Canada is utterly fucked

Pride parade for kindergarten:

Disgusting drag queen sodomites as the model citizen for the kids:

Meanwhile the Toronto Catholic District School Board:

Not a SINGLE mention of pride or LGBT anywhere! That is the difference Catholicism makes - it protects from total degeneracy and Jewish subversion.

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Other urls found in this thread:

And of course, the public school teachers all look like feminists/SJWs/lesbians.

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Not a single pride related post on the Catholic school board, dozens of pride posts on on the public school one.

Hey kids! Here's your model citizens!

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Already have the little girls in kindergarten walking like a street hooker...

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I swear to God that I am going to move somewhere that they don't promote this shit.

President Putin, can I have a visa?

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Question, what were to happen if the kid said no, I refuse to participate?

this is a hellish landscape, you cannot have children without them being indoctrinated with the gay agenda

nothing they cant force you to do anything, refuse on religious grounds

fuck they're both so hot

Send your kids to Catholic school.

Not even ONE mention of pride anywhere on the Toronto Catholic School Board twitter.


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>I'm going to run away
And this is why things got this bad in the first place

Do you know what caper those faggots pulled off?
They claimed all this degeneracy is a condition of birth to force it upon society,
and before that claim could be disproved,
they began indoctrination at such a young age as to make conditioning and environmental factors practically indistinguishable from birth.
They will probably make it illegal to perform any such studies disproving said claim, if it isn't already.

I hate this fucking country so much, I turn the radio to CBC and 99% of the content is “proud Cree indigenous LGBT immigrants drumpf”. I guess they think that if they bombard people with this lgbt shit enough they’ll become desensitized to it and not react

You had to expect this. If faggotry is good and there is nothing wrong with gay marriage.... logically, there is no reason why kids shouldn’t be exposed to it.

Same with trannys doing story time with the kids.... if they are sane, and wholesome, there is no reason not to do this.

People don’t think of the repercussions of thier actions... and even when they feel uncomfortable, they can’t speak up anymore. They’ve forfeited thier right to complain about it...


Speak for yourself if all your queers/liberals didn't flee here decades ago we would be an actual nation still

I was baptized, raised Catholic, went to Catholic elementary and high school.

Had no idea public schools are now this bad, even though I've seen the overall pozzing of our country.

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Jews did this