>this triggers the americuck
This triggers the americuck
How can something be free? They must be really shitty teachers if they don't even ask for a wage
In India the cost of college is an Arm and a Leg, thank god you Inbred Street-Shitting Mutants have quite a few more than usual nowadays.
18 of the top 20 research universities are located in the US.
You get what you pay for.
No it's free unless you are retarded
The only point you have proven is that Europeans get their college indoctrination for free, while Americans enrich the power behind the indoctrination (Jews) for the (((privilege)))
Your taxes are fucking crazy. 60%-70% wtf.
>you're not all paying for something that only a few of you make use of?
>you expect college students to pay for their own education instead of paying it for them?
>y-y-you're a bunch of c-c-cucks
Free usually means lackluster. It means they have no money to afford the best teachers and best equipment. 7 of the best colleges in the world are in America. You pay for the privlage of getting the best education.
>Tax payer funded
>Tax payer funded
>Tax payer funded
>Tax payer funded
>Tax payer funded
>Actual cost of education listed, burden placed upon the person who wishes to pursue their education
Everyone who utilizes the term 'free' when discussing any services provided by the State should be disenfranchised.
This is a lie. Only public colleges are free and they now have retarded racial quotas ensuring at least 50% of the spots are reserved for black people.
If you are white or asian you will most likely not be able to get in and WILL have to pay for a college education, which is pretty expensive.
In all of those "free" countries colleges are state funded Marxist indoctrination camps where people go in one end and come out the other totally demented and physically repulsive from all the faggot hipster fashion habits they picked up in their critical theory and decolonisation classes. Not that the USA's institutions are necessarily any better, but just throwing that out there.
Those colleges are listed as the best due to the amount of research they produce, not the quality of the research. Those colleges have been coasting on prestige from the 1950's. There are far better institutions out there now for getting an actual education. Harvard and Yale are still the top places for Jews to network with each other though.
No the education system sucks. You can get into quality colleges in EU and pay less than 5000$ for the entire course
In US you have to take up huge loans that you are burdened with for the rest of your life. The govt. will likely bailout student loans as well
What everyone forgets is that these countries dont let ANYONE go to college. In Germany for instance a lot of people dont go to college and are pushed into trades. In the US almost everyone is encouraged to take some dumbfuck worthless degree so paying for them all with taxes would be an outrageous waste of money. If anything we need less people going to college
Then why are we taxed to pay for it? Surely then we can decrease taxes since it is FREE!!
It´s not free here in Germany.
And yet poos still come here to study at our universities
>these countries dont let ANYONE go to college
40% on €50k. In the US you’d barely pay 20%. He’ll even our millionaires don’t pay that much
Ye that is why we have students failing their degrees all the fucking time.
In physics around 30% finish bachelor.
And that is a lot compared to others.
“Free” - fuck you Poo
>Be Pajeet, first of New Delhi 4067th Shitting Street to get to go to College
>Take shit-smeared Gondola up the Ganges river, which is all but shit and corpses now
>”Thank you, come again” says the Gondola man as he takes Pajeet’s shit smeared rupees
>Pajeet waddles through a street covered in shit, both human and livestock shit
>To Pajeet’s surprise this is the central street of this Quadrant, and he can’t help but notice how clean it is compared to his own
>Pajeet pops a squat and lets one out for good times sake, this being a traditional means of acquiring good luck before a big event in India
>He walks into the college, and notices that the Textbooks are made from actual paper, which is a surprise to him since his Quadrant’s textbooks are made up entirely of hardened shit.
>He does however find solace in the many shit smears on his textbooks
>He begins to peruse the courses he can take on his journey to become a fake telemarketer in a cramped shit filled office
>He sees that the Plumbing course is completely empty, and is surprised to have even heard this word, as it was entirely foreign to him
>Pajeet then set forth on his journey, covered in shit, but at least the college was free, even though it wasn’t
In germany it can reach up to 57%, that's significant.
Keep telling yourself this nonsense while solving multiple choice test.
High tier education in Germany is very good. The problem of taxpayer funded education is a bunch of retard "students" wasting time and money.
not 60% but %50.
Yeah. Fuck Germany, I don't understand the mongrels who come to pay half of their earnings to a shit state.
In eastern europe you have a public colleges and private colleges and because public colleges are free private colleges are forced to keep the price low and to offer aditional education to stay competetive. So have 1 free college per state cut funding to other colleges and force the to improve.
As a rich guy I'd like to go to Europe and start companies and provide jobs but some of the taxes are too damn high. Fix it and I'll provide jobs.
The fuck they better not. I paid mine off responsibly. They’re welcoming a lawsuit
Yet, the US employment rate is higher than those countries.