Redpill me on Jury Duty Jow Forums, I'm 23 and it'll be my first time so I'm excited for a day off of work and free food, (though it's a Friday on the week of my birthday) what should I know before going in, in a couple months?
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>A day off of work
bitch, please.
you'll be lucky if they complete jury selection in one day.
If it's a simple case, they'll drag it out for about a week.
If it's embezzlement or murder, plan on being there for a few months.
Shit. But my jury duty is in another county 2 hours away?
There's two types of people: those that want to get off of jury duty, and those that want to get on; if you want to get on, be a typical faggy centrist, if you want to get off tell the judge point blank:
>I've already made up my mind your honor
they will not let a biased person start the trial, period
Get out of it by telling them you hate all races equally
Scratch that. If you want out of it tell them you are a big believer in jury nullification
Well I actually do want to do it, but my concern is how long it will be. I live in a county 2 hours away...
call at 11:50 each night and you probably wont have to go
During voir dire say " I'm pretty good at spotting guilty people just like that!"'ll probably still get lunch and then you wont be called back. Win, win you know...
Ask the judge why someone would be arrested if they werent guilty.
Yes, say something contentious. Such as a personal bias one or the other about the case.
They will ask you if you can be "fair" - always say yes. Then convict the nigger.
Do some research on the topic of "jury nullification." It's a simple concept, constitutionally sound, and both lawyers and judges hate it. When you're asked if "there's anything else you would like to tell the Court" at the end of the jury selection process just say you believe jury nullification is a valid option. They all will want to kick you out, including the defense attorney, because you're saying that you hold all the power and they are subject to the will of the public. Good luck.
Give a not guilty verdict unless the individual in question is legitimately evil. That's about it.
>I live in a county 2 hours away...
you don't wanna do it, if you honestly do just be milquetoast as fuck, middle of the road, open minded, willing to look at the evidence; you'll still get dismissed because one of the two lawyers will be able to tell that you actually do want to be on the jury and they'll dismiss you, that's not who they want, they want a captive audience
>give a guilty verdict if the person is black
I was dismissed when I was selected. I was 18 too.
this tbqh
>what should I know before going in
read about all the ways the system is able to trick jury to convict an innocent man:
You cant get called to do jury duty in another county than your current residence. At least in PA.
Bring your computer, charger, and some headphones. When I went there was a separate room or two with tables and outlets. I archive a lot of videos so I had plenty of redpilled documentaries and other things to watch, but if you don't then download some documentaries or whatever you like to keep you entertained for a day. It's a lot of sitting. Also don't be late coming in from lunch if you choose to leave the courthouse for lunch.
>Fucking retard
you may be the juror who decides to put a nigger behind bars.
first time i had jury duty. nig nog attacked cop. when they asked me whatever i sad i hated cops. so began the stare off contest with bailiff.
forgot to mention don't show up on time. second time i saw this gambit played out so i went same route after my first day.
Always vote "not guilty" no matter what.
This is your opportunity to punish shitskins for existing and let white men walk for crimes against shitskins and jews.
I was called for jury duty twice.
The first was an insurance case involving a car, but that was dismissed 5 minutes in when it was discovered that the person suing the insurance company didn't technically own the car.
The second time I was called as a potential juror for a case with the US district court. After I answered the question "do you know any police officers", and after I did something that showed my ability to mold a potential jury, I was sent home.
>Irresponsible person didn't update his voting information or DL.
You can tell them you live in another county.
Good luck.
Do it and don't be a faggot. Everyone is innocent unless the government can prove to you beyond the shadow of a doubt that they're guilty. Don't let the other jurors make you change your mind, even if you're the only hold out
If the >niggers are innocent
fuck off kike
>You cant get called to do jury duty in another county than your current residence. At least in PA.
Same in AZ
Just mention jury nullification and you'll never be called on to go ever again
If the defendant is white and male, and not wiggerish, he's innocent.
If the defendant is white and female, and the plaintiff is nonwhite, she's innocent.
If the defendant is a white male and the plaintiff is a white female, the dude is probably innocent. See rule 1
If the defendant is a nigger, they're guilty. Doesn't matter what they did, being a nigger is a crime
Oy vey those digits
They’ll tell you. It’s long, boring, a cock-tease. You’ll probably not be called. None of might be needed. That said, you might get on. Why not enjoy it if so?
Nah, my embezzlement was 1 month. jury selection, one or two days.
Mold a jury, what?
>They will ask you if you can be "fair" - always say yes. Then convict the nigger.
Which would be fair anyway.
When you're called for jury duty (at least where I was), everyone was in a big room. Then 30 or so are picked for the potential pool for a specific trial. At that point they ask questions of everyone, and then the attorney's conference with the judge to decide who to kick and the jury is thus picked.
In the first round of questions, I was seated there in the box with everyone else. As the judge asked questions, people just sat there and answered. When the judge called my number, I stood up (because it's protocol to stand when a judge talks to you).
After that, every potential juror stood when spoken to by the judge. After that, the defense attorney honed in on me, asking "if the judge says he is guilty but you don't think the evidence is there, what do you do?" I answered "if that were the case, I would have to find him not guilty.
My theory is that neither side wanted someone who could be a pain in the ass and who other jurors might listen to or follow.
He read too many Phoenix Wright manga and seriously thinks he is so much smarter than every other member of the jury. I.E. its only in his mind.
No, I don't read manga, I'm not a homosexual.
If you're a NEET go for it. You also get paid $40-$50 per day just for sitting there to listen to a bunch of people talk, along with free meals, parking, and temporary housing. BUT!!! You are not allowed read or consume any news or media about the trail. That means no laptops and cellphones! So, bring a book, or a few it's going to be a long trial. If you are a NEET, drag on the case as long as you can by being the only hold out, so you can keep collecting those sweet NEETbux.
you're not allowed to watch the news or access most internet websites because it could unduly influence your decisions on the case.
also, if one of the lawyers doesn't like you or any reason, he can try to get you thrown off the jury during selection.
this. i'm not allowed to serve because i've publicly called the prosecutor a douchebag for letting some meth heads walk after stealing a gun from my parents.
>You are legally obligated to tell them if you have a bias that will influence how you decide their fate (This includes being racist)
>You are not allowed to talk about the case as it is ongoing in any shape or form
Jury nullification
I got out of jury duty 'cause I work the graveyard shift. "I have difficulty concentrating during the day", I told the judge.
most important thing you should remember - Jury can nullify unjust (((laws))).
t.not even an american