Have you noticed that non-whites are more patriotic than whites these days...

Have you noticed that non-whites are more patriotic than whites these days? It's almost like this isn't a white country anymore.

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It's called camouflage, user. We got the idea from the animals.


they are just trying to attract white fratboy chads
brown women, latinas especially, crave the BWC
they will do anything to snag a white man

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>More patriotic than whites?
No, whites are just less patriotic, it makes non-whites look realtively better as a result.

>More patriotic than whites
>No, whites are just less patriotic
you aren't good at math, are you?

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>Have you noticed that non-whites are more patriotic than whites these days?
where do you live?

Of you wouldn’t celebrate the 4th with that fine piece of ass then you might as well just end it all bro.

Whites are getting less patriotic than they used to. Apologies for not elaborating. Non-whites only look more patriotic as a side effect, most already hate everything associated with being patriotic.

I would hit both of them, they are fucking hot, I am white and I love the America NON-White hot chicks hit me up I will show you my warm front.

she looks white to me.
she is basically white in america, for sure. if you disagree you need to go outside for once.

whoa is loli considered CP?
is deepfake considered CP?
Are realistic but fake artistic creations of underage girls CP?
I have so many questions about child pornography.


The amount of white men in America racemixing with chinks and latinas is pretty disturbing.

even better if anyone knows her number or she wants to hook up let me know

Only because theres so many more non-whites in the country and they can see that the US is becoming less of a White country and more of a non-white country. Otherwise they couldnt give a rats arse.

>crave the BWC

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Patriotism isn’t a white/nonwhite thing, it’s a left/right thing. People on the right tend to love America (regardless of race) while leftist commie scum (much of which is white) tends to hate America. Nationalism is a right wing belief, and without belief in nationalism you can’t have patriotism

Would mud my blood with

white women sucking on nigger dick black women and latinas are holding the flag high

They know that if they wave a flag you are not going to call ICE xD

America is just one big consumerist shopping mall infested with mongrels. I wish I could be proud of my country but its a fucking joke at this point.

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dont hate the country
hate the infested government for doing this to us after the world wars and probably even before
the Constitution can be upheld under another government if need be

this is true juan

>Have you noticed that non-whites are more patriotic than whites these days?
Only in big liberally cucked cities. Everywhere else, I only see mostly whites parading, having events and doing lighting fireworks.

It's cheap entry into identifying as something better. They're not white, but, just by waving a flag they can be 'American'.

not really, no, but thanks Wong for the demoralization thread.

No, the country's a joke. So are you for cope posting.

Feel free to exit the white race at any time.

... dude.
I don't know what to tell you. Where do you live, LA? New Mexico? The Congo?

If shitskins were patriotic they wouldn't be here.

>she looks white to me.
Probably because you're not White.

Why do women hold their phones like that

The one kid who has his hand on his heart is a brown one. Heh

i would camouflage all over her face

If you only knew basic history.

brainlet logic, consider suicide

You've posted this image in 3 different threads today
please stop

If these shitskins were patriotic they wouldn't have left their countries in the first place.

They want to be part of the party too.

Non-whites also feel safer being patriotic because niggers can't claim they're racist. It's more dangerous for whites to be even a little proud of having IQ > 60

How can you be patriotic to a country that isn't yours? America is obviously a White country with no place for Non-White except as a Negro underclass shoved to the side and forgotten about.

Nice cope.

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>ywn marry a cute Latina, have 3+ kids with them, and take them to see fireworks on July 4th

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Why the fuck would I marry a shitskin wetback? The only Whites that do that are losers that can't attract White women. Every single time. Your wetback turd race are a subhuman subset. You don't matter. White people keep it White, because White is what we're around. Who the fuck associates with wetbacks except for losers working in mcdonalds and walmart and wigger trash?

Angry little white boy probably thinks blacks only get ugly white chicks. Your women love it

Life is life shitskin. All you have to do is walk the street to see it.


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Why the fuck would I marry a White woman? First off, they don't get married until they're age 32 and up. They can't cook or clean. They don't want to have kids unless you push them real hard, and then they only want one. They only want to focus on their careers and use as a man to advance themselves.

Also LMAO at the McDonalds/Walmart and wigger trash. Go outside and actually live a life.

