Wow... just wow... this puts thing really into perspective

wow... just wow... this puts thing really into perspective

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The little mermaid is Danish you are just a racist who only sees diversity on the skin.


pol would ride her dick if she came out as a republican

Isn't her dad basically Poseidon? Would make her greek

Thanks lady. You really helped us out.

People actually think other people believe Jesus is white.

Except there was a critically acclaimed film where that goddamn mermaid was a redhead white chick. Also, we don't even know if Jesus fucking existed for sure.

Wouldn't Jesus technically be white under American race laws? North Africans and Indoeuropeans are "white."


Remember, it's whitewashing when you portray a minority as a white person.

It is progress and something to celebrate when you portray a white person as a minority.

Technically her grandfather was Poseidon, if her father is the very same Triton from Greek mythology.

But being from Greek mythology doesn't stop her from being white and European. those brown skin ones invaded from turkey after the fall of the empire

Blacks can't swim, so how can they be mermaids?

I can't actually think of an example of where a historically black person was portrayed as white.



How are they going to prove that the guy wants to fuck her? Now I'm just being facetious but whatever.

Don't talk to me or to my God's black Son ever again!

No one cares, fuck off CIA NiGGro,


Attached: Christ_Aryan.jpg (1130x665, 267K)

It's foolish to assume the ethnic makeup of north africa and the middle east is identical today to how it was 2000 years ago.

On another note, was Hans Christian Anderson a racist?
How pissed would he be if he knew?

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More about them bitching about whites portraying Egyptians or Pharaohs instead of KANGZ actors.

>North Africans and Indoeuropeans are "white."
Semitic is neither of those.

You know nothing of /pol

Who are they even talking to with comments like that? I always see people drop Bible verses and talk about Christ's race as "gotchas!" to right-wingers, but I don't know many young nationalist-minded rightists who are particularly religious anymore.

Gay shit /thread

wow... just wow... this really puts things into perspective

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Everyone is fine with black washing but white washing is somehow an issue.

No shes not. Shes a character from a Disney film that has fuck all to do with the Anderson fairy tale.

>imagine thinking Jesus was white

yep and in a hundred years they'll be saying "imagine thinking Presidente George Washington was white when we all know Americans look like this"

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Imagine thinking niggers can be human

Wouldn't merpeople be exposed to very little UV radiation, and thus have a selection pressure to be very pale?

You don't really think Jesus was white, do you??

>Lives in a literal desert
Is Jow Forums retarded?

Jesus was aryan and so was Buddha.

He is partly right. If we are to believe Jesus was Jewish he can't be white.