>American cuisine
And they have the nerve to insult British food?
I'll take beans on toast over pic related any day holy shit
American cuisine
Those beans come out of a can too.
Beans aren't rotting flesh in a can
>Woman with makeup
>Woman without makeup
>missing chunk of skin, probably died with open wounds
that is fucking vile
Looks claustrophobic
>that slime
Gag. But that’s not American food you misleading bong. I have never seen this shit in American super markets either, must be niche product for weirdos. Pic related is epitome of good American grub.
I love how industrialised America is, just slamming chickens into cans. Vegans on suicide watch.
bordering on Fallout grade food.
The British can't understand the notion of survival because they're tagged and loicensed nigger cattle. Canned chicken is a survival food. You're supposed to make soup out of it. It's not supposed to be 'appetizing', you're supposed to be very hungry from killing communists.
I literally don't know a single person who has eaten one of these other than YouTubers looking for views(Ashens in the UK). Maybe niggers eat this shit, idk.
They don't even sell that shit here. Pic related was probably from Germany.
>Imagine shitting on anyone's cuisine when you are responsible for this
Makes sense considering it's in a tomato based sauce, they're no justifying a whole chicken being in a tin covered in dog food jelly
I've honestly never seen that product in a supermarket before. Pic related is pretty much a staple ingredient, though.
American/british food is usually the same and both shit. The only good western meals are made with home grown veggies and wild game you have shot.
im going to have to ask you to delete this
I split one of these with my dog every now and again.
they're like $3 and taste better than they look.
>this is considered a fancy meal in murica
I Lost
Oh god
That's for our survival bunker stockpile. That's not our daily meal.
You will be grateful for it like you were Spam when the next European war destroys your food supplies.
An absolute classic!
Most people here are stupid and obese so it makes sense. I see some fucking stupid people here. Thank God I’m not fat at all and actually know how to cook.
I don't like this. I don't like this one bit.
I ate a toast sandwich the other day and it was pretty good. Thanks Brits
Of course it’s fancy, didn't you read the label?
That's luxury, the middle class citizen eats this
Jow Forums and /ck/ cross boarder here.
Me too brother. And I use the money I save to invest in btc on Jow Forums but I'm still so lonely.
that's some sort of marshmallow spread right?
Wtf, I was just going to eat. Now look what you've done.
It's Hellmann's mayonnaise
>insult British food
British food is terrible
>Americans don’t make chicken broth on their own