Welcome to The AOC Challenge

>Welcome to The AOC Challenge
>Dump a bucket of ice in front of a chain link fence
>Stand on ice with bare feet and talk about how bad ICE is.

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Other urls found in this thread:



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looks like a chainlink fence to me

Attached: AOC at the border.png (1195x624, 1.21M)


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I always hate how far women's elbows bend. Makes me want to punch them in the throat as hard as I can.

Hans, get the burgers.

it's just to throw off the thread, ignore those faggots, could even be a bot that takes a random noun from OP and adds a meme face

yeaa nigga wit xtra fries

Attached: gibsmedat.jpg (955x622, 230K)

Does she have fat within her abdomen? Subcutaneous is one thing. She’s an alkie.

God I hate it when cunts overact so obviously. While wearing a 800 USD watch lmao


>he doesnt know

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That bitch is a genetic mess. Rolling for cripple in 10 years.

She's 8 you fuck

That’s an 8 year old kid, bro

He was referring to AOC

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Juan Bants

I have my own issues. Stop being mean to me.

checked, kek'd, wrecked

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Attached: AOC sad for dead Mollie.jpg (640x720, 143K)

Attached: AOC_Mexican obesity__SAD.png (1208x616, 1.75M)

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Attached: GimmeDatLemonPledgePussy.png (686x536, 816K)

Attached: Terminator7_LemonPledgeCowFarts.jpg (1915x2525, 788K)

> filename


>. While wearing a 800 USD watch lmao


Ok sorry meng.

back to to your containment board stinker

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Attached: 1561375895034.jpg (760x468, 41K)

Aoc challenge:
Stabd in front of any store front, building, anything with a window or fence and cry and demand you let them out. The more absurd the better

the little shit is funny, you have that

>AOC Challenge

are you sure ?

Attached: aoc.png (741x608, 111K)


I don't know why but I couldn't stop laughing at that .

Fuck you nigger

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Attached: abbey_border_crossing.jpg (894x894, 220K)

I love how she wears all white trying to trick your psyche into thinking she is good.

I'm all-in.

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Imagine if the real AoC was this small and cute. I might actually support her if she was.


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reminds me of a classic

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she's WAY too old for him

Can someone bring me up to speed on this meme?

that little girl, 'mini AOC', had to close all of her account because she was getting death threats for making fun of AOC


All the Latinos on 4channel with daughters should get them to do the fence crying thing in similar clothes

Imagine having literally no empathy

chainlink will never pump

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Looks like an outline of ''the nose" if you squint a little

Yeah, mobile Jow Forums user here. I thought it was a large nose too, like those memes here about Jewish people.

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an effort was made

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What do you call a bunch of Chinese people holding hands?

Kek, at least I'm not the only one

Attached: age of conan.jpg (500x511, 67K)

I dont get it.
I've been posting this candace owens parody picture many times and always it gets ignored, like it's not good because person doing it is black?

What the hell?

Attached: CandaceOwens.jpg (1143x779, 345K)

she does look like a disgusting brazilian porn star

I like it

Nice. She did the ops almost right after the AOC went public.

Love her attitude, even she is doing it for black people, but sure as hell shes trying to make everyone conservative.

Just imagine a group of black people politely greeting you with "Hello" and "how are you today, sir?" instead of Bix Nood and Gib me dats.

Attached: aoc frogs.jpg (750x740, 124K)

>Just imagine a group of black people politely greeting you with "Hello" and "how are you today, sir?" instead of Bix Nood and Gib me dats.
I find it easier to imagine Q is real before I can imagine that user. Somethings are beyond the realms of possibility.

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Leaving this here because it took ten minutes to make.

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Were all gonna make it fellas

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That got me too.

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>Stand on ice with bare feet

I want her bare feet in my face so I can sniff between those sweet brown toes.

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Scored this in earlier thread,
Plus I unfortunately think Huma is pretty, same way as NZ pm, just wanna fuck their pouts away

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>being this ignorant of surgay

bump I want more Huma

The fence is freedom

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