How many years before it collapses? I’m not trying to be mean, but you can feel it, America is dying

How many years before it collapses? I’m not trying to be mean, but you can feel it, America is dying.

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Other urls found in this thread:

0.0000000000000000000000000000000001 chekem

3 generations tops. The rate of decline in median IQ is happening exponentially.

The US is already dead. The Federal Government is illegitimate. Most states are entirely bankrupt, and niggers are breeding like lice on jews.


What are you gringos on?
The US is gonna be a superpower for the rest of mankind.
Also: Trump is gonna win by a landslide in 2020 and I would bet money again in 2024.

Are you kidding? America is doing better than ever! We are happier, have less crime and violence, better jobs, better lives, overall more prosperous.

Bonus: We're not Russians.

Global IQ is declining. NASA doesn't even have the technology to get to the moon anymore because the median IQ level has dropped so far after third reich scientists like von Braun stopped working there. We can't even build planes like we used to. 737MAX is shit, and so is the F35. We can't even build roads that last more than a winter. Our buildings don't last more than a decade. We don't have an intelligent base of engineers to build our nation off of.

We need better leaders who actually care about the country instead of their own ego.

You’re delusional

America as it is today better die sooner than later, for everyone's good. The scary part is what might come next

America will not collapse, however we can expect to see the dawn of a new era in the American saga. Depending on who you talk to we've either already entered a new historical period or we're very close to entering one.

I give it one generation.

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Within 20 years spics will run this country into the ground.

It’s because of cost cutting not engineering competency

2-300 years probably.

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Hot dog!

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Just expect a steady decline on standard of living that no one notices.

It has already happened since we opened the borders, the baby boomers were able to buy nice houses for cheap in the 80's, Millenials are all living in 1 bedroom apartments.

The standard of living will only decrease as we become more diversified.

the day the usa overthorwn the federal reserve will be the day the usa no longer exist...

50% chance of collapse within 243 years.

It's definitely competency. Lower IQ engineers produce lower quality products. Even with less technology, more intelligent engineers could design better structures several centuries ago. The intelligence of a population is its means for survival.

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November 2020 will be a shit show. Beginig if something.

I agree. It is no longer a great nation. Just a huge shit hole.

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Honestly if we make it passed 2020 without a major happening it would be an absolute miracle

It won't be in our lifetime there are too many (((special interests))) holding the system together at the seams. Within a couple of generations.

Are you retarded? Tell the feds to stop cutting corners in infrastructure and to stop giving billions to Israel and illegals. Everything will improve

the special interests are the ones who want it to collapse you moron. We have a few years left at most, maybe a decade if we're lucky.

At this point I don’t see either side accepting the outcome. Dems are still butt hurt about 2016


shit like this will only speed things up

Nothing will improve without the intelligence to do so. It's like you're telling me 60 IQ niggers will become magically intelligent if only they attend Harvard.

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the reason the software was shit was because they outsourced the development to 9 dollar/hour contract work overseas. If you had regular white guys do that shit and paid them a decent wage there wouldn't have been an issue.

Right Wing needs to embrace some anti-capitalist sentiments if they want to fix anything. The fact that the right wing is tied to capitalism is just a jewish trick.

checked and now we're wrecked

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I see you're also 60 IQ. Even with 189 IQ engineers, you can't make good infrastructure with no money

You can make good roads with nothing but dirt and rocks. Roads of the ancient Romans exist today. American roads don't last a winter and need to be rebuilt. Intelligence is everything for a society. America is on decline because the median IQ is declining.

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America has been dead inside since the mid 20th century

chegged. Fuck the USA

The collapse will happen once the system can no longer expand because it relies on growth. Profit margins are increasing, technology is increasing efficiency, worker compensation is decreasing, and low cost labor is flowing in. Our quality of life has already started to suffer and this will continue for a long time until the system can no longer support it.

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You said the same thing in 2016 user. Literally nothing happened.

>paid them a decent wage
Thats not how capitalism works

You guys are bonkers. There is no threat to the continual domination by the US. Maybe one day it collapses, but we wont live to see it.

The threat is the fact that your people keep coming here and are a massive net drain on the system. They take vastly more than they contribute. It's not going to happen overnight, but by the end of the decade, even if america has military might, the country will be hollowed out entirely via demographic decline and ethnic strife.

