I have no respect for cops and the military

>too dumb for college
>easily tricked
>fights for nothing
>loses everything
cop fag
>too dumb for college
>too lazy for a trade
>civil servant
>union lets him get away with anything, often times literal murder
>sits on his chode for 29 years, 40 hours per week
>milks the shit out of overtime in the 30th year
>retires in early 50s w/ a pension almost as fat as he is

They are both gay. Especially the cops. I think it's telling that no firemen or firefighter families ever berate the nation to jack them off.
I think about all the blue lives matter idiots and the fags who never shut up about standing for the anthem, and it makes me want to wipe my ass with a flag.
I'm studying to be doctor, for example. As somebody in medicine, no, I am completely ungrateful for the country I was born in.
While you're 40th-percentile-in-high-school ass walked into a civil service job in your early 20s and are out by 55, I'm going into 300k of debt to start work maybe by age 30. I'll improve the lives of thousands, you spend most of your day playing on your phone in your squad car and then harassing some pavement apes or teenagers. But you're the one whose a hero and needs your cock sucked. Cus that's the shithole country we live in.

Fuck the 4th of July, and fuck patriots.

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Other urls found in this thread:


that's gotta be photoshopped, r-right?
his proportions are out of whack

You okay, bro?

Under under awwest uwu

Self die, cunt. Happy freedom day you meany.

t. NEET who never did any of the above and still lives with his mommy.

I seen 3 cops come into a grocery store together today and wanted to ask them if they were all having a slumber party

>>union lets him get away with anything, often times literal murder

So? They only kill niggers.

meh. been better. been a lot worse too tho

You do realize we keep your asses safe right? If it wasn't for me and my brothers taking out those ragheads in the dessert you wouldn't have the right to say what you say or watch the fireworks you watched tonight. We have guts and the courage to do what you won't do to keep this country safe. When you lay your head on your pillow tonight I want you to think about how it's guys like me keeping your asses safe. Your welcome for my service.

Don't military fags get cheaper college in the US?

idk if this particular one is shopped, but I see people like this all the time. Combo of bad body shape and the way they tuck their pants in. Like their gut falls into their crotch.
Here's a guy with this look, but he's like over 600 lbs.

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why are you gay?

Nice blog.

>anons first speeding ticket
You bumbling fuck I bet you were sweating your ass off when the cop asked you to sign

The military is for people too stupid/antisocial to cut it in the workforce and the pigs are the guys too stupid/antisocial to cut it in the military


teehee you're so funny :^) do it user

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lmao shut the fuck up, welfare queen. I'm sure they'll still give you your service disconnect.

False, cops actually kill more whites than they do niggers, and that's accounting for per capita

I joined the military was stationed in Greece and Spain for 6 years. Had my own apartment on the beach in southern Spain. Spent the prime of my life traveling around Europe smashing euro sloots. Then I got out when to school and made $4,000 a month from the GI Bill. Get fucked fgt and I'm a jew

t. debtslave


Some states offer free college

Did you get cucked by military police or something?

>patting yourself on the back
yea, like a real hero. def not coping

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Not gonna read your faggot blogpost.

see, this is what i'm talking about. my tax dollars paid for your vacation, and then you turn around and take all the praise when the NPCs come for your cock.
I mean good for you that you made out so well. Took a gamble and didn't get sent to the oil fields.
But let me ask you, do you ever get imposter syndrome? Seriously, do you ever think, "wow, i don't deserve ANY of this praise?"

>I'm going into 300k of debtto become a doctor
The absolute state of the US

you're responding to a derelict retard that still lives with his parents..

fucking based post
fuck the current state of america
also teachers are unappreciated as hell, and many other careers
sports fags need gassed too

with a 6% interest rate on undergrad loans that still accrue even when i'm in medical school.

larp, welfare queen, cliche defense, dying for israel and being a pawn = keeping you safe
fuck off retard.

Teachers are retards. Their unions need to be dissolved and they should be paid less

>t. pic related
What a dumb post. Americans truly are demoralized bug people.

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teachers should be paid more, that also gives more incentive to be a better teacher and help make a more educated population, you absolute retard
sportsfags should never be paid more than teachers either, but regardless, not even relative to their pay, only relative to inflation and the value of teaching, they should be paid more

depends on where you are. in a lot of the northeast the teacher's unions are way too strong. but in most of the country teachers are really, really fucked.

everyone is getting fucked right now
the inevitable civil war or regional war/unrest will be fought across more than racial lines - class, race, and political identity will all be a factor

Starting work at 30+, holy fuck, I didn't know interpretive dance studies was that long of a course. You are getting angry because you haven't done anything in your life yet. Consider this: I have already been a lifeguard, military officer, first respondent and know I have a degree in electronics engineering + a good job. With 0 debt at age 30. Don't harp on other people because you were the lazy one, taking the shit degree and didn't care to earn money while studying.

