Jow Forums BTFO LMAO!!!
Jow Forums BTFO LMAO!!!
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Posted on a device invented by a white, on an OS invented by a white, on a world wide web invented by whites, using a language invented by whites, on a website created by whites.
Who the fuck still calls them “colored people” in mainstream society?
They do, they just use "people of color," lmao.
>Oh snap, third degree sun burn!
I'll call you whatever I want. You can call me whatever you want. I dgaf. My identity is not defined by complete strangers I care nothing about.
literally themselves
Why do the goalposts keep getting moved?
>people of color
Will anything ever make these niggers happy?
So, colored isnt pc anymore. What is the new acceptable term? Need update
Blanks lol i kinda like it unironically. However, they're too dumb to realize that they're submerged in white culture 24/7. It's literally everywhere around them.
Whites don’t give a fuck about what niggers call us. You want to call us “blanks”? Go ahead, we don’t care. We don’t even want colored folks around us
Thank God I call them, “niggers” and not “coloreds”
I don’t use the term color or “people” of color because even though brown is a color it isn’t exactly colorful. Whites comes in a lot of colors. Blonde, red head, green eyes, blue eyes, hazel eyes, etc. So-called “people” of color only come in shades of brown with black hair. All the colors of the brown rainbow
Our police records are also blank.
No, because they've internalized the idea that they're an inferior race. It eats them like a cancer, even when no one is actually hating them and calling them inferior.
No, because it’s not about being happy. First we called them niggers, and they hated it so they demanded to be called negroes. So we did and they hated it, and asked to be called black instead. So we did and they hated it, and asked to be called African Americans instead. So we did and they hated it, and asked to be called persons of color instead.
Mark my words, the terms “people of color” and “poc” will be considered racial slurs in 10 years time. They just don’t like it when we tell the truth about them. Hell, even the term “youths” will be deemed racially insensitive in a few years time
Why the fuck do these people hate us so much?
"Blank" sounds cool and based.
Unironically am okay with this.
I accept whatever racial slurs they want to call me, if they let me call them whatever I want.
Seems like a fine deal.
>blank seasoning
tell that to the White men who conquered the world (including niggers) in search of new spices
>blank culture
tell that to Mozart, the Sistine Chapel, literally every bit of media you consume, the majority of food you eat, etc. White Culture is endless
>Blank Faces
You mean we look human, and not like a bunch of apes? Right, I'd rather have a "blank" face, than the face of an ape.
If they would just go all the way and own "nigger", the word would lose all power. As a good-faith concession I would also allow "honky" for white folks.
Colored Person BTFO
> tfw colored keep stealing blank culture
White is actually the most colorful color
It's why I don't understand the term PoC, as it makes little sense.
>blank culture
Do they not realize White culture conquered most of the world?
Happened today
jealousy. trust me. you have to understand how black girls grow up, seeing white girls everyone, their own men bad mouthing them in music, not relating to anyone in history or in media. they have major issues as a results so backlash the most, asian-american girls are somewhat the same.
but but mudcoloreds can have all of those other superior colors too .....if they racemix
You can whites whatever, nigger still pisses you off and you still haven’t learned (((who))) manipulates you.
yea and our enemies have blank life bars if they fuck with us.
But grease isn’t a spice?
Same reason commies hate successful people.
Blank means clean.
Niggers are filthy.
It's better to be blank than black.
>implying I use the word coloured
they are just niggers, sand nigger, nigger niggers and niggest
Tell that to your faggot "allies" they are the one who push the whole "people of color" bullshit.
Hah it’s probably changed these days since they’re in malls and all the rest but I remember when KFC’s here didn’t even open until 11am
came here to post this fpbp
You don't get it. Calling them anything by definition acknowledges that they are different from Whites. There are so many different racial types and subgroups but only 8% of the world is considered non-POC. The problem is that we still exist at all. They can't stand to be reminded of our existence. This is why any label you call them will always make them angry.
I think she(male) meant NIGGERS
cuz they anus
blanks is what you say when you censor a word
i fucking hate blank-ers
Hopefully by that time the term will be "extinct".
