This is your fault Jow Forums

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I'd fuck her.

CPS shoud investigate her parents for making her play that character

Leftists blew a gasket when they found an 8 year old who wasn't some wise left wing mystiic

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Good. Fuck off degenerate scum

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AOC herself needs to speak up against this or watch it get spun into a congresswoman sending veiled death threats to a kid. Who else would want them gone so much? AOC herself.

So bold.

didn't something similar happened with that youtuber kid that was shilled here for a while? I remember reading threads about her being harassed by lots of people.


p sure Jow Forums weren't the ones threatening her
we should start a GoFundMe for the little spic, she's funny and I'd throw a fiver at her

America's not capable of saving.

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Wtf was wrong with Cesar?

Death threats or “death threats”
Like “I’m going to go to her house and kill her” or“damn she should get hit by a bus LOL”

God I fucking hate people who use their kids like this. When I was in elementary school there was this one girl who was the driving force behind EVERY charity drive, safety PSA, etc. Every annoying fucking thing that they'd interrupt your normal school hours with an assembly for and pester your parents through a newsletter was her fault. But not really her, it was just her retarded lefty mother living vicariously through her small child because adults won't tolerate her crap but it's cute and admirable when a kid does it. Fucking scum.

Was just about to post this

It’s called Munchausens by proxy

According to some pirates he was incredibly annoying. (Assuming we are talking about julius Ceaser)

Nothing but considering he was one of the most based white men to ever live they're upset

Good. Annoying little shits like that ruin the internet.

Better. People need to wake up. Free speech is dead.

i'd rather vote for the literal child than the child brained adult

>gets kidnapped by pirates for ransom
>tells them to raise the ransom because it's an insult how low it is
>runs the boat and informs the crew he'll kill them when free and they laugh at him
>released by the pirates after ransom was paid
>raises fleet and find the kidnappers and crucifies them

Based zoomer

>these are white women in america

What a bunch of bullshit.

Knowing how politics goes, it was probably leftist types who made fake "alt right" accounts and did this. Earns them free brownie points and very easy to carry out

We have some retards on our side, but we dont make death threats to kids

Probably the passive aggressive latter one I'm guessing.

My question.
He defended fucking Gauls against Germanic invasion. I don’t know what they teach their kids at home.

Left: We can't let DONALD DRUMPF drown or starve innocent immigrant kids. HE'S LITERALY HITLER!
Also Left: We need to kill this 8-old-year US citizen for making a joke about OUR COMMIE QUEEN.

the parents are retards and need to go back to mexico

Good to see others see that too

While he was a captive he forced the pirates to listen to his poems and plays, and called them illiterate if they did not like them. I loved that story as a kid and never forgot it. Ceaser was awesome.

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Good. She needs to know that making fun of congresswoman and men will not be tolerated and those who continue to do so will be prosecuted.

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When Redpilling children leave it to Liberals.
That kid got a 20 years of experience in a matter of days. Jow Forums wishes it was that good.
Well done.

Looks like an modren architect redesigned her hat.

yes, death threats from (((them))) LARPing as whites, so predictable

He destroyed the republic

film id?

Guarantee this is a talking point of the leftist corporate press next week.

Monty python: the life of brian. I thought everyone had seen that, enjoy.

>sending death threats to a 8 y/o
so much for the tolerant left

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LOL so dramatic so brave

These fucking faggots really think they are all the stars of their very own movie.

Working people don't give a fuck about your fucking kids faggots, we are too worried about keeping ours safe.

what talmudic/satanic meaning does the number 8 represent?

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Or more likely completely made the fuck up. When the left runs out of victim-hood they "victimize" themselves and blame the other side.

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>gets mad over "children dying"
>sends death threats to a child
riddle me this Jow Forums

Yes, those are totally the parents that should be investigated.

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Doesnt matter if they are not on your team, it's that simple.

They dump all their neuroses on their children then blame the monsters they themselves created. All we can take solace in is that kids rebel, and right now it's the parents and teachers who are bleeding hearts

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he is over rated

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Forgot how he was constantly taunting and belittling them.

every time

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Yeah that's prove it's a lie and made up bullshit because he's one of the worst writers ever.

Kill yourself.

The lack of rule 34 on AOC is disgusting

>That screencap
When my little brother went through the holohoax brainwashing class in highschool, one night he dropped "did you ever think Hitler had the right ideas but the wrong execution?" at the dinner table, totally unprompted. I've always kept my political opinions to myself because my parents are bluepilled boomers but I fucking died laughing. Proud of him. People with any IQ at all can easily see through kike shit when provided enough information. The internet is gonna be Jews undoing.

The only good scene from a Jew movie

I agree AOC probably just need a good fucking from the BWC
She's almost 30 and childless
Tick tock the biological clock

>Death threats from "leftists"

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Have a bump for that idea mon ami

>SNL mocks Trump almost fucking daily
OMG just suck it up Drumpftards

>Literally 8 year old mocks AOC

What did liberals mean by this?

Caesar is top 10 greatest people ever born.

Wow those tolerant leftists I've heard so much about.

Yeah, totally.

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How does she manage to seem to age at least a year every time there is a new photo of her?

dudes on mdma it looks like

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that kid gets fucked by his dad at least twice a week.

Giuliani is in Finland right now. I'd bet big money this is Giuliani


Talkin' about virtue signaling and social credits, eh? My God... I can't even...

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have sex incel

>8 year old
>using twitter or kikebook already
what the fuck

Make kids political pawns, except any outcome necessary. Your fault though.

Nice bait faggot
>leftists killing more innocent people than the USSR is your fault
Die commie

Bernie Baby was big in 2016 until it died from SIDS

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ravioli ravioli do not lewd the Spanish loli

He only got bitten once

This is not our fault at all

>Hail Hortler, bitch
that prof pic kek

>This is

the bright side of Zoomers :)

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Shut up Brutus

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>Leftists killing kids.
Whats new?

Boomers/GenX want to be their kid's friends. Millenials, because of this, expect their kids will want to be their friends.

its like you can see the generational cycle of dysfunction fully on display

Christ, she's hideous.

we'll defend that little spic loli with our lives. They killed, our itttle Tay, we won't let them hurt her.

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Blow it up. Don't let leftist queers get away with this. Push it at every angle. This isn't the first fucking time this has happened.

>pic related
humanity truly is doomed

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