Radical Climate Action

We need to start taking radical action on climate change. There are basically no downsides to this, allow me to explain why:

If we pressure our governments to go fully carbon-neutral, like they were talking about in Ireland, it's a win-win scenario. The government isn't going to de-militarize, because it would cause them to lose their power. Instead, they will just try to find ways to deindustrialize without de-militarizing. This will basically crash the economy, which means no more migration, and the migrants already here will leave. And it would probably cause a political revolution, like almost happened in France with the Gilets Jaunes.

We can do this, Jow Forums. #CarbonNeutralNow

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Strike for climate action!

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Do it for him, Jow Forums

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Play along with the greens so that when their shit inevitably goes wrong we can red pill them and basically free europe with multiple American styled revolutions? Hell yeah sign me right the fuck up!

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Based, we have to crash the economy now!

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Block the mines!

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Our government has no intent of going neutral, just taxing white people more. Won't save the environment or whites.

Funny how only wealthy white people care about environment while chinks are pumping out fuckton of greenhouse gases and other waste.

The hold their feet to the fire! Protest for climate action!


What I need to do is figure out how to build a self contained life support system and start a colony in Antarctica. In 200 years going to be prime real estate

literally the downside is extinction. Liberals are truly retarded.

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I've actually considered making threads about Antarctica colonization, but it seems like a monumental task

Do you seriously believe that deindustrializing would case all plant life to die? That is retarded

Have you ever wondered why celebrities who cry climate change still fly in their private jets, live in their multiple mansions, and support corporations that cut down the rain forest and pollute the ocean?

Close the factories!

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I believe that when CO2 falls to 150ppm all plant life will die. We have already seen this happen at higher altitudes where ppms are thinner. Mankind will follow shortly after. There may come a day soon when we are desperately trying to get CO2 into the air. How will you do that? What CO2 ppm is your target and why?

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They are hypocrites; we need true radicals who will push for climate action!

My target is deindustrialization and crashing the economy

Enough with your bullshit Climate Death Cult.

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They are liars and climate change is bullshit. If they really cared, if the world is going to end in 12 years as they say, they'd gave up their private jets, their mansions and protest corporations.

Totally fine, but crashing the ecosystem is not going to fulfill your anarchist childish dreams. If you wanted anarchy you could achieve it for yourself today. Just start shooting people and run off into the woods and try living off the land as a fugitive. You are just wannabe edgy.

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The world isn't going to end, we just need to scare the normies into deindustrializing and we should also prevent a refugee crisis from rising sea levels

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Yes, then they add carbon taxes. Thank the green party and useful idiots crowing about how great a solution that is.

Desindustrializing isn't going to crash the ecosystem, that is totally illogical. If anything it would be better for plant life.

And my point isn't to live like a madman, it's to desindustrialize to prevent migration.

Worldwide two child program for IQ >100, one child for IQ < 100.
Wealthy can pay to have more children.
UBI for anyone who will undergo sterilization... in Developing Countries ONLY.

We need to tax the factories out of existence. Worst case scenario, it causes a revolution and the installation of a right wing dictatorship.

why should we care earth is a rock in space ittl survive, we will die but how is that bad

The Earth is doing just fine. It is greening all over. In part due to the CO2 we create.

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I'm trying to focus on things that are achievable within the current overton window.

Only sheeple who live in urban nighmare cities think the environment is in trouble.

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Are our countries doing fine though? They are not, our current governments are destroying our people. This has to stop!

all liberal shitholes

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it is the best quality of life mankind has ever had in the history of mankind. Longest lifespans, plenty of food, water, medicine - for fucks sake everyone has a smart phone.

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Yes, tax them until the economy breaks down

why all this effort to attack the basis of life user? wtf did carbon ever do to you?
personally, i'm all for the return of megaflora and consequent megafauna that increased atmospheric carbon allows. earth's been at poverty levels of biomass and temperature for two millenia
we could have it all again if not for anxiety-ridden mentally ill useful idiots

So you are fine with the mass migration?

It's almost as if people aren't even reading the OP and responding to an argument that isn't even being made

you want to cut carbon for (((ill-defined reasons)))
i think you're retarded and tell you why in no uncertain terms
what don't you understand retard?

I am fine with shooting anyone who even sets one foot over our border without permission. I am fine with banning muzzies and deporting anyone who dared come here illegally.

I want to cut carbon for ill-defined reasons? The reasons are right in the OP. How are they ill defined?

Then you should want to help deindustrialize.


Demand a carbon neutral economy now!

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Chinks aren’t human

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You can tell who is conservative and who is a faux-conservative based on their stance towards climate change. Wanting to preserve natural beauty is a naturally conservative stance. Also there is nothing philosophically that attaches conservatism to freemarket principles, the two have only been intertwined since Thatcher/Reagan xxx

Exactly, Jow Forums is filled with boomer Reagan conservatives who just come here because they want to make edgy jokes, they are worse than useless.