What is a Cool, American Thing that Everybody Likes?

What are some of the coolest things to come out of America?

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Blacked porn videos.

Cell phones

cell phones aren't American

Boeing B-17, A10 Thunderbolt, pic related
1957 Ford Thunderbird, 1959 Corvette stingray
Colt 1911, Barret .50 Cal
Peanut butter, jambalaya, Mac n cheese

Too bad you guys let yourselves become a jew puppet and are ruining a short but bright history.

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The Enola Gay

Frozen Dels Lemonade.

"cell" makes me fucking cringe t b h

>Peanut butter
one of the good things a black person came up with

your mothers pussy


Slide threads


based Brazil bro.
why aren't we better friends with you guys?

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Free refills and Walmart. If you go YouTube there are dozens of Euro tourists who go on and on about how great both are.


you can be a faggot like OP and not get thrown off of a building, oh and guns

A kind of American-ness that only exists in America.

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Are you fucking retarded? Cellphones were invented by motorola in the 1970s.

Powered flight and literally everything that was derived from it.

Harnessing electricity as a work tool, and later as entertainment.

The idea of God-given rights that no terrestrial entity can infringe on.

The entire evolutionary chain of musical genres that took us through ragtime, big band, jazz, blues, rock, metal, and beyond.

Rotary cannons, guided missiles, and nuclear weapons.

Unironically apple pie and baseball. Plus tons of freestyle versions of other cultures' dishes. They say our foreign food isn't real, but it's like complaining a remix of a song isn't the real thing. Nobody's claiming it is, and all that matters is if it's good. I'll take my seafood alfredo right next to my general Tso's chicken, and I'll like it.


Literally, every other country tries to act like us in some way or another but try to mask it by shit talking the US

Is funny to me

motorola leased it from japan

People have been eating peanut butter for literally thousands of years. Carver didn't invent shit. He just patented something that had been around since some one first crushed a peanut with a rock.


Mart sharting.

No. You truly are retarded.

BBQ and southern hospitality.
Based on all of the free stuff I randomly get from people when I go to the states, I am reasonably certain that I could go into many southern towns and shout "Hi I'm on vacation and I need some BBQ please" And somebody would come and give me delicious food and booze.

Everything that comes out of here is jewish and degenerate. Nothing cool about it.

Based gods

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Ok so Motorola invented the cell phone? That's what you're sticking with?

>semen flavor

Democracy of course!


Animation. Animation is an American invention. Which by extension also means video games as a whole. Nintendo may have saved the industry with Mario, but there wouldn't have been anything to save without us.

This. We might say we'll rake you someday leaf, but if you come down here, I'll buy you a beer, bbq and take you to a shooting range for fun. Canadians are honorary Americans.