Hey socialists (yes I'm talking to you national socialists too)

See this pic? This is what your gay system will eventually turn to. We get that you don't like your parents and you don't like your job but your pipe dreams will eventually lead to a system of total control where a small sliver of the population owns the majority of the power and wealth. People will be starving due to poor management of resources and the government will literally track all your communication.

Stop living a fantasy and grow up

Attached: breadline3.jpg (576x423, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Listen you stupid faggot real socialism will work. Stupid fucks like you prevent it...

>your pipe dreams will eventually lead to a system of total control where a small sliver of the population owns the majority of the power and wealth

You’re thinking of capitalism bud.

how's your freshman year treating you? Been to a party yet?

Attached: breadline.jpg (800x656, 107K)

Are you a psychic? I mean psyco?


Attached: 2fpm74.jpg (150x150, 8K)

There is actually no evidence that Northwestern Europeans cannot successfully implement socialism, the DDR was a fine place to live. Capitalism just elevates our most corrupt people to power and allows foreign ethnic syndicates to buy them off. Nationalist Socialism is the only way for a people to survive in the modern world.

Attached: 1538778947773.jpg (800x532, 175K)

At least capitalism rewards hard work and ingenuity. Communism only rewards potato picking with a bullet to the head because secret police heard you kept an extra potato

let me spell it out for you:

>huge wealth inequality, a few guys own almost everything
>people forced to work or they'll die
>government spies on you 24/7
>literal concentration camps

>none of those

How is lobbying for spics to replace you and not increasing wages in 30 years being "rewarded"?

>huge wealth inequality, a few guys own almost everything
>people forced to work or they'll die
>government spies on you 24/7

>a system of total control where a small sliver of the population owns the majority of the power and wealth. People will be starving due to poor management of resources and the government will literally track all your communication
Oh you mean right now

that's socialism you smoothbrain

Take the dildo out of your ass and stop smoking so much pot
You obviously have no idea what real NatSoc is

>Shantytowns, Dust Bowl, Soup Kicthens, Breadlines - Great Depression

erm.. you kinda should have looked for a sad commies pic, there are plenty I asure you, not sad capitalists, btfo by the biggest CAPITALIST fuck up of all times. try harder in your next OP.

get a grip kiddo

lmao completely missing the argument


>See this pic? This is what your gay system will eventually turn to. We get that you don't like your parents and you don't like your job but your pipe dreams will eventually lead to a system of total control where a small sliver of the population owns the majority of the power and wealth. People will be starving due to poor management of resources and the government will literally track all your communication.

>Stop living a fantasy and grow up

well, rereading the OP, taking into account that he posted a picture from the great depression, which clearly makes it a critique against capitalism, that makes for a powerful OP. Indeed, these cyclical fucks ups are bound to happen, and inevitable breadlines will be our future once more.

How does capitalism reward hard work?

This chick makes 100k a month doing stupid cosplay while the average mechanic makes about half of that in a year.

Attached: D929866F-56F6-4EB1-87B8-F90D3640BBFD.jpg (819x1024, 79K)

shut up commie it's literally a breadline

>National socialism = Communism
Wow, what a complete fucking retard.

>>huge wealth inequality, a few guys own almost everything
This is literally capitalism. Under socialism, ownership is managed by the state for the greater good of the people.
>>people forced to work or they'll die
>>government spies on you 24/7
>>literal concentration camps
There is no reason for any of this under socialism, though we will definitely need strong security forces to remove foreign parasites.
>>none of those
Let me describe some of the problems with capitalism as I see them.
>Capital has a direct line to power, all democratic desires are subverted by the wealthy
>Capital becomes stronger than the state and has no allegiance to the populace.
>A pro-social state has an incentive to strengthen their population, while a capital-owned state has an incentive to weaken the population in order to make them easier to swindle.
>Every manner to degeneracy and social pathology is promoted by the capital-owned state and media
>The value of labor is destroyed through insourcing and outsourcing of labor.
>All social, racial and religious cohesion is obliterated to allow the unimpeded flow of capital.
>Unlimited labor importation increases rent prices, benefiting the property-owner class, while also destroying the local environment.
>And most importantly, Capitalism allows hostile ethnically-conscious foreign mercantile parasites to pursue their malevolent paramilitary agenda against your people under the guise of profit-seeking activities.

Attached: Dorothea Hauer (20th Century) Wir wollen unseren Führer sehen (We Want to See Our Führer) - 1939.j (1245x1564, 2.49M)

>>huge wealth inequality, a few guys own almost everything
>>people forced to work or they'll die
>>government spies on you 24/7
is this tongue in cheek?
are you reverse shilling for commies?

can't tell if that's the case or if you're indeed that stupid.

Nazis didn't go hungry, unlike the American capitalists who were eating their own children during the great depression. Lmao.

>sMoOth BrAiN
>no sources
Maybe if you did any research with your reefer-blighted Dutch pea-brain you wouldn’t have made this shit thread.

The Third Reich didn’t have any chronic shortages of important foodstuffs till 1944. Even while rationing was in effect we only saw the disappearance of certain consumer goods like chocolates, foreign produce, and certain dairy products. German produce was not even rationed. Based on these facts, logically I’m going to not waste my time proving to you that a country that didn’t starve during the most taxing war in human history didn’t starve before it.

