All fucking p**es must fucking hang

All fucking p**es must fucking hang
Name one nation that is more subhuman than poleshits

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Hey not all are like that (Migrants)

Some are fags like me.

Still... We've gone a long way since the commonwealth haven't we user

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You faggots are legit goths not slavs. Stop fucking stealing slav culture you subhuman gothnigger mongoloids.

You forgot:
>Works in a warehouse

Are you one of those self hating pols. Neck yourself.

Nie dorabiam do tego teorii, po prostu ostatnio strasznie wkurwiają mnie rodacy

You guys smoke Marlboro over there? Nice!

Fucking taco niggers.

I might just as well, there is no going back from being born a polack

You havent been in czechia yet you nigger. I am a czech and women here are fucking whores. From the moment they get to middle school they start sucking dick every week. Wish we could fucking purge them all.

Have sex incel

Poles are pathetic subhumans, but you are based.

I say we nuke eastern Poland once and for all and gass all the eastern mongoloid soviet rape babies. They're all a bunch of niggers mooching of gibs, not working, supporting communism and doing everything for israel, jews and russia.

We're fucking done trying to civilize these savages. 100 years is enough. I say we secede and let you continue to vote for (((PiS))) and experiment with communism and gibs. Let's see how well it works out then, we they won't be able to fund gibs with our tax money.

Daily reminder that it was Wielkopolska and Silesia, where:
- the only uprisings were won - because we aren't incompetent monkeys
- in the 20s and 30s people voted overwhelmingly for National Democrats and supported ONR - while you eastern cucks voted socialist (PPS, KPP and Ukrianian communists)
- opposed the coup of (((Piłsudski))) who was a member of PPS
- were the first to introduce segregation in schools and at universities
- wanted to introduce ghettos
- had a tradition of positive economical patriotism
- was and is a stronghold of ONR, Falanga and real nationalists.

Eastern pooland not even once.

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You know what is worse than being a pole? Being a self hating unpatriotic cuck.

true, most of women I've known/know are whores/roasties, that's why I swapped to guys haha

You have things going for you at least, Czech economy is probs gest among slavic countries. Maybe Slovenia have better standards, but they are almost a micro nation

Maybe the best way to combat modern degeneracy is becoming Traditional Catholic mixed with Ethnonationalism to keep our countries white. I believe this to be the perfect weapon against the anti whites and modern whores.

I see myself mostly as a pole hating patriotic cuck.
Naród wspaniały, tylko ludzie kurwy

theres 70 pornstars per million people here.

And? stop being a incel

Ale wiesz że większość ludności ziem odzyskanych, to przesiedleńcy ze wschodu? xD

That's 700 pornstars there are Muslims in cz. Are you retarded?


So what. Akshually the ration was 1:1 west:east in most regions. Also they have been assimilated to superior western culture and western civilization. And the West can poo in loo - unlike the eastern retards, where most houses/apartments still don't have bathrooms or running water (see pic related, the darker it is, the less people poo in loo).

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>eastern Poland once and for all and gass all the eastern mongoloid soviet rape babies
are you retarded ? all rape babies are in the west after soviets moved you there from fucking east...80 years ago we were the western part of poland. we can see that in both IQ, DNA, Crime statistics and HIV stats.

the thousands of other whores are in germany

Shut the fuck up retard and go away with your silly cope about muh Rzeszów. Your city is a shithole, your people are subhuman retards and you can't even poo in loo. You lead the nation in number of child rapes, murders and number of people who vote communist (((PiS))).

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That's not UK starter pack.

Pole in UK Starter Pack:
>Paco Rabane Toilet water
>t-shirts with big EMPORIO ARMANI, CALVIN KLEIN logos
>CK underwear, optionally LONSDALE
>TK-MAX shopping frenzy every time you go to poland for a holiday
>You mean as much as logos on your clothes mentality
>I am better than my neighbour because he knows when I transfer pounds to zlotych it's a lot of money but he doesn't see me be a slave of foreign masters

Daily reminder most and worst immigrants from poland are upper silesians who aren't even polish. they started to indentify as poles when german started raping their silesian culture out of them and they needed someone to save them.

Bumping with typical polish physiognomy
This is worse than la 56% creatura

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Oldie but still gold:

Looks comfy as fuck

and now prove it with statistics. oh wait you can't because it's the west that commits more crimes, have hiv and lower results on matura

All people that wear track suits when they dont engage in sports activities are sub humans thatneed tobe exterminated you dont need to be a Pole for that. The flashy jewellery is also a very good indicator, but yet again not exclusive to Poles.

You made the statement that east is not a shithole. So the burden of proof is on you. Pic related says all. As long as you don't poo in loo you are not even considered human.

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Give back clay
Maybe we will only rape you and inject you with superior GERMAN DNA
j/k we will kill you all, nobody wants pole genes to survive

forgot to include something

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Agree, and yeah I've seen more Brits with flashy jewellery and track suits than poles.

I've seen it way too often, those types of guys are the first one to yell for more money, for promotion for everything, they demand it, I honestly started thinking it's a good thing a poverty and hardship exists in the world so people like them can suffer. I know it's mean, and I'm in no shape or from in a good financial situation but still if you struggle, struggle in silence with dignity, I don't know just my ideology.
We will never get rid of those types

how often does it snow in the UK? and whats the average temp year round?