I'm sure they had cars like we do. It's pretty obvious you're a retard since you think the romans magically had rectangle rocks and that they were already near the places where the roads were built.

They had legions of armies and wagons carrying their baggage, essentially the same high-capacity loads you'd need to support contemporary vehicles. Low intelligence peoples cannot produce value in civilization. They are useless fodder.

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You are beyond retarded user.
Your economy is growing strong and will keep it up for your lifetime. Im sorry you hate mexas but they are not a threat to the US either. I know you guys need a boogeyman, cartels or terrorists or whatever.
OP is a drama queen and/or a faggot, and so are you.

Delays, delays, delays
It's coming

America is not dying you lemming.

It's you that are dying.

Coming from a leaf? Now that’s rich.

The current regime probably soon, european community will start a new government.

99% of all European Americabs have a burning fervent desire for their peoples independence.


Deal with it.

It's not some made up boogeyman. It's a real threat.

Trump, through all his bullshit has done nothing to fix immigration. It's at all time highs. Unskilled labor will either be automated or relegated to illegals/immigrants. Trump has also increased H1B skilled work visas. This means that engineering companies can hire and sponsor pajeets to come here and work tech jobs and pay them less. All of this drives down wages for your average worker, while multinationals rake in the dough of beating down whitey.

America, even if it reigns economically, will still be a disaster. I don't even hate mexicans or hispanics really, but this is a shit deal for working americans. We go into massive debt for healthcare and education, but fucking illegals can trip across the border and get all sorts of free shit. We are supporting a massive underclass of people and it's becoming painfully obvious now. It wouldn't be so bad if this support was done out of charity and concern, but it's not and it's been yolked on us without permission.

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Not long, maybe a decade. Things are going a lot faster than anyone expected.

Not only is IQ rapidly falling as it becomes a non-white nation, and not only are leftists about to begin winning every election unopposed due to non-white voting trends and demographic change, but you can see the social fracturing at every turn as people lose all trust in one another

Whites have been beaten down and blacks/hispanics are a cancer to every neighborhood they overtake

It's hard to imagine anything that could turn it around from here. Of course, this is the fate of all liberalized white nations, eventually.

>n-no u!!!11
I never said Canada wasn't dead, only that America is dead too. grow a thicker skin you copelord

Jews will go to Israel with their middle eastern puppets when their power is ousted in the US.

That cost tons and tons of money you fucking retard

cope posting

I wish this would happen, but this shit is never going to happen.

It's not collapsing fast enough.

When Mexico settles the southwest

If you say so.

How many whites would prefer it if their people had their own nation?
Deep in their heart they want it and desire it.

By the year 2025 the USA is finished.
Pic related.

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imagine being a fag and wanting this.

Valid points.
>America, even if it reigns economically, will still be a disaster
Ah, yeah, this is true. It is due to the amoral ruthless capitalism you guys embraced. Corporations will outsource stuff to Pajeet and give 0.00 fucks about the american worker cuz it means more profit and thats the name of the game. Happens at every scale too. American farmers KNOW hiring illigals is bad for locals and abusive to mexas, but they will work for less and that = more profit.
But I dont see any realistic way in which the US as a whole could collapse anytime soon. Its economy is just too big, even if the quiality of life for the averge american goes down.
And Trump WILL win again in 2020.

Depends on what the result is. Do you really think the state of New York has anything in common with Arkansas? What keeps the country together as a cohesive unit?

>trump wins
I bet he doesn't. How many shekels will you wager?


We will continue creating every innovation in the world but i dont know how we are going to absorb the surge of low IQ shitskins. There sre still millions of acres of uninhabited land in North America so we have at least a centuru to grow.

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Imagine not wanting this

probably 2034 when social security starts to run out. It's hard to know what is going to happen with interest rates on debt right now. So maybe sooner, but 2034 seems a hard line.

Define collapse. It will never collapse like Venezuela, but is likely to slowly decline over the next century or so.

Costs are nothing if you don't have to spend trillions of dollars on low IQ people living on welfare. You add to my argument, not take away from it. Contemporary society is run by imbeciles who further dumb down the population to cement their rule.

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>Hiring Mexicans is abusive
Imagine being from Mexico where making $5/hr doing labor on an American farm is a dream life compared to staying in your own shithole country.


what is this?