>huge wealth inequality, a few guys own almost everything
Pic related
>people forced to work or they'll die
without the social welfare the US and the west has, people would starve
>government spies on you 24/7
National Security Agency

Attached: ceo-compensation-ratio-2016.png (1180x842, 79K)

none of that is required for capitalism dumbfucks

reverse image search is a thing you know?
File:Men in bread line on 41st St., New York City.png
february 1915

which actually makes this a succesful bakery, filled with eager customers behaving very politely so that the shop's owner doesn't go 'no soup for you' on them; i.e., not even sad and famished capitalist pigs, just peckish folks.

What you talking about? Without unions or threats of violence. Your boss is going to work you to death. Are you 12 and just found out about ANCAP?

Unfortunately there is a market demand for it and she apparently is the best at it. I don't give her money. What do you want from me?

I wonder how big the bath water lines will be in the next great depression.
all of those sad wankers, holding their peepees, very careful not to touch each other, waiting for her to finish her 20th shower of the the day.

Attached: 1562342441399s.jpg (200x250, 6K)

Attached: retard vision.png (880x839, 1.62M)

tribal society is SOCIALISM. it is very easy to implement it in mono cultural society. it is VERY complicated otherwise....

that picture is of great depression US

>still no arguments and posting no sources
Wasting your time with this tard.

All shitty economies have one thing in common: debt-money usurious central banks and fractional reserve debt money creation..
You’re all faggots.

>Chicago, Illinois, 1931.
at least that one is from the great depression.
at least he found some famished people this time. he just fucked up the economical system again.

Capitalism is only as corrupt as the people using it. The problem is: it incentivizes greed. Especially now since there are many more consumer goods than there were in the 1950s-60s. There are more services and products to buy now than ever. So while you toil away at your job. Your paying for some assholes Ferrari, boat slip, yacht, country club membership, their kids private schooling, etc

Attached: image_xlarge.jpg (633x356, 99K)

i'm telling you all. OP is reverse shilling for commies. No one can be that stupid and still be literate, bilingual even.

took ya a while didn't it

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>DDR was a fine place to live.

LOL. Yeah that's why they had to build a wall to keep them in. Fucking idiot.

Colonial India is what you nation will turn into if you allow foreign powers hiding behing businesses run your nation. That is what most of the weset literally is today, you're just inside the box, and so can't see the Empire running everything.The only system is nationalism, and nations must assert themselves against both other nations and against foreign business. Cucking your nation for the convenience of foreign businesses is dysgenic. A nation should exploit foreign businesses and milk them for everything they have.
>But then they'll leave
Not if the cost of doing business doesn't exceed profit. Aslong as this margin exists, the state should be asserting itself. If foreign businesses act like faggots and try to "strike" to bargain, the state should be bargaining on the side of the nations people. Allow local businesses to take these opportunities instead, and tell international kikes to suck dick.
>But that's protectionism
The west was at it's zenith when it's nations operated as protectionist corporations within the market of states. There has been nothing but decay since embracing "global capitalism".

Globalism is to societies as communism is to economies. If your society is everyone's society, maintaining society becomes a dysgenic act on your part, as someone else can always devote 100% of their efforts into outcompeting you withn the society you maintain for them, while you stuggle under the burden of said maintainance.

Capitalism works because of decentralization, and a global market is inherently central. The meta level "market of markets" must be maintained if capitalism is to work in our favour.

You’re a faggot and a moron for even thinking that Marxist Socialism and National Socialism even belong in the same grouping. They’re two totally different, opposite systems. Learn something you capitalist cocksucker!

Attached: 61A691E1-4A58-4B56-97D6-CA27C39488A6.jpg (627x1024, 199K)

too many soft balls.
I prefer when we tackle harder questions.

> (yes I'm talking to you national socialists too)
Alright then.
>See this pic?
>This is what your gay system will eventually turn to.
Isnt that what you're system already turned into in the 1930s?
You know while hitler was busy leading THE ONLY major industrial nation in the western world not in a tale spinning recession with soup lines or mass starvation.
> We get that you don't like your parents
I mean my dads a boomer neocon but i get along alright with him.
didnt ditch me as a kid like half the fucking boomers did and made my mom be an actual stay at home mom so i cant complain that much.
> you don't like your job
I trade stocks.
Its not that fucking hard.
> our pipe dreams will eventually lead to a system of total control where a small sliver of the population owns the majority of the power and wealth.
Which.... hasnt happened under capitalism?
Dont get me wrong user.
Im for private property, Private ownership of business, even large industrial business.
The only think im not okay with is foreign individuals, beholden to foreign powers or foreign (((groups))) having controll over what are basically propaganda adniministrations (ie the media) or the countries economy through the banking industry.
>people will be starving due to poor management of resources
You want to know the difference between national socialism and marxism?
Marxism took millions who were surviving and made them starve.
National socialism took millions who were starving and fed them.
Hitler famously DID NOT cease "the means of production" either for food or industry in most cases. Allowing any non jew to continue production, manage and own the property their families had owned for generations. Opting instead to merely fix prices to deal with the internally destroyed german currency.
The result was an effective end to hyper inflation WITHOUT communalizing farms which had led to the mass starvations in the soviet union.
>Stop living a fantasy and grow up

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This is what your system has already turned to, faggot.

Attached: fuck you.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

Ironic you post Great Depression era photos of breadlines, the result of extreme capitalism from 1920's that was reversed from Socialist programs in the 30's and WW2. We already live in a society where 10 old withered fucks have more wealth than 150 million because of extreme crony-capitalist. But HERP DERP NIGGER SOCIALIST JEW NIGGER CLIMATE HOAX PRAISE TRUMP!

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