How does it feel knowing that a new generation of kids will grow up with and love the new black Ariel. Who are you to deprive them of that with your regressive "Ariel should be white!" bullcrap?
How does it feel knowing that a new generation of kids will grow up with and love the new black Ariel...
A black girl getting her hair
yea im not sure how they will resolve this but its a obvious problem
Kek, this.
she looks so ugly it's creepy.
Why do they always choose ugly negresses?
Oh for fuck sake, how many of you fucking retards shill this garbage regarding Ariel, like why are you so offended
>But muh white Ariel
I don't watch cartoons, neither should you faggot. To know that board that constantly speaks of ethnic genocide of minorities gets extremely offended of this bullshit makes me wonder if Zionists have already won.
I hope this movie flops so badly. It would be the biggest fuck you to sheboons. Sadly sjws will buy tickets just out of spite and artificially boost sales way higher than expected
I think she looks quite good for a niggress but something about her face is off
Dirty skin?
they should have at least picked an actress who can swim if they're going to pull this bullshit
how many niggers do you think they will they drown just to get a nigger Ariel?
or will all the underwater scenes just be cgi?
we'll see a ton of niglets drown the year after it's released
suddenly, I kind of like nigger ariel....
Black people swimming. What?!?
Ariel is supposed to be beautiful. Niggers are not beautiful. As the old saying goes
>You can put lipstick on a nigger, but they're still a nigger.
>Black Ariel
>Live action disney
Literally no one is going to show their kids this shit in 5-10 years from now. It's gonna be a literal nothingburger. People will treat it like the new aladdin and forget it and show the kids the based original where it shit all over muslims
she actually can't swim lmao
she announced it publically and blamed racism
No one will remember anything 20 years from now as all memories and historical record will be systematically censored and destroyed.
Future generations will be so fucked up on drugs and Direct2Mind™ 24/7 entertainment, they'll end up being nothing but mindless, sedated drones and any dissent will be made physically impossible.
The rest of the world will become an uninhabitable warzone ripped apart by Megacorps and warring factions, where people will die by the millions and it'll only get worse.
Don't call it hell, it's the future you chose.
Whatever faggot, still nobody will take you seriously when you brag about black washing of Ariel, when in South Africa whites are being genocided.
>the new aladdin
Wait... there's a new Aladdin? Does a nigger play a part that was once played by a non-nigger? If so, that might explain the blocking it out of my memory.
I see. It’s the kind of mermaid where the upper half is part that’s catfish.
Some of us have children, white children. And are tired of (((them))) appropriating our culture with ugly niggers
yes... talk more about the movie...
Maybe the ape like features?
They won't, though. It'll flop like the black annie remake. There's a reason why they're not making a live action princess and the frog, because kids don't want to watch niggers.
I am far more interested in how Ursula is going to take her voice. I mean, shit, have you ever met a nigress that can shut up for more than 30 seconds?
Hollywood has always pushed the globohomo agenda. I feel the same way I do after seeing/hearing about all the other degenerate shit they do. Nigger mermaids aren't at the top of my list of concerns.
By them doing this they now have to race swap the Frog Prince Princess and cast to White now
Will Smith plays Genie.
I don't care, nobody will take you seriously for a white nationalist if you tell people that this movie is "Jewish". Might as well call entire civilization Jewish.
People really don't seem to be talking about any of the remakes after they leave theaters. It's just more forgettable schlock, it will never be as popular as the cartoon was.
White people been doing this shit for decades. Now all of a sudden they get mad because a non-white actress gets a role? Please. Take your hypocritical outrage and shove it up your ass.
They made her a redhead because that is the complimentary contrast to the color blue and underwater everything is blue.
On top it's a danish source material and it will most likely piss white woman off who grew up with it wether they say it or not.
The actress can't even swim wtf. Overall it's a win for the right.
Ugly nigger
not hypocritical because whites aren't ugly apes
Because I have a daughter and don't want her watching it.
They could've at least cast a funny nigger.. like ... I dunno, Chris Rock is the funniest nigger I can think of right now and he's not that funny really.
>How does it feel
They'll be commies not humans so it won't matter.
I wonder who fucking cares about jewish "entertainment"?
Fun mermaid facts:
>Mermaids make up 13% of the population but more than half of the prison population.
>Mermaids have lower IQs so frequently the scale that determines mental retardation had to be lowered, or else all mermaids would be retarded and have to go to special schools
>It's not just a meme, mermaid Americans have AIDs at a much higher rate than any other race, with mermaid American women having the highest rate of STDs, including herpes and Chlamydia
>Ivy league colleges lowered admission scores in a desperate bid to accept more mermaids
>Mermaid Lives Matter is a terrorist organization, and one mermaid from the organization killed several police officers in Texas back in 2015
>Mermaids think Atlantis is real, and after the Little Mermaid hit theaters they tried to book tickets to their fictional ethnostate
>Mermaids destroyed Detroit
>Last month a mermaid killed another mermaid over a piece of fried chicken
>Mermaid culture is promoted by Jews, especially mermaid music, which is mostly just sampling more popular white music and rhyming about mackeral and pearls over it
Why can’t shitskins just make their own characters? Why do they need to steal ours? Guess there’s nothing a black won’t steal
>Katara's tribes
>All of them have blue eyes.
user I...
Pretty sure Avatar fans were upset about that too. So no, it's not hypocritical.
"Now more white"
Not just happening to cartoons and capeshit. What about Alexander Hamilton is Puerto Rican, Aaron Burr is black, and the Beatles music was written by an Indian? Why does the left need us to pretend that POCs were pivotal to history, when they weren't?
