Red Ice bows out

I Quit. They Won.

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Other urls found in this thread:

What does Red Ice do actually?

Lana Lokteff is the most hated person in the AltRight by the media and Wife with a Purpose is the most censored.

The Jews are deathly afraid of clean, aspirational mothers like them reaching out to the HUGE volume of large, white families who are too busy working and focusing on church activities and so forth to be aware that Jews are trying to exterminate them, and that there are people with answers for them (although no plan of action).

1 Lana Lokteff
1,000 Richard Spencers

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Seemingly right wing + pro white content on the internet.

I can't watch that video. I cringe so hard whenever I listen to her. Can someone give me the gist?

>Starts off saying that she's too dispirited and all we've done is lose
>Says she has a family and too many obligations
>Says it's cost her money, social status, and her family's been threatened

>>Record scratch

>Says that's exactly what the Jews want her to think, and the fight goes on

Good for this white mother. Again, there's a reason the Jews are censoring Wife with a Purpose than literally ANYBODY ELSE in the AltRight.

They know these lovely, white, AltRightMoms are the surest path to long-term success. They're breeding and recruiting new leaders. God knows that the current generation of AltRight leaders can't do jack shit besides chit chat like women, anyway.

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Bye bye nazi cunt

thanks for that. You explained it very well for me.

Imagine a S E E T H I N G tranny or homosexual probably hates people like this with an intensity.
I imagine an angry shitskin making funny faces as they wish for all white people to die or submit to subhumans.

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True dat

Show flag, Schlomo

Based Soccer mom

Red Ice is Based

wheres the user that found her old myspace fotos where she had an ex who was mulatto. He apparently broke her heart before she found that swedish cuck kek

How does it feel going through life as a weak pussy

post pics or it didn't happen

shut your lying mouth, jew

Lana's background has been more scrutinized than anybody else's, including ridiculous claims she's an FBI agent

even the Jewesses writing 20-page hit pieces on her never said anything like that

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Its mostly beta orbiters that watch her vids, of course she wouldn't quit, how else would she earn those gibs from the betas who think donating will get them tiddies.

To be fair we are out there drone striking all over the world every day. People get pissed.
The invade the world, invite the world is the height of poor policy.

Demons like this are always SEETHING with hatred when they encounter beauty.

I don't watch this chick, but I'm guessing she's doing the "Oh we lost....JUST KIDDING!!" shtick she always does.

We only have them that is truly fighting the good fight.

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So this just proves they are funded by intelligence agencies. I don't have the evidence saved but someone was saying they're Feds. If someone has the hard evidence please post, thanks in advance.

>fed funded Psyop gets told by Google that they won't platform their federal psyop.
>psyop goes into exit mode and claims "reboot"

Anything I'm missing?

I think Red Ice was literally a production of the F_I, to gather names and addresses.
Remember when their donor list was "hacked"?
Plus, why would an actual "identitarian" move to fucking Sweden? That makes zero sense.
So most likely the DOJ just decided they had done all they needed and the honeypot was full.

It was. Adam Green is also fbi funded. I don't think he even knows it. Or maybe he does and he's in on the take because he "truly believes"

What do you do, achkshully?

>tfw not white

>tfw not white

So you're an afrocentric minority that stole my symbols and larped to women that you are me. Pathetic shitskn

Subscribed, she aint that bad. Makes me wanna buy a gun and shoot up shit to protecc the wypipo

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>Anything I'm missing?

You're a fucking jew and a moron. Thats what you're missing.

(((Trump))) is a good goy.

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she's kinda cute
I'd love to see her get BLACKED

Red Ice is a CIA operation. Don't trust them. They are controlled opposition and a honeypot designed to bring you in.


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>virgin worshiping a jewess

and nothing of value was lost


You get a bump!

dude stfu you have no idea what you're talkin about

What do you do, turk?

Invade the world, invite the world IS POLICY, though. In a normal country, we could invade other places and actually take their land, not just institute regime change, and also prevent people we don't like from crossing our border.

I can't watch the video. Did red Ice really call it quits? Is Lana really done?

>american bolsheviks
*insert brainlet wojak*

Lana Lokteff is a russian jewess. Get cucked

Nice head fake by Lana

Turkic things.

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Here is the thread created documenting Red Ice ties to CIA and other intelligence agencies

Lana is a jewess

based reddo tourists

Red Ice is a Psychological Operation of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) and Israel

1. Lana Lokteff worked for C.I.A. agent / music producer Miles Copeland immediately after she left college:

“Sure. Well uh, I, my last two jobs with Miles Copeland – he was from I.R.S. Records. He, he is, the family that’s responsible for putting out like Oingo Boingo, The Clash, R.E.M., basically that whole new wave movement. And he came from a C.I.A. family. So I was his operations manager at his record label, Arc 21 Records, and he was managing lots of bands, so, I helped oversee all of that. And then I also worked for Martin Landau, who was an actor at Miracle Entertainment. So I worked as a producer’s assistant, and I did various jobs on movies, from assistant, to cameraman, and makeup, to art department.”

They won a long time ago. This is just clean up duty now.