>invented by whites
None of what you mentioned was invented by blanks you blank piece of shit
I call them niggers though
>blank culture
Medieval ages, Renaissance, modern civilization, most inventions, rise and expansion of Christianity and Catholicism, Crusades, various kings and great heroes, Hitler.
>please let me live in your country white man i'm starving to death!
The secret is white pepper. They put a normal amount of black pepper but they use white pepper to bump it up. It’s a cheesy old school chefs trick.
Lol blank is literally the Dutch word for ‘white’ as in white people
>blank culture
Rome alone had more culture two thousand years ago than shitskins have today. That’s not even mentioning the countless other white civilisations that have rich histories and traditions. Black “culture” is little more than Jewish propagated degeneracy and all whites who indulge themselves in it deserve death.
>blank faces
fuck white people and their uh... lack of acne.
kinda like the space for "name of father" on your birth certificate?
White in French is Blanc so it wouldn't be anything new
All that seasoning!
If it's so bad why are they coming? This shuts the whole argument down. When is the last time a white american family "escaped" to venezuela?
Sorry, I don't speak cope.
Blacks use an excess of seasoning to cover the taste of rotting meat
Is that why niggers always want to come to white areas?
yeah what do the italian, spanish and french know about culture. What do those greek idiots know about philosophy?
how about we don't refer to you niggers at all. The sooner your dead the better.
1 post easy bait
All of you people who wish to be addressed correctly are falling into a trap. The rich used to do that to the poor. It didn’t turn out well at all for them. See here in America we’re willing to be poor and work for peanuts but as soon as you start spitting on us it’s over.
She's not even a mermaid!
White pepper=superior pepper.
More savory...savorier.
But I thought that niggers weren’t able to swim.
The only reason nigger or colored offends them so much is because either consciously or subconsciously they realize they are inferior. If a nigger called me cracker, honkey, blank I would have absolutely no reaction because I don't even consider them the same level of human as me.
Blacks don’t season food. It’s all prepackaged shit. Also they just fucking claim all of southern cooking. Black food is a meme.
no (you) nigger
You need lots of white pepper with a little black sprinkled in to remind you we’re it came from. If people weren’t human you wouldn’t need the black pepper at all.
Kek, brown is literally a completely neutral color. I'm perfectly fine being called a blank because I'm not ruined by shitskin blood
Cope harder
Yes our culture vanished (((Why?))) I love it when the left says this.
Real question: I have white skin. But with almost zero European heritage other than what some might call “mestizo” on my mother’s side. My father is from the Middle East. I have black hair. I NEVER self identify as white, but when other people describe me they use the word “white guy with dark hair” and when I tell people that I am in fact mixed race they find it hard to believe.
The question is: is this still white? If I am perceived as a white individual, against my own self perception, would that still count as being a white person? Or, as I’m sure most here would say, is whiteness purely a generic heredity thing. If that is the case, what am I? I speak English, am completely Americanized, in fact I am an undergraduate in American history.
So what is it? The skin tone or the actual pedigree?
Yeah if you pay attention to what they buy in the stores its the most processed shit available. Hungry man tv dinners, salt n vinegar chips, microwave sausage biscuits....
Don't forget all that great culture too! Wakanda fo' eva!
>blank culture
[Laughs in Phalanx]
If black people call me blank, I am going to call them black because that is what they are black.
>you got nothing but excluding us from what you have is racist
Then we call em nuffins, cause we can't call em nuffin with them complaining about it.
oh no, i'm so hurt. no...wait...whatever, i dont give a fuck.
"Ok, you do that. I'm going to continue to ignore niggers again since they are all annoying and offer no net benefits to society."
>wypipo ain't got no culture
>eats McDonald's
based and underrated
It’s funny how much these insecure poopy skins obsess over us. It’s like the school boy who bullies the girl he crushes on. Yawn. Just ignore them.
Stfu not even ten years, soon it'll be Overlords of Color.
>We don't want to be called colored
>Call us People of Colour
This is why the White man rules & needs every other race to simultaneously take him down.
Her eyes aren’t even in the same fuckin’ zip code!
They would say that you are benefiting from colorism.