It will probaby be forgotten
It is sometimes easy to forget how many seething incels post around here vs. well adjusted adults who have children and are concerned for our posterity. Shit, becoming a parent is what redpilled me. I couldn’t imagine spending my young and free years hanging out on chat boards bitching about white genocide. I only do it now because I worry about the world of tomorrow and I’m too old to be out and about
Because their goal is to erase white people out of history. Why do you think they've decided to remake everything instead of put out new content?
Name a single reboot that overtook the classic.
I guarantee you that every child who goes to the Little Mermaid has at some point seen the original. This is a short term money grab and will have no bearing on Disney's heritage.
She's a fish.
fetal alchool syndrome
This movie is gonna flunk faggot, white suburbanites keep Disney afloat, those fucking cowards won't speak out about it, but they won't put money on it either.
Disney hasn't had a flop in forever and these live action remakes have all made them a ton of money. White suburbanites have zero taste nor any principles and will do anything to prove they aren't racist.
This isn’t just any role. The little mermaid changed cinema, some say it even saved Disney. I can’t watch a children’s movie before the little mermaid they are that shit. This movie turned kids animation into an outstanding storytelling medium. The next Disney flick, Beauty, got nominated for best picture, back when it mattered.
This is the real little Mermaid btw.
Wrinkle in time flopped as well as The nutcracker when they flooded the screen with nig nogs. Pete’s dragon, the bfg, solo, Disney has had its fair share of recent flops
Also, every time they shove a nigger into European culture it fails fucking miserably.
>I don't watch cartoons, neither should you faggot.
Shut the fuck up Serb. Just because your village still doesn't have electricity after Clinton bombed , doesn't mean we're going to stop watching TV.
I spoke with a boomer today who was excited about seeing Yesterday. Same boomer also spent 1800 this week on his 35 year old sons dental work because son works odd jobs after scoring a bachelors in History and racking up 50k in student debt and has yet to secure a real job with benefits. DOTP can’t happen soon enough
the thing on the left look ridiculous
>I think she looks quite good but something about her face is off
her eyebrows are drawn on at an angle that doesn't match the rest of her face and there's too much space between them and her upper eyelids.
t. artfag
Im gen z (2000) i grow ip with this kind of shit still im on this side
It's a Danish fairy tale. She will learn it as a Danish fairy tale. All this does is remind me to buy a volume of European fairy tales in their original form and read them to her at night so she knows the real stories and not the bastardized versions.
Everyone will forget that movie 3 weeks after release
>Little coonlets watch this film
>They wanna be like Ayyyrieeshqual
>They go to water
lol black people don't swim.
Nah, they'll instinctively know that they're being subverted.
they all look unique and recognizable, even the ethnics without special coloring, but the sheboon looks like absolute shit. she just doesn't look like she can fit in any world a disney movie would have
Kek. The lil' mermaid is gonna lead to a lot of dead nigs thinking they wuz mermaids n sheeit
that gif say it all bros
Shut the fuck up, erased people can't speak.
Niggers don't swim.
> Limey nigger posting
I hope it will fail and then all the niggers can cry dats be raaaaaciiiiist
why do faggots keep promoting this? every fucking thread is about this nigger mermaid. At this point we all know how fucking obvious the agenda is... just fucking ignore it
>or will all the underwater scenes just be cgi?
>modern movie
Nobody gives a fuck about this vapid Disney """movie""" that is going to fail miserably anyway. That is, unless you're 83 IQ Jow Forumstard or easily offended, which all of you dumb snowniggers are.
Lol, slow your role. Kids were bored as fuck watching the live action Aladdin movie, what makes you think kids will grow up loving this? Kids love cartoons, not this rehashed live action bullshit. This movie will be forgotten the very next month after it's release. watch it rot away in a bargain bin at a walmart.
Bait of fine quality
Jow Forums needs a lil' mermaid general. Getting niggers in the water should be Jow Forumss top priority for this film. I for one support this film.
Nigger, stop with your autistic artfaggotry. The reason her face looks busted is because she looks like pic related
It's gonna flop so hard. I wouldn't have watched it anyway. Those live action remakes are garbage
These live action remakes aren’t for the kids, it’s for the kids who are now “adults”
Same reason we got an Incredibles sequel 15 years later.
Chimps also cannot swim. They sink to the bottom due to heavy bones and lack of coordination.
Nigga bitch have a fish like face, that's why they selected her
her face has beautiful symmetry. however, she winds up looking like sid because of her fucked up eybrows emphasizing the space between and around her eyes. if she kept her eyebrows natural, she wouldn't look like a fetal alcohol reject.
>we wuz nogmaids an sheet
>they drown
Can't say I care about this film, but something positive might come of it
If that's the case who was the Fire nation supposed to represent based off their red eye color. Blue eyes != white. Their eye color represented their nation's element, and it's a cartoon where they could magically control those elements but you want to claim realism when it come to their eye colors. The water tribe was clearly supposed to be Eskimo.
What if Disney whitens the skin of the actress in the film with CGI?
That would generate more free publicity.
>melanin is an evolutionary defense against sunlight and damage.
>mermaid lives underwater most of the time unless killing Ulysses and other sailors
>at a certain point underwater there is barely enough light to see
>so much so that some fish are fucking transparent
>somehow nigger mermaid makes sense
How . . . Um . . . How is this possible? Biologically something living at the bottom of the ocean wouldn't be exposed to sunlight so how could a mermaid have dark skin?