Is he based and redpilled?

Is he based and redpilled?

Attached: Redskins-discussed-Colin-Kaepernick-expected-to-sign-Josh-Johnson.jpg (975x647, 55K)

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Nope, just a fucking nigger

>that hair
>undoubtedly believes it sends a “strong message” about culture and race
>in reality it’s just the nigger equivalent of a dude having hair down to his ass

Just look at the size of his head. He has to be a genius.

>this is white in america now

He's a microphone pretending to be a man.

cringe and bluepilled

It really gets tiresome nigger says this, nigger says that, nigger does nigger things ,oh let's make a thread about nigger tweeting some nigger things

Hey jew flag...
Colin Caperdick Ends Nike's Career

Everything he has ever said was said by his white genes and it drives him nuts

LOL. Nice one.

No, his black father left his druggie white mother who gave him up for adoption because she didn't love him. He had a cushy upbringing raised by a white family in an upper middle class suburb. He made it to the NFL, where it's almost guaranteed some teammate called him a light skin or an Uncle Tom, so he feels a constant need to assert his "blackness" as a way of compensating.

Someone post the pics of crapernik and Gonzo side by side that made me laugh once upon a time.

i can't respect someone that has the goofy puff ball hairdo.

No just a nigger with disgusting hair.

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this nigger is retarded
and he sucked cock at playing QB
dude cost his team a Super Bowl by trying to play hero in 2012.
after that he couldn't read a defense because
>in charge of reading

they don't think it be like it do
but they right

That Superbowl was the most blatant rig I've ever seen in any sport including boxing. Ravens were smokin em, up by 21(?) At the half. The 49ers kickoff to start the 2nd half and Ravens run it back for a TD and POOF the lights go out for 33(!!) Minutes and (they) still haven't come up with a convincing lie to this day. The 49ers come all the way back and the Ravens pull it out at the last minute. That was it for me and sports.

If it were really as bad here as niggers claim, then they would leave. We gave them an inch and now they are taking a mile.

niggers didn't even invent football

Attached: keppermicrophone3.jpg (549x687, 102K)

>based and redpilled?

He's 'woke', literally the opposite of those things.

Actually, I take that back, what type of 'woke' person takes a knee for the flag and national anthem of the country that fought a civil war against the Confederacy to end slavery and then earns millions of dollars by becoming the spokesperson for a company that is most well known for exploiting sweatshop workers. Seems like the opposite of 'woke' to me.

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I concur.

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>adopted and raised by whites
>made a multimillionaire by whites
>hates whites and sides with blacks
He’s just a stupid ungrateful and unworthy nigger.

How does he put on his helmet?

So he's also 50% nigger which equals out to being a nigger.

It's too bad for him he's a nigger like it's too bad for me I'm not a top level athlete.

He constantly says dumb stuff because he doesn’t really know what he’s talking about. One of my favorite moments was when he was doing an interview in the lead up to a game against the Dolphins in Miami where he made all these comments about how Castro wasn’t all that bad because he “invested a lot in education” and put less people in prison than the US. The fucking crowd was booing him basically every time he was on the field haha. Kiko Alsonso, the son of a Cuban exile, crushes Kaepernick on the final play of the game to preserve a win for the Miami Dolphins.

He's the black version of you guys but you will never admit it.

I don't think he's a nationalist.

I wouldn't have even known who the fuck this guy is except that the Jews canceled all the informational morning shows and turned it in to sportsball radio.
and it just goes on and on and on
this is not the mark of a salient person
they're just making niggerball money

It works on a number of levels.

Yeah. We should go back to expecting our athletes to just please STFU. But... really mean niggers. They're too dumb 2 talk.