How do we fix this problem?

How do we fix this problem?

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We should have let Hitler win the war.

>mouse shills think we haven't caught on since Infinity War, Endgame, and Captain Fungus
Woah bro this is a crisis we gotta stop diversity and give Disney our undivided attention about it! For OUR kid movies!

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There's something about black people that makes me go, "uuuuuum...yuck, gross!"

>white fragility isn’t re-

formerly not niggers

Why is it always redheads though

What problem exactly? Can't fix anything unless you clearly identify the problem first.

>white genocide isn't hap-

A Final Solution.

>muh cartoons
Who cares

You guy act like it's a permanent change and not just some offhand version of a character. Such man-children.

what did they mean by this?

Black fragility is thinking you’re entitled to white roles, but whites can never have black roles.

There’s gonna be a niggerfish at Disney world, guaranteed.

Da joo hate red hair

>You guys act like it's a permanent change and not just a temporary war measure.

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Were Jews actually just dyslexic all along

This but unironically

This but ironically. Just kidding, I meant that unironically.

Someone give Christopher Lloyd a DeLorean and some plutonium.


Remove Jewish people from positions of power, obviously.

I’ll take blacks over ginger subhumans any day.

>being thrown in a camp for your race is now equal to having a cartoon character have a skin colour change
Wow, Jow Forums REALLY is outraged

Just let it happen really. White kids won't like it. The movie will underperform. Hispanics won't go at all. Nor will Asians. And really only busybody yuppie moms will take their kids to see it.

Nibody likes looking at groids for 2 hours.

don't pay, pirate today

their cartoons and cartoons are not real people

on a serious can I get my party to pay attention to my people problems...all they care about are the illegals...flint michigan still dont have clean drinking water and the homelessness is LA is at a all time high

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Who are the last two?

Ginger is an anagram for nigger so hey makes sense.

You don't. You let white moms with daughters to come to their senses and stir shit up.

It is already happening:

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It's almost like AI is making these decisions. This one's truly weird.

Also, start posting this. Don't use any words just post the pic. The fact the hand is white will undermine the left because it's their hand.

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Porn is like 50% niggers now.

The cesspool clearly wants to kill the white race.

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Listen, I hate numale bing bing wahoo movies a great deal, but you can't deny that Disney is a powerful cultural force and responsible for making, or breaking, the values that a lot of children grow up holding. It's fucking stupid, but holding them accountable is important.

>How do we fix this problem?

There is no problem there.

If anything your obsession with children's movies is.

Go fuck yourself.

>they're wiping out the Irish to make place for niggers
lmao not a single white man was lost that day

stop consuming jew media

Only boycotting can do something, not much tho

End niggers

What do Jews have against redheads anyway?

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user, it is not that simple. You have no say how mother of your children spends your money.

Skin resembles shit and or rotting flesh

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Stop giving those companies, franchises, studios etc money is a good start.

You stop supporting Hollywood and start supporting video industries of countries that don't do this shit. You boycot shit, you don't go there into theatre wanting to see how bad the movie is, you download on torrents if you want to you see it. You pick a favorite director who doesn't do this shit and support him with money, you make a blacklist of producers and directors who do this and boycot their work

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>mods are transferring people to Jow Forums

Thanks, me-thinks

Based jannies have been forcefeeding 4channel redpills all month.

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So many meme flags.

Fucking newfag. That's not a memeflag

>There is no problem there.
Nice non-argument. Go fuck your cousin, Mehmet.

I like Nigger Iris and Nigger West in The Flash. She’s hot (maybe not the best actress) but Detective Nigger is an awesome actor

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Summerfag fuck off reeeeeeeeee

CAPITALISM Is bad now?
Can't keep up with /pol's moodswings

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How is going out and making an Arielle on characters that are "closer to the original"?
Thats the issue, capitalism doesn't work correctly if a couple of big corps define what the rules are

We don't consume this kind of media. Stop funding the enemy.

If it ain't showing the geographic location, then it's a glownigger son.

it's a thread that was moved to Jow Forums

We don’t, they are hot

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this is the real problem

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Stupid fucking mick newfag.

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>How do we fix this problem?

We defrost Walt Disney from his cryogenetic state, purge the jews and put him back in charge.

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>Multnomah County judge sentences former Disney vice president to 6 years in prison for child sex abuse (06-14-2019)


It's on you you're a degenerate scumbag who watches porn

Don’t give them a dime. Money talks

Iris West has light brown hair...not red

Bring in more Hispanics, Chinese, and any other people that are overtly racist against Blacks.