Goddamn fed with a gold spoon bitch.

>inb4 you're a traitor
we are angry because we want the country to be better, to not be a debt ridden shithole controlled by identity politics and greed

its not my problem that youre some faggy pajeet with overbearing parents. your daddy telling mustve really done a job on you seeing as you berate the hero caste of our society. make sure you tell the somalian woman to fuck herself when she thanks you for removing the obstruction from her retarded daughter's intestine in 10 years. you know, wouldnt want to look like a hypocrite or anything.

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as if you understand
>ever implying a med degree is shit

You're right to a degree
Only army fags fit that bill, any special trained service branch like navy or airforce are all pretty high IQ. They wouldn't trust anything more than a gun to a tard. A lot of people join because they need med tuition paid for. The only people who self congradulate are degenerated and are shameful to actual members of the service. As for cops it's super loose now and I pretty much agree with you on them, the chiefs and the academy are all too tired of arresting niggers and spics that they don't care about good training and all the cops are tired of the same thing and don't take it as serious anymore and get power trips to boot

>muh college
pay your student load, sucker

You don't understand how our medical education works, Frans.
I go to school from age 18-22, maybe longer if i need to retake courses. Then need to work shitty lab jobs for a few years before going back to school from like age 26-30, go through what is essentially an apprenticeship from like 30-~34. Then I'm a doctor.
Also, I have held several jobs throughout my life.

I agree fuck sportsfags, but:
I live in Texas, teachers here get paid 50k on average. They use the same lesson plan for years, changing it only when there's new legislation (Texas legislature only meets every 2 years). They also get months of vacation time and get great benefits. On top of all this the unions make it damn near impossible to fire them so that bad teachers just coast and barely bother phoning it in. I went to one of the best public highschools in this spic ridden state four years ago and the teachers were still god awful. Nigger

>implying it ought to be this expensive to make doctors out of people
>the current state of american health
>inb4 it's your responsibility to take care of your health strawman
>implying you can be an expert in every field
>implying we can have a technologically advanced, stable and cohesive society without specialization

>that one guy who claims his intelligence on a shota board

Ooooof my dude

>hero "caste"
>calling ME a pajeet
I don't think I know a single cop over the age of 30 who isn't obese or a glass-fragile fitness fag.

>greentexting just to greentext
youre a whiny bitch

Here it kind of is:
work 100+ hours per week. Shitty pay, high suicide and divorce rating. You end up as cynical idiot in only 3 years of work, because people will die on your watch. Nobody will understand you, when you talk about this shit. You may think, that you are one of "the gods in white", but reality will hit you square in the face. I can only imagine the extra added bullshit with private insurance companies.

But yes, I think a med degree is shit, because of this. Consider the alternatives. How much money do you really need and is it worth the sacrifice.

Most people know military is just for the free gibs. That's why people here who aren't kicked out by their parents at 19 just work as Reserves for part time over the summer. You still get gibs but none of the hard shit

Fuck ZOG

This is the common trajectory for med school fags:
18-22: Bachelors (talking about they're going to become doctors and save lives)
22-26: Medical school (cramming material in their heads and regurgitating it for the test)
26-30: Residency (on the job training)
Don't drop out or you have a lot of debt. :^)

it's about the job, not the money. people want to be doctors. they want to work with people one-on-one, build relationship with patients, have autonomy in the work place, not just sit at a desk making somebody else rich.
there's no reason for doctors to be as overworked and indebt as they are.

people who become police here are average and below iq, usually bullied in school, a vicious cycle. dont get me started on female cops.

>tfw I'm 36 and still have 180k of student debt from medical school
>tfw don't even like my job that much

I'm going to live like a fucking pauper and then work part time. I wish I could have landed some stupid office job at 23 and just worked 38 hours/week. I bet I'd have a house and have 100k in investments by now.

Kill yourself, commie.

Do you work as a doctor?

nobody goes straight from bachelors to med school anymore. it's too grueling, and usually you need to bolster your app by retaking some courses and working in research.
throw in 1-3 gap years in your mid-20s, and that's the common trajectory.