2. Lana Lokteff worked for a company called U.S. Allegiance, Inc., which she sued in 2007 for sex discrimination and sexual harassment. U.S. Allegiance, Inc. (Steve Crawford, president/owner) is a contractor corporation for the U.S. Department of Defense:

Steve Crawford

Owner, ChirpOn, LLC

Bend, Oregon | Consumer Goods


U.S. Allegiance, Inc.

1980 – 2015 (35 years)

Leading producer and distributor of licensed consumer products with sales at various times in all U.S. military PX’s worldwide, specializing in products for deployed troops to send home to families, 10,000+ USPS lobbies, and iconic American sites such as Gettysburg and the Alamo. Holding licenses over the period of time with Disney, Marvel, GM, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, the USPS, the Army, Air Force, Navy & Marines, Department of Defense, etc.

3. Lana Lokteff and Henrik Palmgren utilized a military personnel travel company called Happy Tails Travel, Inc. to transport their pet cat Bijou when they relocated to Sweden several years ago. The proof of this is contained in the following series of images:

individuals are typical cover jobs for C.I.A. operatives:

It has been impossible for the city, already struggling with growing unemployment, to digest this huge and sudden influx. Few of the immigrants speak English well, and most have been unable to find work and are on welfare, said Nadia Lokteff, who offers social services through the local branch of World Relief.

Some attribute the immigrant influx to the shortwave radio religious broadcasts that for years were transmitted to the Soviet Union from Sacramento by a few earlier refugees. One of them, Michael Lokteff, president of the Slavic Community Center and whose radio ministry, “Word to Russia,” dates to 1972, said a more important factor was the relationship he and others formed with American churches to offer housing and other help for refugees. “We prepared a network of people who were able to receive the first refugees quite well,” said Mr. Lokteff, whose family was sponsored by a Sacramento family in 1950. “There was a welcome mat.”

you're a fucking retard. the cia can't even post here without giving away their user id, you think they can hide a youtuber's identity? r e t a r d

You're such a retard. The proof is right there.

>the cia can't even post here without giving away their user id

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Based and TraditionalPilled.

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The entire alt-right is a psyop. Even Moot was a jew.

Jow Forums is filled with civnat mutts. They just hate Red Ice for being explicitly pro white instead of pandering like alt lite ecelebs.

oh, another JewTube "conservative" alt-right eThot donation beggar who is suddenly "leaving" YouTube....

did she give her Patreon link ?

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When one tradthot leaves, another takes its place

Solidarity with their paymasters

Thank you fedposter, very cool!

>Abloobloobloo they want us poor white folk dead!
>What have we EVER done to deserve this!?
>How shall we defend ourselves when we only control nearly all government and industry in the developed world??
The fuck is wrong with you, white people?

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This is your typical shill. The shills always claim that anyone who is pro-white is secretly a jew or a fed. This shill claimed both because he sucks at his job and can't keep his story straight.

Fuck off you jew.

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Fuck off kike\PWSN6qG


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They accepted bitcoin which, if you run your own node over tor can be used to donate without iving your identity. Buy from bitcoin atm and spend from your own node over tor. There is no donor list info worth hacking

White nationalism, anti-Israel ultra right yt channel.

Did no one watch the video? This is why people are so stupid you only read headlines.

I have never once watched their shit lol even now

Of course not. You're a lazy faggot who watches contrapoints and needs everything spoon fed to you in 2 mins.

Same tactics when shilling against Christianity

>Ignoring hard proof
Ok Schlomo

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This is literally hard proof you fucking cunts. Go ahead and look it up. We did the research. The evidence is right there you FUCKING CUNTS. Keep watching Jew tv. Lana is literally a Jewess. Fucking idiots.

People are slaves already as JFK said back in the day

>We did the research

You fuckers at the SPLC do all kinds of (((research))). Now kindly go put a gun in your mouth and blow your fucking brains out.

She rarely gives us any good advice, its mostly feel-good stuff that I do enjoy from time to time but nothing of use. Just another person who has jumped on the banwagon to make shekels. If you really want to participate in WN thought and politics just go to 8ch or Stormfront to expand your knowledge. Watching her is just wasting your time. I pity those who actually watch their (Red Ice's) 1 hour+ long videos where all they do is talk and talk.

>Lana Lokteff and Henrik Palmgren utilized a military personnel travel company called Happy Tails Travel, Inc. to transport their pet cat Bijou when they relocated to Sweden
it's a fucking pet shipping company. are you stupid or something?

never watched any of their/his/her shit either, the only faggot here seems to be you

that was pretty good

I like Lana. Good video.

she should quit and focus on having more white children and raising them. women don't belong in the movement.

Take screenshits of them then

>t. Actual fascist

That pet shipping company is connected with intelligence agencies. Its a front.

Cover last week's news. Good people though.


A CIA operation....... to do what exactly?

Controlled opposition.

Hey Shlomo old buddy, old pal! I haven't seen you since the Tuesday. Now SLURP!

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you're a faggot but whites need to get together financially and in numbers irl to change shit.

based paranoid schizo poster

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