Imagine being against this

>imagine being against this

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Imagine posting pictures of twitter and being a stupid nigger

>moral obligation
I thought liberals claimed you couldn't legislate morality?

I don't want to be in a community or family with fucking niggers.

Fuck I think i'm going to walk outside and sign my house away to the first minority I see now

blah blah moral obligation blah blah blah pay 50% tax rate to feed illegals goyim blah blah blah family blah holocaust blah

>Moral obligation to pay for 23 year old Shaniqua'a's 9 kids from 8 absent fathers

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Sounds so nice but in practice what you see is what you get

empty words
the path to such a world is development and maintenance of mutual respect and the solution is likely going to involve nationalism and not multiculturalism or open borders it any of the other shit the corporate left is promoting these days
imagine how fucked your home life would get if the property line between you and your neighbors was blurred to the point that you come home and your neighbor is on your couch watching your telly
leftist politics is just the national scale version of this, it fosters resentment and division among the populace and provides distraction for bankers, big tech, and other large corporations to get away with all kinda of garbage
example: nike using labourers in countries with shitty labour laws to create their products, import them into USA for maximum profit (and taking economic opportunities away from americans) then turning around and giving washed up quarterback colon kaepernick a sponsorship deal to stir up controversy among the american populace making some of them take nike’s “side” in this and forgetting about the sleazy nature of their business

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>I believe that the goal in life is the collective good above your own good
>If you don't agree with that we will have to force you to agree otherwise the community good doesn't work
>No this isn't the road to serfdom

I hate Sanders tbqh

And he believes this is the goal of life based on what? Sunshine and rainbow farts? Life and the evolutionary processes which govern it are inherently competitive, the goal of life is to ensure your offspring dominates over all other life. It's my biological and moral imperative to destroy Bernie and his tribe to ensure the dominance and prosperity of my own.

A daydreaming pinko is all I see

Also why not quote Adam Smith? Where the individual good eventually leads to the good of the community as well.

this, why even have money, rules, borders, laws, countries, etc.

The fact that he only uses such things as "moral obligation" and "community and compassion" when it suits him is utterly enraging.
He could just say
>I believe my policies will help more than hurt
instead of this "we all live in a society" drivel.

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>I believe that the goal of life is to create communism

Who do you think George would vote for?

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Explain how the individual good of Jewish usurers leads to the good of white communities?


except it's bullshit.

Fuck you. You're not my responsibility.

One enables the other by benefiting both parties.
Also don't even try and argue that basic interest levels are the same as usury lmao.

Ultimate cringe

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Can you just go back to r*ddit so we don't have to deal with your toxic autism? Thanks.

I don't visit Reddit. What makes you think so?

that's just Bernie justifying his hand in your pocket

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Leftism is essentially a theory about why traditionalism works with all the contentious bits sterilized away.

>I'm Boinie Sanduhs and I don't even considuh most of you ta be human

>People that have no social connection and no life want to break it for others
Big surprise. That's why right wing rallies are outnumbered 10/1 - the right wing are all lonely losers

How and why should this "responsibility" be forced by government. In a republic (as our founders created) we are to self govern.

So stop being a faggot.

>thoughts and prayers

Basic interest is usury, any interest is usury. I don't think enabling debt slavery is a benefit. The good of the community leads to the individual good, the community, the tribe is what is needed to propagate, not the individual. Individuals in a community can be not of the tribe and we don't want to further what is in their good. This is how we have to think if we are to defeat our many enemies.

I am against that.

Can I get one of your beach houses Bernie?

>imagine being naive enough to think good intentions automatically result in good outcomes

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Appeals to morality will be ignored. There is no universal standard of morality, nor would I let someone else impose their morality on me.

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>imagine being against this
imagine being so retarded as to fail to understand that there are two ways to a means.

Free GIBS are not the same as a system where we all WORK to be great.

go commune in ethiopia, you commie fuck

My primary concern is jews like Bernie interfering with my family. How will Bernie help with this?

Sounds good.
I don't like him stealing my money to pay for some retarded college dropouts loan though.
This Jewpuke can fuck off.

Right, because the costs of risk is not allowed to be priced into a loan? So no responsibility needs to be with the one applying for a loan to invest or do something useful with it?

>If youre white you dont know what its like to be poor
Says the east coast jew millionaire

>has a goal in life
>has never done a single thing to achieve that

Good job bernie 'i spent all my life on government welfare tit' sanders.

Now let’s all punish white people for being born!

>we will force you to care about others, at gunpoint if necessary

bernie is a great guy

I'm against this. We're free individuals in America. We make our own choices and make our own destiny. Better dead that red.

The goal of life is to procreate and have as many children as possible.

You're making autistic contrarian counter-arguments that are nothing but bullshit meant to incite conflict and derail the topic.

Bernie would be straight up nationalist socialist and loved by Jow Forums if he just added (whites only) at the end of his messages

I think banking functions should be wholly nationalized and loans only selectively given out to vetted citizens who will use it to for the establishing of family or of enterprise. Misuse of national loans would obviously be punished criminally. I don't preference individual profit or risk-taking over maintaining the integrity and ensuring the propagation of the nation.

The left
>morality doesn't exist
Also the left
>our moral obligation

This is a meme. Black birth rates are similar to those of whites.

Are there things that you believe that are contrary to a healthy community?

So he's a literal conservative?

>geschlagen schliegen schlagen Volkswagen alles leben ist kampf

If he truly believes that he'd leave the democrats.

Actions speak louder than words

Anything a kike promises you, is a big damn lie meant to entice you into giving your country away

That's funny. And what moral obligations do the gimmedats fulfill? They certainly aren't concerned for the prosperity of their community. Only what they can take for themselves.

