Texas Walmart has an 'armed guard' watching over the Blue Bell freezer


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Brb putting in for a transfer for this position

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Don't worry walmarters aren't going to buy it anyway. The blue bunny label is the way to go at wally world.

Ive never heard of this brand before this controversy. Is it any good anons? I usually by the low tier store bramd ice cream. Thinking bout switching to better stuff. Recommendations?

>use the fat guy to guard ice cream
What could go wrong?

Walmart user isn't even real

I'm real.

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LOL you pathetic racists and your Walmart threads face it Walmart isnt even real its just a social construct


Goddamn... I've been lied to for over 15 years....

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How much of your workday is spent on Jow Forums?

Only 2 ice creams I'm aware of that aren't whipped full of air and gums are hagen jew and turkey hill all natural. There are probably others but you're better off not consuming the sugar anyway.

Attached: turkey hill all natural vanilla quart.jpg (444x332, 57K)

that's a big bottle of hand sanitizer

We finna lick them frozen yogurt den

Oh shit its walmart user

its a family favorite in my family, and i think it is a wisconsin brand. it used to cost 3.99... but then it went off the shelves like 3 years ago because some poisoning killed like 17 people. since then the price went up to like $8. i really wanna know where the OP pic takes place, its so cheap. their best flavor is a seasonal one called "ice cream cone". its literally fudge and waffle bits mixed with vanilla cream. god sent. i usually get their french vanilla and cookies and cream. i dont know why anyone bothers with breyers when blue bell exists

Unsure. Posts aren't that difficultly long because of text-to-speech.


Whaddap lil'nigga?

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So... why not seal the packaging?

I wouldn't feel safe buying a package if it had possible access to an unknown amount of niggers.

Based Walmart user

Shitposting in real life. Based.

are you kidding? there must be like 100 of them easily

wow racist
I'm calling your local police station right now.

God bless

You dont?

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They probably should, kind of surprised they don't already. In typical fashion, minorities ruin everything, the honor system doesn't work in countries filled with brown people who have none.


>Niggers play
>They get the spray

Could you pretend to quit to negociate a raise?

niggers keep the economy going. Walmart wouldn't to have an employee dedicated to watching the ice cream if it wasn't for niggers.
keeping niggers from being niggers probably employees more Americans than any other industry.

You don't have to use the n-word black people taught you cave-dwelling mayo monkeys how to bathe


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No papa don't do it!

They use it after they have handled sharted pants.

You could do that at any job, Francois.

>get with
This country has gone right to hell

Is no one really going to call this guy out for horrible trigger discipline?

I make too much at $14/hr. They'd love if I bailed.


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>we now have to have guards protecting food in grocery stores from being licked by niggers
What a wonderful clown world we live in.

>I make too much at $14/hr.

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