America, why do you choose to honor traitors?

Admit it, every Confederate officer and every Confederate official should have been hanged for betraying the country and rebelling. The north should have occupied and confiscate financial assets to redistribute among loyal whites and freed blacks, and any person attempting to speak out should be immediately executed. The south should have been made an example for all future generations of what treason and foolishness will get you.

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Odd how northerners AT THE TIME didn't feel that way. Perhaps they knew things that you don't?

No they didn't know anything. They were idiots for letting the south get off so easily and being so lazy with reconstructions and then outright abandoning it. The south basically went back to doing everything to disrespect the North and resist them every step of the way.

It's like Japan. We had to completely break their spirit in order to make them compliant. The same should have been done for the south. Break their will and their spirit.

>northerner advances
>gets raped by the blistering mix of heat and humidity common in the south
>advances through rural area, gets raped because of how well the land is laid out for guerilla warfare
>after taking a lot of casualties with braindead zombie tactics, finally overrun the enemy

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Okay fine then, just do scorched earth policies like they did with the natives and completely eradicate the southern people. Then in time replace them with new more loyal patriots.

Secede, not rebel.

The Constitution is treason?

lol like your people would be able to put up with the swamps around here
its not something you just immediately get used to you retarded city fuck

I live in the deep south mother fucker. I live in motherfucking east Texas. Gun Barrel City you nigger.

Secession is rebellion you mongroloid. And the constitution basically states that the federal government is supreme and states cannot violate it's supremacy, that means secession too faggot.

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How the fuck do you think America became independent yank?

Through rebellion, which was treason, and if the rebellion failed then Britain would have every right to execute leaders and make an example of the colonies.

I think we need to replace the Lincoln Monument with John Wilkes Booth...

Through treason

Read True History of the American Revolution by Sidney George Fisher, the patriots were traitorous scum

>I live in the deep south mother fucker. I live in motherfucking east Texas. Gun Barrel City you nigger.
nice larp faggot, i actually live in the deep south and literally no one here advocates for further punishing the south. or possibly not a larp and you're some carpetbagging faggot that moved in
literally the only ones saying a modern day south would get raped are city dwelling retards, which you admit to being

>wanting to keep niggers on a leash
>Wanting to maintain traditional landed gentry


Gun Barrel is a real place. It's near Seven Points and Trinidad. Got a lake called Cedar Creek you fish catfish out of. Go ahead and look it up and see if I'm lying.

How do you think we got independence dumb ass yank.

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i never claimed the place didnt exist
im calling you a larper for saying you hold a view that literally no one who grew up in the south holds

The north were the rebels.


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The one who is the mongoloid is you because of how wrong you are.

>Implying there aren't liberals in the south.

They all came from the north i can confirm that,

in the nigger haven urban cities sure, but thats basically all yankee sanctuary territory anyway so not actually the deep south
anyone who doesnt live in one of the major cities knows this

>America, why do you choose to honor traitors?
There is nothing treacherous about fighting for your piece of clay when some rich asshole is acting like the King of England.

>why do you choose to honor traitors?
They were still Americans and better than non-white foreigners. That's why it was a civil war.

They were the ones losing until Lee surrendered. And he went against Jefferson Davis to do it because he was a christcuck. Still to this day northerners don't know how to shoot a gun.

This country was founded by traitors.

>every traitor should hang
>he celebrates 4th of July

mmh yes, please elaborate what mental gymnastics you want to present so you don't have to hang yourself.

Confederate sympathizers and supporters are so fucking retarded

Yancucks still seething over a century later.

thats right jew worshipping yanknpc, keep spouting lines from lines.txt

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general lee and stonewall jackson are two of the greatest ameicans to ever live

>Secession is rebellion you mongroloid
The supreme court in the 1880's literally said a state could likely secede if congress approved. They couldn't even explain how the south violated the constitution for that matter yet said the south totally did. It was the most biased rulling in history. You don't fight a war and then immediately say the other team was legally justified....