Ah yes of course because that way a society will surely benefit and will surely advance. You're creating an even worse system of government than the Chinese with even more proneness to corruption.

> moral obligation
is bullshit. "obligation", in case your 40 word vocabulary doesn't contain it, OP, means you don't get a choice. in the legal sense, it means people come to your house and throw you in prison if you don't do it. if i have an obligation to be concerned about (read: financially support) my poor neighbors, and they me, why wouldn't i just choose to be one of the poor neighbors who needs supporting instead of working for nothing?
humans own themselves, and by extension the products of their own labor. it's not immoral for me to keep what i own, and it absolutely is immoral for someone else to take what i own.

>>imagine being against this
>imagine not being against this

The only logical outcome of that philosophy, if you aren't a flat-chested weak-wristed limp-brained fuckhead, is to then go and kill every single one of the people who are making such a compassionless Earth possible, by following facts and logic to deduce their identity. But instead jews like want you goys to believe that the answer is to "wuv eachother" and "be nyce to eachuvver" and "use da guvment to make every1 equal at the point of a gun" and "your children get their fate decided by the media instead of you because we are a community now". Id tear his face off with my bare hands and feed his rotting skin to his fucking living children I swear to god

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I'm a staunch individualist who really likes being left alone unless I am paying someone big money to do work for me.

I don't care about anyone's family but my own.

>making banking as a whole illegal unless the government does it, and then making doing it in a way you don't like also illegal
go ahead, try it. banking as a whole definitely won't just move to a vastly cheaper and more effective black market or anything.

Might wanna look up the percentage of single black mothers there champ.

I think that is lost today, i read that people die in the streets in the bigger cities of Sweden because people just walks by and does not want to get involved which was almost unthinkable in the 90s or 80s.

I myself had a test of that, i saw a woman lying down in the parking lot last year trying to get attention, people just walked by even i did, after walking a few hundred meters i couldn't get her out of my head so i walked back and asked her what was wrong? she was holding her arm so looked and it was broken like in a 90 degree angle.

Then i tried talking to her and she spoke in a foreign language i could not understand so i picked her up and carried her to the emergency ward which was like 500 meters away, after getting her into to the waiting room and seeing a nurse looking at her i left (there was camera and speaker outside the emergency ward asking questions before you could get in so i told i think she has broken her arm and was buzzed in).

the goal of life is to survive and reproduce. whites are doing neither. white males are killing themselves en masse and white females are killing their own offspring. were literally dying out

Bernie the atheist Jew is now teaching me about his superior morality, lol... FUCK THIS GUY

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A society can survive internal corruption and economic stagnation, society can thrive very well on a steady diet of both, it cannot survive the external subversions that NeoMarxist globalist capitalism forcefully injects into it.

Imagine believing that communism doesn't mean the enslavement of the entire population under the control of a handful of masters.

>imagine being against this
Image be gullible enough to believe anything this kike says.

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start up the rotors!

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PS the notion of social and even technological progress is moronic rhetoric, evolutionary processes and organisms and societies such processes govern are emergent and adaptive, not progressive, life doesn't advance, societies don't advance and technology doesn't advance, there is only complexification which heaps greater and greater problems and more and more fragility onto the increasingly tenuous system.

Black birth rates are low because half of their population is in jail

Based, I haven't seen this in a long while.

Why? What if my goal of life is to be free, to be independent. Who the fuck are you to be concerned about my family? Fuck off faggot.

>it is my moral obligation to help you
>also, I refuse to help unless the government points a gun at me
>Also, it is important to make the government point guns at you and force you to help me.

I swear being a leftist is more of a fetish than it is a political ideology.

>banking as a whole definitely won't just move to a vastly cheaper and more effective black market or anything.
In closed authoritarian societies, it's not hard to shut black markets down. I really think the majority of people will choose interest-free government loans with nationalist and moralist restrictions placed upon them than dealing with usurious loan sharks; those who don't are likely worthy of excising along with loan sharks and other organized criminal elements.

You price it into the loan with a set fee. Not (((interest))). Like if I borrow $100 from you you want $110 back, instead of 10% of the remaining balance for the life of the loan every month.

We are in this together guys, buy chainlink.

>imagine being for (((this)))

>What if my goal of life is to be free, to be independent.
Free and independent of what? Your obligations to family, community, tribe, nation and race? Then exile is the answer to the problem that is you, to be cast out of the tribe and the nation and into the wider world where you're free to be as atomized an individual as you want to be.

>obligated to care about this nigger jews family
I don't think so commie faggot.

ahh dude, nowadays we need more freedom not more authoritarianism shit. the left and the right is pushing for the same shit. more rules and more work and less freedom.

>closed authoritarian societies
you mean like north korea? have fun with half your income being state revenue. name one (effective) instance of socialised banking which did not take place in a generally socialist society. i mean, unless you're a socialist, and in that case, i can argue economics with you if you want

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I do not have a moral obligation to financially support anyone.

Create (((community))).
Once you understand their language you know exactly what they mean.

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I agree with what he said, I just don't necessarily agree with his tactics to accomplish that goal.


whats mine is mine and what yours is for me to give to someone else

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These communities create new identities which take priority over the identity of humanity and which puts us at odds with humans on the outside.

bernie is correct people are supposed to life together happily, what he apparently fails to understand is how you achieve that, and it is not by giving blacks free money and taking in refugees

Fine, just not with communists or nogs because both of these groups are highly destructive.

I care for the lads from my countries not the ones coming into my country to profit from my generosity while telling me to go fuck myself because according to them I was born with a golden spoon in my mouth

>meaningless saccharine platitudes
>error 404: truth not found

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Nigger stay away from my family, faggot.