Is this event a homo sapiens specimen?

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you only disprove your point by presenting a map that clearly shows that it's a result of russian rule and lets not forget that "western poles" were given homes after germans so you were even in worse situation

add hair and he looks average...

This is what eastern retards actually believe:
>O zupełnej nieszkodliwości dla ludzi nieczystości kloacznych świadczy zdrowie kwitnące robotników, zajmujących się specjalnie oczyszczeniem ustępów i rolników podmiejskich, używających przeważnie nawozów ludzkich, nawet w czasie grasowania chorób epidemicznych. I gdzie tu przypuszczać istnienie mikrobów chorobotwórczych – chyba wymarzonych w pustych głowach pismaków brukowych lub przewrotnych mózgach ludzi złej woli.
>siły przymusowego postępu wymyśliły straszliwe narzędzie w postaci kanalizacji. Ten straszliwy wynalazek został stworzony właśnie w tym jednym celu, aby zniszczyć polskie rolnictwo.
Tl/dr: In opinion of eastern Poles running water and sewer systems are a Jewish plot to subjugate pooland - because running around covered in shit is healthy and builds strengh of a nation, also germs aren't real because nobody has ever seen them.

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For a slav, yes. But the overall slavic facial features are not a meme. Westerners DO look different, much more aesthetic. No homo tho

Hey, at least you've got Jan Sobieski, Copernicus, and, uh, Casimir Polaski. That's better than most nations.

us had prohibition and west witch hunting, what's the point?

your arguments are as weak as your spine

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Like half the nations in the world are literal niggers in Africa pretending to be states after Brits left.

>Name one nation that is more subhuman than poleshits
How about, literally any European nation west and north of Poland?

>"Fucking Poles not sucking black cock like a proper EU country should, and only taking white refugees from Ukraine >:("

Maybe once or twice and snow melts after few days. Of course it means a nation wide climate catastrophe for bongos. Even in winter temp usually tends to stay around 2 - 5 degrees, sometimes sometimes going maybe -3 below 0.
Summer can be surprisingly hot but that's something you can experience all around europe these recent years.

Meanwhile you apes still don't know how to poo in loo.,MzAwMzUyMA/0/#info:metadata
>Przeciwnie na Słowiańszczyźnie, gdzie grasuje epidemicznie absolutyzm oświecony, obskurantyzm grecko-katolicki, utylitaryzm pogański i kapitalizm żydowski, wszystkie uwagi przyrodników i rolników polskich, przekonywujące o ważności nawozów miejskich w gospodarstwie przyrody i kultury, zagłuszone zostały przez dzikie teorie i doktryny łotrowskie, odwiecznych kłamców i pogromców wszelkiego stworzenia, pismaków żydowskich i ich pupilów, wyznawców wiedzy czystej, udekorowanych tytułami higienistów, gazeciarzy, finansistów i inżynierów.

no. he LOOKS average, I've spend 4 months both in germany and in france (uni and holidays) and i've seen both germans and french looking worse than janusz and his crew. everyone looks like shit with shaved or short hair

Smells like a... polish-Indian alliance. And then we can finally into space once India becomes superpower by 2020


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>Not bowing down and worshipping the Aryan Übermensch
Dont worry Poland, your days on German clay are numbered

It seems there's a tendency to pick very emaciated looking boys and say "lol dey slav", without considering the fact that there are ugly westerners as well.

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>Name one nation that is more subhuman than poleshits

yeah a few lunatics and what's the point? Ah i know some eastern BVLL is fucking your mom in her room right now and you feel butthurt

Sit down, schnitzel.

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Rains 90% of a year, snow is a natural disaster. Comfy 13 deegres all around

>Dont worry Poland, your days on German clay are numbered
and germans say they are smart

Copernicus himself contributed more to civilization than the entirety of the Middle East since the 7th century AD.

How the fuck can we redirect the flow of poles from the uk to the us? Teh mutt memes are partially true, we don't give a fuck who it is as long as they're white.

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Obviously, but jokes aside slavic features are considered ugly by most people. Round faces, weak jaw line. FAS not helping either

>Copernicus himself contributed more to civilization than the entirety of the Middle East since the 7th century AD.
have you read De revolutionibus orbium coelestium?

Ok, już mi lepiej

No, but I know of it.

I'm not saying that Poles contributed nothing. They don't like to rememeber it, but there were some big brain polacks working for Russian emperors even after Poland itself lost independence. I'm saying that being "better than most nations" isn't much of an accomplishment when more than half (more like 95%) of them achieved literally nothing of value.

Heavy lifting should be mandatory for teenage boys. Won't fix the potatoheads, but at least they will be masculine potatoheads with nice jaws.


They started ww1, but then again, some say that boland attacked germany in 1939.

It's pretty good but nothing new is said. he only confirmes things we knew since antiquity, still the way he did it was quite good for the time being. the book is few pages long and cheap as fuck( at least here in poland) so give it a shot

Maybe, i wouldnt wants to cross those pic rel fuckers

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