks for that! No wonder GloboHomo hates Russia. Beautiful people unified in nationalism.

Even the logistics troops look hard core af. Nothing like the slobs, sheboons and muh dicking negroes in the US. Wow.

im sad my grandpa looks a lot like that drawing

Im on the ground, pretty wholesome besides niggers charging $2 for water.

Parade, flyover, fireworks thats how the 4th of July should be im sure the parade will grow and i hope it stays.

Dont forget to give us the westher report from Gitmo. Take some lube with you.

cant wait for antifa to try something.
wish I was down there to take a trophy spacer from one of their lobes.
im like 5 hours away tops

first time a see people clapping at a parade, and these fucking constant woos

From what I watched before live it is a fucking abomination, some kind of nigger band playing shit music with sheboons semi twerking followed by fat cat ladies on rollerskates
Were are the troops, the tanks, the mass crowds? Is this the actual parade?

you get happy thoughts every time a mutt is insulted in here?
me too.

Crowd demographics as expected.

I bet the vast majority there are your average republican. They’ll celebrate America with a sea of other white people and never once will they think why there are so few minorities there, if any in a city that is only ~40% white.

As long as they come in legally though, who cares right?

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How MSNBC framed the parade
>as poor migrants suffer in El Auschwitz Detention Center the literal Hitler holda a facist parade
No shit, I can't refind the story on YouTube it was exactly this.

what an awful parade

I guess no coup huh

kys nigger


This is it? Wheres the tanks? wheres Trump?

Danm no armored vehicles, they said in the news the roads in dc cant support em, pretty disappointing

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Pathetic I know. The Battle of Flowers and nighttime Fiesta Flambeau parades in San Antonio are huge with not only more bands and floats but military formations and an entire parade of ROTC drill teams leading it.

No tanks; Trump was assassinated 3 days ago.

That's later tonight at the Salute to America at like 630p EST

Dems on suicide watch.

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This was a major parade nothingburger sheeit wtf

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God I wish the English could display patriotism like this. The only time i've ever been surrounded by proud natives is at the 29 March Brexit rally.

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Oh okay, well ill watch then burger bro

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Be realistic user. Seeing those patriotic kids unironically brought a tear to my eye because I realized they’ll never get a chance to take their kids to something like this. Non-whites have no connection to this country. When they get enough power (which will be soon in this country), they’ll get rid of the constitution, change the name of the country and change the flag to something else. They’ll destroy our statues, blow up Mount Rushmore, change the name so of our cities, and rewrite our history so that any white figure who they can’t call evil will be black (mostly inventors and innovators). They’ll tax us more than other groups and prevent us from getting jobs. And the worst part of it is that as their conditions get worse, they’ll keep finding ways to blame white people - they’ll never once self-reflect and see it may be their fault until our country is printing trillion dollar bills like Zimbabwe.

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Who is this A-hole
upside down stars.
Fire him.

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>As long as they come in legally though, who cares right?

God help us all, I wonder what our ancestors would think of us if they could see us now?

Sorry, vote for Nigel

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You should be helping Hong Kong.

looks like the military hardware will roll out at 6:30 eastern, 3:30 pacific.

forgot to include this link in my post above. THE AMOUNT OF SALT IS A DAILY OVERDOSE

Looks as pathetic as the president.

>jewish faggots not even taking a holiday off to shill

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That was a old Jew lady

>pointing out only whites are patriotic makes me a shill

This is how to do a parade.

why yes
"patriotic" for a white person is different than "patriotic" to a jew or brown person - different values to those people. You know that.
You're just trying to promote civic nationalism like a faggot

I won’t give up faith we’ll pull through in the end user. The ethnostate was the US and could’ve continued to be the US, but I don’t think that’s possible any more. It’ll have to be some kind of break away state. Sadly I do not have much hope for the US, but I keep hope in a future for whites.

user, you misunderstand. I was mocking civnats. I was pointing out how the only people who care about the US are whites, but it’s sad that they probably don’t notice they’re all white.

Lol, what a gay parade, not even one tank insight, mutts btfo

>independence day parade
>you can't even open carry a rifle in the nation's capitol


Its gay and effeminate, much like the modern USA

Open carrying a rifle is unironically retarded.

Bump. Looks like the traditional 4th of July parades happening all across small town America today.

open carrying anything is retarded unless you're a security guard or cop, or if there's an actual war going on.

You are correct user, but try to enjoy the few years that we have left :(


I mean you never know when you'll run into an roving nigger.

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Antifaggots there?

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>no vehicles
what a gay parade

Where's the van of peace? Surprised it hasn't showed up yet to spark war with Iran.

He's got a point

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Lmao! I've been noticing actual amerimutts the past week. Memes do become reality. Remember white Americans, have lots of babies, keep our Anglo blood lines going. Don't let them win.

We have Trooping the Colour, which is at least an actual military parade and not some carnival biullshit.

Is this really the entire parade.
This shit makes North Korea's parades look halfway fucking decent.

This parade was pathetic. Seems more like some small town harvest parade instead of a patriotic parade in the nations capitol celebrating the birth of our nation

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>what if we got trucks
>and they honked

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>when the largest part of the parade is the chink band
At least they played decent music, all the americans were playing pop music

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have some respect that is part of american culture

2 shooters, 2 dead

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