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America dropped citizenship on the laps of Mexicans after they conquered the Southwest. You didn’t start to hate or care about them until all the illegal swarms came in and the central americans started pouring in. It’s just out of control now and people who literally have no right to be here are invading.

Why are out outside of the oven nigger?

>It's called camouflage

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Seething wetback.


>patriotic american
>degenerate shitskin
pick one

the little girl dabbing. this country is fucking done boys.

No we didn't. KYS with your wetback cope.

Indeed you are.

I would literally rape her.

Cope with your wine aunt, you wignat.

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Mexicans LOVE fireworks. They celebrate the 4th harder than Cinco de Mayo

Girl in ops photo has had at least one child, possibly two. The bellybutton says it all

>patriotism is wearing red/white/blue
Yikes, america is really fucking lost

Have you ever considered that many of these chicks were BORN in the USA, thus they never left “their countries” in the first place.

*thinking face*

I’m too tired to celebrate the 4th, I’ve been camping out in the cold mountains for 7 months and I’m sick and still in the middle of physical therapy and also working 12 hour days and have to spend time with friends, family, and the gf on my days off. I had one beer and now I’m too sleepy to even set up my tent

If I was getting paid to live here instead of paying for them to live here, I'd be buying clothes for the party too.

sadly true
two white guys were on my school and they fucked all the cute girls in my school there were rumours that they fucked some teachers also

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You're arguing with a dumb ass who can't critically think or apply logic. He'll just name call you and think he won.

The real americans don't have to prove themselves

Why are you still here wetback? Like anything you say matters? You're a spic. A seething one at that.

Damn dude relax. Take some time off work

Ha, as long as you are willing to fuck our unfuckables, enjoy.

damn right, our next generation of Brown and Black Americans are Patriotic, and will pick up the slack where the white millennial slackers have let it go

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They either want a Tyler or a Tyrone these days

Being born in the USA doesn't mean anything. What is their race spic?

There it is! There. It. Is.

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There is nothing more disturbing than the eyes of a Mexican. Looks like snake eyes

Because you're not a wetback?

>what is Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Why didn’t the Americans just kick them all out? They were allowing them to cement roots in this country. There are Hispanic roots in those lands since America acquired them. Blame manifest destiny.

latinas do this with their children, white women drown them in bathtubs

lesson in there

This dude gets it. Fuck y'alls ethno state. Fucking fuck the brown out if Latino chicks while they are half white like these. You dumb fucks they are still caucazoids. They will turn white just by being in higher latitudes.

just got back from a 4th of July BBQ my mexican friend hosted with his family, all immigrant trump supporters

Well she is white so...

More mayo cope. I'm sure you racists are all alpha Chad's and black guys only get the girls you reject. Have sex incel cope harder

This picture is all over Jow Forums. That woman is so hot.

You can tell which is which by how tight they pull their hair into a ponytail.

I'm not Hispanic I'm white, you keep calling me a wetback as if that's changing the argument about how absolute trash white women are. And even if I was Hispanic, how does that change the argument? You have nothing.
She's not.
inb4 someone claims shes white

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I wish your digits didn't make it so hard to argue against this point.

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I see the features man, thats European for sure

Why would whites be proud to live in a country full of shitskins?

I can’t. Colorado is too expensive to survive. No one wants to live up here because the pay doesn’t cut rent

>go to get fireworks
>everyone is white
>go outside
>90% of people celebrating are white
Leave the internet you neet

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where did you get this idea?
this 4th of july think is just part of american tradition, like celebrating christmas or halloween.

Most Hispanics have a certain percentage of European admixture. But for a purity spiraling wignat who's never gone on a date or even left his house, its bad.

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Me and my family hardly even celebrated it today too, and my fucking sister had the gall to ditch to hang with her friend and her father

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maybe in america
niggers are eww in latin american countries

In my America, there are no colors, there are no borders.

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You are adorable, you just have lower standards. The worst of ours look better than most of yours, but they are still the worst of ours.

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>They can't cook or clean.
good luck finding any raised-in-america woman of any race that can
with cleaning, the amounts of complaining that ensues is not worth it
with cooking, even if they try, they half-ass it or fuck it up to the point that you are better off doing it yourself

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