They should've been obliterated by now.
Why are we being so lenient to Iran?
Shoo shoo kike
ahmed pls leave
Because war in Iran would be a meatgrinder that its likely we couldnt even win, and Russia would in turn come out on top of the gloval oil trade with the strait of Hormuz being blocked by Iranian disruption and fields sunken ships
Iran is not our problem. Why should we care about them?
Why because you said so ? Are you on your way there now or are you just expecting others to die for your opinion ?
please leave schlomo
Because the american liberal is a much bigger treat to you guys than any eternal enemy can be, and needs to be taken care ASAP.
fuck off jew...fight iran yourself
fpbp, nobody gives a fuck about the middle east besides kikes
Because kek wills it
because the lies have to be much more convincing nowadays because sand people are fucking greedy and overplayed their hand
Wasn't the left supposed to be antiwar and all peace and love hippie stuff ? I thought gunsrbad what do they think war is fought with bottled unicorn farts ?
Stop thinking about it as left and right
The corporate right and corporate left will both go to war. Do you really think Mitch McConnel, Kamela Harris, Trump, Joe Biden wouldn’t jump at the chance to make some sweet warbucks?
Because that's not our problem lol
theyre being set up to fail. one mistake in the public eye that is undeniable will cause a war that will completely remove all muslims from their lands for the expansion of greater israel
>everyone who doesn’t like jews is a Muslim!
>everyone who doesn't like mudslimes is a kike
Britain seizes a tanker, Iran seizes a tanker. Fair is fair.
I got a crazy idea! How 'bout we leave the middle east alone?! Think about it!
Why you wanna send the boys to die for some greedy oil company that may not even been American.
Iran is an uncorfortable nation not an enemy of USA national security.
Trump seems to like the Far East better anyway.
They have a CIA nigger government full of abrahamic cultists AND kikes are provoking them to war. It's shit from both sides.
We aren't dying for you kikes again thanks.
Fucking unpatriotic pieces of shit on this board. I can here during the great Meme War of 2016 and thought this was the only place for true Americans who loved their country and were willing to aid their allies. Now I see you're all just antisemitic Socialists. FUCK YOU
What's with the Iran obsession, burgers?
It sounds like a national consensus that it's evil and should be nuked.
Based. The US has no right to tell others who they can and can’t trade with.
us can't even destroy Iran. we are weak as shit
Why aren't you dying for Israel?
wtf checked
X baste
X redpilled
T. Seething Plebbit refugee T_D Zionist faggot
Nice try, OP.
can one of you explain why iraq oil is ending up going to told me the war with iraq was not about the oil...
Meanwhile, Israel continues to seek nearby suppliers. In the lead-up to the war in Iraq, there was some talk of restarting an abandoned pipeline that runs from Mosul, Iraq, to Haifa. In order for this to happen, Israel would need to somehow wrangle the support of the Syrians, since they control part of the route
is this the real why there is war secure access for the oil routes into israel
>sieze their tanker
>get called out
>pretend to be lenient with them
>immediatly threaten war over the verbalization of ones own actions
what happens to the oil from this tanker...does it go back to iran or do the EU get to keep and sale the oil
Oil was never the primary goal.
We could have spent less than ten percent of what the wars cost by simply buying it from them. It's about Greater Israel and wrecking all of their enemies for them.
spoken like a true jew
you stupid or a shill if you dont believe this is all about the oil...its always been about the oil
Kikes want a war with Iran, I hate muzzies as nuch as the next guy but America doesnt need another war
>Why are we being so lenient to Iran?
Why do you care about a bunch of sand niggers from sandniggerstan? let them kill each other who gives a fuck, if they sail across the ocean then we'll kill them, how about that?
iran was the main supplier of oil to israel but after the shan was deposed the oil was cut off ...
Give one good reason why the USA should give a fuck?\PWSN6qG
Britan , if they take it , blow it up at the last second so that it makes as many Iranian victims as possible
they are gonna kill the brits on the ship anyways so why not deny them resourses and kill their soliders
Israeli losers cant even do a proper false flag. Drone didnt work, pressure on sea didnt work, threats didnt work, pressuring US didnt work. You wont destroy the base of Zoroastrianism, the religion of truth, that is very opposite of satanic judaism.
What is next? Or are you done because they said they will nuke you in 30 minutes? Israel wants there for land and offered Oil to US in exchange.
Fuck off ZOG
Israelis losing the propaganda war
Well said, user.