Reparations For Slavery NOW!

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Yeah, nah.

It's going to be funny when the democrats win and force everyone to pay reparations.

They get to live in the west. If they want anything more than that they are insane.

Give us FREE money!

That already exists, it's called welfare

"I'm glad my granddaddy got on that boat" -Muhammad Ali when asked what he thought about Africa.

They will also decriminalize illegal immigration and give free healthcare to everyone including illegals. They already said that in the debated.
America is going to be lit when demography kichs in in ~10 years and its going to be just ever more extreme dems forever

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Did you watch the video ? :O

Is that another term for flogging!?

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I think Kamala needs to pay up. Her family owned Slaves.

I had a black roommate one time he decided to stop paying rent because his ancestors were slaves. He also was a democrat.

Reparations for slavery should consist of a one-way ticket back to subsaharan Africa.

It's going to be funny to see all the cope from Americans here in 2020


Democrat: “Well, we can’t seem to kill all these black folks in the womb, so may as well swindle ‘em for votes.”

Gjor det.

Nei, jeg hvil ikke

Slavery officially ended in the United States on December 6, 1865.

Except for the people who are still willingly enslaved in their minds.
Empower yourself. You ARE an American.

It's funny.

I love those twins :D

Technically, if there were reparations, they should be paid by Democrats because they were the party of slave owners and KKK back in the day

Tens of thousands of white dudes were maimed and killed to free slaves. Nobody seems to want to remember that.

The whole time obama was in office, and not a peep about reparations. They need your vote suckers.

Nobody cares who owned what. The "reparations" are not about "justice" but about the metaphysics of the progressive mythos. Proogressives believe that "whites" (opressor class/race) have an abstract, eternal moral debt to blacks/PoC (oppressed class/race). They must be eternally punished with never ending atonement (reparations, affirmative action, anti-whitism). This guarantees "progress" on "the moral arc of history".

Its all a political theology

Arguing about who really owned slaves is like trying to convince a bolshevik commisar not to collectivize your farm because you never had any serfs and never opressed anyone. They dont care, they want their metaphysical vision of "historic justice" fulfilled

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>August 17, 2002

And I'll move to your country if/when they do. Prepare your tight little Norwegian anus for big burger cock you fucking faggot.

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still silly ;)

We don't have sanctuary cities and a retarded border system like the US so I doubt you will be able too.

gtfo memeflag

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Norway have a retarded immigrant system.

They send them to shooting schools and they are allowed to take their guns home.

Very dangerous

Well it's a little retarded but some progress has been made

Also huh ? I know they allowed some to go on shooting courses but I doubt they allowed them to take the guns home.

The system should be merit based.

Not like this .. handing out welfare and take back ISIS kids.

House of War

When all the white people are dead who's going to pay taxes?

White people are a minority in this world.

Hating white people will get you friends.

It is pretty fucked up and sad to watch.

It should be based on benefits for the nations people. Not obscure benefits like "economic benefits" or being "good for business".

Then America will implode, it's going to be one hell of a ride.

>AUG 2002

shut up nigger

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The United States of America is an evil racist country built on the backs of African slaves on ground stolen from native Americans

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Based and Meritvpilled

I agree... every former slave should receive free money. Total cost of the program: 0 dollars. Slavery was abolished 150 years ago in the USA.

"GIB" is the only word niggers know :D