If someone had a button to deport all non whites from the us and the us remains forever 100% white

How many whites would push it?
I think most of all the "socialist" and leftist whites would push it and drop that cloak that doesn't reflect their true desires of national independence, not seeing meth heads, criminal, violent people, drug addicts, no anti white propaganda, no rednecks etc..

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Only if the constitution is changed.

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we just need to deport the brown trash and fix healthcare.

user... Im sorry. He will win tho.
a) people legit vote for him and he wins
b) people vote aginst him but the election is rigged
c) Elections are suspended on some bullshit emergency

The whole thing is deeply abusive user. They get paid shit and take it cuz they have no other choice. You seem to believe every mexican dream of picking up tomatos for an american boss, but the only people who leave like that are the ones who have nothing to lose. Anyone with a highschool diploma will find a way to make it here. They get paid far below minimal wage and have to live on that. They are still poor and treated like shit. They choose that cuz plan b is starving.

Two term limit, but honestly id like to see it happen so we can accelerate this already

The harmony of the community is harmed by the other nations

Maybe 3% of the population, 15% if it is done in a 100% non violent way. You under estimate how many whites fall for the, based black/ Hispanic/ asian guy meme.

The left is completely cucked to diversity and the majority of the right is as well.

>Two term limit,
I dont think that is going to stop him user. Plus the vast majority of americans adore him and would be happy to have him stay forever.

I'm not sure, user.

More like 99.99% would agree with non violent establishment of a 100% European America.

And none would deny their true feelings.

a few hundred dead jews is all it takes to plunge the country into civil war
seriously jews will flip out if that happens and start false flagging brown people to get them to fight whitey for them
>was hoping some patriots would take out some jews today on Independence day

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I don't think there exists any European American of value that doesn't desire a 100% European America established lawfully.

I'm pretty certain that you are correct about him getting re-elected in 2020 amigo. Even if none of your speculation becomes real. I mean look at the democratic opposition. I couldn't make up a more sorry cast of characters if given all the time and resources in the world. It's comical.
>but... really it's just sad.

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i dont see it collapsing. I see it as changing drastically though. It will be the forever puppy of Israel where are the degenerate gentiles hang out, get fat, fuck each other all day, have twerking competitions, then go kill people trying to hurt Israel.

shame these vast spaces are being filled with turdskins

Yeah, the democrats are too busy fighting each other to come up with a serious candidate.
Just dont go for Bernie gringobro, we elected populist and its been a fucking mess.

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How many hours?

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This is the truth

We've been through worse.

>Just expect a steady decline on standard of living that no one notices.
All those jobs fucking EVERYWHERE is a sign of decline already...

>>"you can feel it"
Fucking saged

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Just a huge shit hole.

Like your asshole huh faggot?

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I think another 4 years of Trump will make political tension/polarization close to boiling over (ESPECIALLY if he goes balls to the wall during his 2nd term like some people think). If, by some absolute miracle, a Trump-like candidate wins in 2024, then all the moreso. While this tension is high, I think it'll just take one spark to ignite the flame--an economic collapse, a particularly bad war, a political protest turned bad, some kind of enormous political powerplay like a coup, mass jailing of political adversaries, or Trump refusing to give up power, etc. Not saying these things are necessarily likely to happen, but they're examples of things that could happen.

However, if Trump loses 2020, or if something doesn't happen prior to, say, ~2030, I suspect the window for rapid change of the US will begin to close, and we'll see a slow, pathetic fizzle for decades to come until the US eventually collapses under its own weight. I think we'd really better hope something happens in the next decade.

>Trump-like candidate wins in 2024
Barron Trump, first of his name.

I don't know why people like you exist, that seem to think that the economy is some terrifically magical metric by which you can totally determine the health of a nation--as if nation's stability and well-being is defined solely by its GDP. It ignores so many factors--a nation as a whole can have a strong outward facing economy, and still be a social, cultural, political, and economic mess domestically. There have been a number of social and political upheavals throughout history that were not driven solely through pure economic collapse.

Unless you're on some kind of LARP dynasty thing, Barron Trump will not be old enough to run for President in 2024.

True. It went with a whimper, not a bang. Don't expect some grand happening.

That's where /nupol/ is wrong. Just expect more slow decay. The illusion of order is merely window dressing at this point.

This country ended when JFK got killed.

Before 2025 for sure

The fuck is wrong with Croatia you diverse motherfucker.