Were the ancient Pharoes White?

Let's lay out the facts:

•First off, Egypt is one of the most ancient countries in the world
•The Nile civilisation wasnt settled by whites/indo europeans
•We re not sure exatly when the first setllements arrived, but it seems to have been a very long time ago, possibly even during the ice age
•The first true dynasty of Egypt dates back to 5000 years ago, but there was already a civilisation there, just divided
•The dynasty who built the pyramids (4th dynasty), at the Giza plateau were native egyptians, so whites didnt build the pyramids
(pyramids were built roughly 500 years after the begining of the 1st dynasty)

•Around 1650 BC, the Middle kingdom of egypt falls, and is taken over by the Hyksos, a semitic people from the east
•This period is known as the Second intermediate period, during which Egypt was ruled by semites
•This also marks the near complete collapse of Egypt, the semitic rule lasted only 100 years yet it was one of the most disastrous period in all of egypt s history

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Other urls found in this thread:


•1550 BC marks the end of the semitic rule over Egypt, and the begining of the "New Kingdom", under the 18th dynasty
•The 18th dynasty will mark the Golden age of egypt, when it reached its peak in terms of power, afluence, wealth, culture
•It is also the dynasty of the great conqueror Tutmoses

•But here is the thing, DNA tests were done on mummies of this dynasty, and ALL of them, including their non ruling relatives, had the R1b haplogroup
•Considering the entire family bore the same haplogroup, it means they had to come from a purely Indo european/white branch, or else some members of the familly would have a different haplogroup
•This is also the dynasty with all of the blond/redhead mummies
•famous 18th dynasty pharoes include: Ahmose, Amenhotep, Thutmose, Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten, and Tutankhamun
•this dynasty also marks the widespread use of horses and charriot, both being Indo european inventions (whites were the first to domesticate horses and invented the wheel, the use of horses and charriots spread with indo europeans) (though it is possible egypt adopted those technologies before, through cultural exchanges with the near by indo european anatolians persians and middle eastern civilisations)


so it is an undenyable and scientific proven fact that the rulers of egypt during its golden age where white europeans, the question then is, where did they come from?
What group of whites, western europeans or some other group of eastern european, closer to egypt, like the anatolians or the middle eastern, like the ancestors of the assyrians, or even the persian aryans?

literally no one knows, so lets breach this mystery

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also I ve heard about very ancient, pre dynastic mummies in egypt who appear to be white too, so what gives?

White women still be opening their legs up for bbc

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That's okay, a half black kid is the best warning sign possible

>ma' grandmother she be part egyptian n shiiiet, u b telling me that, king te tu ta tu, thats my great great great grandfather mann
>meanwhile in reality king tutenkhamen was white

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Berbers and Egyptians are nephews:


Y-DNA proofs it.

Ancient Egypt was South Mediterranean, not European.

the sea peoples were huwhyitte and brought Iron weapons into anatolia/levant/egypt

race mixing by far improves the genetic stock of remaining europeans by removing the ugly/mentally ill/drug addicted/obese

>Ancient Egypt was South Mediterranean
call it what it is, nafri nigger, say north african not "southern mediteranean", if you say that it might imply that nafris are humans

Yes, we were royalty.

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>canada defending race mixing
mate then you end up like america or south america with a whiteness spectrum where everyone is a mutt, social order going from most white to least white, its a fate worse than death

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>Yes, we were royalty.
thus the question of this thread:>the question then is, where did they come from?
>What group of whites, western europeans or some other group of eastern european, closer to egypt, like the anatolians or the middle eastern, like the ancestors of the assyrians, or even the persian aryans?

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North African and South Mediterranean is the same you fucking asshole. Ancient Egyptians are not white, they brown just like most North Africans.

>North African and South Mediterranean is the same you fucking asshole.
yes but calling them "anything mediteranean" makes people think of mediteraneans, who are a subgroup of western indo european whites, who are not to be confused with north africans who unlike mediteraneans are not human

>also imagine being such a dumb subhuman you post in a thread without reading the Op

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North Africans are the only people who massively enslaved whites in recent history. Don't forget that, we used to fuck and rape your women and sell them on a market when we we're done with them.



>colonise and genocide you subhumans
oh what did you say?

Attached: paris algerians.jpg (570x395, 59K)

end game: > 1 million Europeans forced to flee from Algeria

It's good you call it a genocide, next time ISIS sets a bomb in your cities I won't feel bad about it.

>Using modern race demographics to simplify ancient ethnography

There were a lot more isolated groups of people back then. Egyptians were Egyptian. They depicted themselves with straight hair, reddish skin, and semi-Asian facial features. In the modern era much of Africa was genocided by other Africans. We can't say the Egyptians were "black" as we know them today.