You're not wrong. I mean, let's say you succeed in becoming a doctor and become so good that you save many, MANY lives. While you're doing that and getting no real acknowledgement, those that you mentioned or someone like a degenerate celebrity playing a pretend person are worshipped like Gods by the NPC hordes. It's a clown world, fren, but I guess you can take solace in that you made a difference in someone's life if you succeed in becoming a doctor that actually helps people. Because there's a lot of quacks out there too.

can i ask you about it? i'm gearing up to graduate undergrad and am still working thru the prereqs.
what speciality did you choose?
what are you hours like? do you get to make them?
how bad is the paperwork/insurance company?
how are your patients? good or bad experience?
thanks in advance, if you're willing to talk.

youre no better than the cop that wants to put bank robbers and drug dealers in jail. you think they get shot at because of the gold watch they'll get when they retire? most cops dont make it to 20 years, rajesh. stop complaining. you sound like a fucking woman.

I have no respect for college fags
>can't farm
>can't kill an elk
>can't grow shit
>can't build shit

I also hate cops. But I hate you too.

It is about the job. But being a doctor is unfortunately not like TV. Same as with being a soldier. Nobody tells you that you have to put small children back together, because they ran over a 20+ year old soviet mine. As goes for doctors, nobody tells you that most patients die, that your residency (we have something similar) will work you overtime without compensation. In your case be technically insolvent and have trouble getting a loan for a house or for your private clinic. If you don't know anybody within the field, getting a lucky break is not easy to come by. Being your own master, is something you only MAY be able to do in your 50s.

>I'm studying to be doctor
>I'll improve the lives of thousands
I've been a doctor for 35 years and most of the newbies are like this after a month, good luck!

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>most cops don't make it to 20 years

Most niggers don't make it to 20 years.

with all due respect, you sound like you don't have the slightest clue about the medical field at all.

you know you can do all of that shit AND go to college. stupid hick

Pretty honest description of both military and cops.

and Jow Forumsacks aren't supposed to make it to their 50s

Militaryfag here.

>too dumb for college
Doing electrical engineering.

>easily tricked
Survived an onslught of numerous psychopaths over me while in the military.

>fights for nothing
Looking forward to decentralization and empowering people who are uneducated, yet capable.

>loses everything
My health is permanently crippled (probably from vaccines), yet I know how to stabilize it like walking a tight-rope in perpetuity.

Forgot to add, I have 0 debt and will have 0 debt when I finish my EE degree. Likewise, I won't improve thousands of lives. I will radically alter millions, if not billions, of lives. While your too busy thinking minuscule on the scale of a single country, I'm thinking mega on the scale of an entire world.

Fuck newfags and fuck people want to watch the world burn.

Not having sex or working around women does wonders for your vitality.

Attached: Pepe M.D..png (230x296, 47K)

I have a few friends, who has taken the medical degree route (as it is free to do here, but you have to get high enough grades to get in). The dream for most of them is to get a private practice, since the national health system is nothing more than a worker's camp. A lot take drugs to stay awake, and the med closet has to be on constant guard, for people not stealing both uppers and downers. I don't think the US is much different than other countries in this regard.

I have done medical equipment too, and have assisted in medical trials. I do know something about it, but I am not a doctor. I just see a lot of good people getting destroyed by the work environment, that is a modern hospital.

You fight for Israel, America would be more "free" without needless wars

It's okay buddy they don't have to understand, life is safe and they can not imagine it any other way because they are narrow minded due to a deformed brain.

i asked these to another doctor poster, but never got a response. do you mind if i ask you about your job? i'm gearing up to graduate undergrad and am still working thru the prereqs.
what speciality did you choose?
what are you hours like? do you get to make them?
how bad is the paperwork/insurance company?
how are your patients? good or bad experience?
how has the field changed in your time? has it been for the better or worse (from the physician's perspective)
thanks in advance, if you're willing to talk.

military is based, cops are a mixed bag/awful, sheriffs are okay.

Tldr; he chose a shitty job and is mad at usa and people with better jobs

society is shit. don't brag about wageslaving for goldberg.

Militaryfag here, fuck badgeniggers.

I didn't have a plan for my future, so I decided to join so I could stay in limbo for a little while longer.

It's been around two and a half years and I still don't have a concrete plan, and all I have to show for my time in right now is my Sec+ certification and "job experience".

>You fight for Israel
Can you beat a dead horse anymore?

> keep your asses safe
>>> isn't deployed to the southern border
>>>>> implying killing sandniggers in the middle east contributes to national security in any way at all

Looks like another nigger jew to hang

I'd rather not talk about my personal life on anonymous imageboard but if there's a piece of advice I can give it's to not accept medicaid or medicaid managed plans, and if you're planning on working in a hospital to stop looking at your patients as people but as the problems you need to fix, attached to a personality.

why don't accept medicaid? does it not pay as well? can you even deny medicaid?

Jokes on you, there's actually two cops in pic, one is undercover, ready to pounce.
How d'ya like dem apples now?