Country of 149 million

>country of 149 million
>gdp smaller than Texas

Why does Putin think his country is even worthy of being considered an actual country?

Attached: 70D8C718-6B83-45DD-B460-8C61B5C62FEA.jpg (1024x716, 105K)

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Because no countries could effectively invade this shit hole and most niggers can't live in cold so the kikes don't bother

Only jews and their slaves think GDP measures a nation's value.


Texas should bail from this kike shithole country

Russia is a continent not a country dumbass


Russia is also a country you stupid fucking faggot

Tell that to China

wonder what the real world numbers look like if you include off the books. if a ruble never gets taxed, did it even really ever exist?
the trick is to tax the ruble but not the owner, because he's your bro and helps you out. then you print 3 rubles to make up for it, and pay for 4 rubles with a 30 year payment plan. it's how modern economies work.

>can blow up Texas multiple times over
Money well spent.

We all know everything Russia does is half assed, including your weapons.

Yeah we get it. Ruskis work in dire and shitty conditions, but is that something to be proud of? I feel bad for you Ivan.

Nice education

It has a higher percentage of whites than the USA for example, so it's more of an actual nation.

I recently visited russia. Actually it's a pretty great place all things considered.

I felt more at home there than i do in jew york

This is the russian army

Attached: IMG_2172.jpg (1024x630, 189K)

One quick roll to see who my fap material is before I go to bed.

It feels wrong to dishonor a veteran, but the digits have spoken

A stockpile of highly capable nuclear ICBM's.

Get out of the sun

Based Aussieposter

Because he's the leader and leaders want their country to flourish, you absolute dingus.

Nukes and manpower. You have brain aids if you can't figure this out.

>GDP smaller than Texas
Are the prices for everything equal as well?