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>whites are literally forced to dissolvez their empires after losing ww2
>magrehbi ape: "ahahah whites btfo"
>doesnt realize we could turn their entire country into zaharan tier dust if we retook control of our governement

>didnt read Op
>posts something retarded anyways
nice parade btw amerimutts

The kinky haired wide nosed niggers are different from the smooth haired tan skinned berbers.

Berbers as an ethnic group faded mostly into obscurity but that doesn't make their DNA the same as the afro jungle tribes.

the Egyptians like the great Aztec, India and Inca empires were tanned, sun-colored, divine
the whites were always thieves who only stole the great empires, the whites are demons, they only came to power through deception and murder, they are demons, the blacks were always slaves, almost like animals

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Someone shows the dickwashers meme to this nigger

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>ancient egyptians
they looked like copts
non-christian egyptians were groided by islam

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Hair pigmentation turns red when the body is preserved. Still an interesting theory though.

they aren't indicative of overall genetic ancestry. Just look at Mexico: full of R1b from paternal Spanish ancestry, and if you went off that solely, you'd think Mexico was full of Europeans.

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Someone shows the dickwasher meme to this nigger

< evidence

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simply having blue eyed masks or statues doesnt means whites were there, genetic and other archeological evidence does

those skulls dont look very caucasoid

I ve heard the elongated skulls were dna tested and they came out as the predominant haplogroup of fucking ARMENIA of all places, which makes sense because armmenians are one of the very rare cultures on earth which elongated skulls

the question remains of HOW armenians got from, well, armenia, to fucking peru thousands of years ago

this pic is false

can you please refrain from spamming my thread with schizo shit?

have an assyrian king, we know at least those guys were white

Attached: essarhaddon assyrian king.jpg (315x424, 35K)

>they aren't indicative of overall genetic ancestry
no but when the entire familly has one haplogroup, blond hair, in a country where that haplogroup is less than 1% of the population its pretty fucking safe to assume they were foreigners

not a theory, elongated peruvian skulls were tested and turned out as some neolithic pre indo european farmer haplogegroup, I dont remember which one
again, the question is how the fuck did they get here

Source for this ? I want to research

>posts greeks in egypt in ptolemaic/roman times


IRL Egyptian (dual citizen) here.
Poor Egyptians look exactly like the statues of the ancients in museums.
Wealthy Egyptians are mostly Turkish, Russian, and Arab.
Pic related.

Attached: nile-boatman.jpg (500x375, 70K)

>Source for this ? I want to research
it was discovered that there was basically two insriptions on top of each other, and that the plaster fell off

Not only that, a white god, named Jakob, created the niggers in the image of the apes. He gave them evil, satanic vodoo powers and then they stole Africa away from us and our history. We were the original people in Africa

Source for this? Wanna research

All of ancient history is one big episode of white flight with whites leaving Northern Africa, India, and Middle East back toward Europe.

So just a eye trick then?

You mean Arabs? As long as I know North African were never free from slavery until recent times. You guys got cucked by every race and ethnicity.

yes, I dont remember the name but look it up, basically there was the name of someone, that they scraped off, added plaster and retyped something else, you can clearly see that there are two different insrpitions laid on top each other, there s a hand yet there s a line bellow it, etc

you project your insecurities too heavily, ofc mixed babies turn my stomach but only a small portion of low calibre europeans mix

Is this at the exact time of the equinox/solstice, or what? I've seen this image befoee, but haven't found anything like a skymap where you can set the date.

I've read the closest living populations are the Basques and Sardinians

>semitic language
>depicted themselves darker than Lybians and Syrians
>Fayum portraits depicting very dark mixed greek.egyptians


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Ethiopians speak Semitic a language

No, they still exist and they're called Copts.

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Hyskos were indo european rulers/military who had traveled south from the black sea and conquered semite people in their way south. The chariot came from the black sea indo europeans and the Hyskos brought that with them. The leadership if the Hyskos (Indo europeans) stayed in egypt and intermarried with native egyptians, this is where the New kingdom came from and why Akhenaten and his relatives is related to british people. The Semitic people that the Hyskos had conquered were expelled to the levant but their leadership/royalty stayed in egypt.

It would be so hilarious to see high school teachers use your pic in classroom teaching materials about ancient Egypt. The chimpout at black schools would be epic.

Depends on the Dynasty. Some researcher, Chris De Vartavijan or some shit, found a strong proto-Indo-European substratum in early egyptian. Also one study showed that ancient egyptians were somewhat of a mix of Levantine Semites and Indo-european peoples from anatolia, the caucasus, and Iran.

Ofc its not indicate of ancestry, what it is indicative of is the fact that there would have had to have been white migrants/Invaders that had R1b, most likely hittites, sea peoples, etc... who were Indo-european, akin to the Spaniard invasions of Mexico/south america

Google on Zep Tepi, "the time of gods". Gods were white.