Is it a fair to assume that the Jews are so good at rising to the top of organized societies because their religious text, and thereby societal structure, revolves around manipulating rules and finding the smallest loopholes?
Is it a fair to assume that the Jews are so good at rising to the top of organized societies because their religious...
I think the word you were looking for was nepotism.
I think that's part of it. My overall gestalt here is that because they "evolved" in a society where they constantly manipulate their religious rules, they basically select for the best ruleset navigators.
Considering the picture, considering a jew is considered a jew solely through his mother and not the father, and considering the concept of Khazar milkers, your theory is incorrect.
It's actually the result of diplomacy and then nepotism. A Jew sweet talks his way into a position and starts hiring other Jews.
The stories of both Daniel and Joseph in the bible tell the tale. Jews also wiggled their way into positions of influence in the Roman empire. So much so they gained for themselves an exemption from Roman religious practices.
It's been going on forever.
>considering the concept of Khazar milkers
A subject I have long pondered.
Very actually.
Its like every maladaptive trait combined in a single race.
She's ours now, it's time for milkies, send Benny home.
purple dress is the best one imo, that and white
>All these degenerates
During dotr if you rape a Jew you just destroy all offspring that arise.
its really just making friends with and marrying into rich families. the art world is filled with jews scamming rich people into buying some stupid shit.
When everything you are is predicated on falsehoods, deception, misdirection etc, you just make shit up as you go. If you repeat a lie enough times it becomes true.
They've managed to work out a system of
>Step 1: Engage in open nepotism
>If questioned - "Oy vey it's anuddah shoah you anti-semite"
That's the long and short of it, it's really not that complex. They just did this until they had inundated all major institutions.
If things ever turn around you're going to see people saying things like
>I don't care about the Holocaust and from what I've read, it sounded like the Jews deserved to get rounded up by Hitler for what they were doing to Germany.
It sounds wild as fuck and would probably make Shlomo's eyes pop out but really it's just saying the truth. The only hope I see is for people to get so fucking pissed off at what they've done that all semblance of apologies fall and people go into full no fucks given mode.
tfw no large version of these exist
Fair, Jews and good shouldn’t be used in the same sentence.
Extreme racial loyalty is how Jews Jew people.
Those are some top notch Khazar milkers, BTW.
No. They are unironically Gods chosen. They will suffer another shoa and finally accept Christ during the tribulation and battle of magog.
Jews in the USSR didn't know shit about Judaism and they still were good at nepotism.
Stuff like this is why I figured there was a genetic component.
So let me derail a bit and ask, how are jews and all that baphomet, satanic cult, nxivm, pizzagate shit connected?
these women are so beautiful
Imagine a big Venn diagram with all those circles touching and the intersecting area labeled "Satan".
so they're smart enough to use whatever they can to get ahead? sounds like you should emulate them instead of crying like a nigger
But it’s almost always jews either running it, i feel like the connection is harder than that.
Like, don’t get me wrong, shekleburg and kikestien are a problem, but is it jews or Luciferians, or is some mental gymnastics where you’re both a Jew and worship the devil?
Why is nepotism a bad thing?
What's this girls tit cup Letter? DDD?
>rising to the top of organized societies
*organized White societies
Asia, Middle-East and Africa, not really. Their power comes in large part from appearing White and being welcome in White societies.
Ok but when it's not a Jew finding the loophole, then they go to jail more often retard
You just know she knows all your escape routes and thoroughly planned how to disable them. You're just an deer in front of a cerebral bear (with huge milkers)
Checked. Words of truth and the trip confirms
Most whites dont even realize it when they are dealing with a jew.
wrecks ability to get shit done
>Not keeping your jewdar on high at all times
why doesn't she love me ;_;
Wouldn't direct relatives have a bigger stake in the good functioning of a business than people who just do it for a paycheck?
Or maybe you’re just paranoid and overthink
You're not wrong.
I am going to marry Abi one day
Judaism is codified narcissism mixed with ethnocentrism and hatred/fear of others. Basically it's everything they've been accusing us of.
Me too pal. Me too.
Someone should tell Ben that his sister is acting like a whore and that she's giving kike broads a bad name. She knows what she's doing foisting those tits about. I bet he secretly wants to smack his little mutilated winky on those big funbags. I bet he wants to suck on those like a baby while she rubs his little clit dick. He must have had a weird childhood.
Ben pls go
YAY! More shekels for the e-thot. Worship her beta fags!
Are the Italians, French, Germans, Greeks, and Russians all Jews too? Because the intelligent ones are all nepotistic.
Why dont mormons or scientologists do the same? Conversely why aren't hackles ever risen when it's essentially Operation Snow White x1000
It's a feminine society, so they behave like liars and schemers who are constantly butthurt over imagined slights.
Wtf I love Jews now
Its basically declaring war on a nation if it isnt your own nation. Imagine if chinks did the shit jews did in America people would be chimping out right now.
Last digit decides adventure!
why does her brother have a prettier more feminine face than her?
imagine marrying her, dropping loads in her and raising chosen children. AND ALSO getting to fuck with little ben at family get-togethers
I would give literally anything for a piece of that sweet jewess.
Nepotism is a natural inclination it’s just that only Jews are allowed to practice it without backlash
Im in love.
Pretty sure those are all Abigail Shapiro you can find her nudes online. Ben Shapiro hates it lmao
Don't tell me what to do!!!1!
Nooo Abigail nooooo
Combination of higher average IQ(especially verbal) and high in-group preference.
Ben Shapiro is a ftm tranny. Once you see it you can’t unsee it. That’s why her voice is so high pitched and her stature is 4’5”
Cool hypothetical. Nepotism is always is sand in gears. Pass on not caring due to your birthright instead of keeping in line due to being replaceable.
>all the rest
produce shit societies
That's not orthodox Judaism
You can make the same argument for nepotism though. Nepotism is why monarchism is so stable. People have a direct stake in ruling well because if they state becomes unstable they end up the wrong end of a guillotine.
I wanna put abogirails stiff little nipples in my mouth, give them a thorough nibbling, really chew on those teats like a piglet suckles the sow, drain mommy shapiros milk bags and then mommy will love me and give me lots of hugs for fixing her chronic back pain
They work as a group and have talent. They also have a culture that promotes this.
It would be a mistake to say it was just culture and religion, they have an abundance of talent. So do Whites though, but you cannot deny that they have skill and grit.
The people we really need to deal with and hate the most, are the White traitors who basically use Jews and other groups as proxies to attack their White rivals so they can elevate their status. They also treat non-Whites as their foreign bodyguard, knowing that they cannot afford to ever usurp them lest they be torn down by the majority group. Jews know that if they flaunt power too much, any sympathy for them will vanish and they will be treated as genuine competition and Whites are not a fun group of people to go up against when they see you as genuine competition.
Whites are literally so competitive that they are flirting with destroying their own societies just to spite other factions.
You don't want to seriously unleash that dragon, but fuck, I think it's coming.
The group we should absolutely fucking shred right away are the White traitors.
does no one have the nude app?
no this is good. we need jews to look bad, remember?
You know that moment when you're gonna take a shit, plopping right down on the toilet, and the first head of the pooh spreads your anus open from the inside and its coming out now. At that moment you can feel it deeply into your soul. Thats the moment of "its happening, this is for real, Im taking a real shit right now, no going back" Its a very distinct point in that process, because then, your actually at one of your most vulnerable positions ever. You are then open to physical attacks, defenseless. That last picture somehow activated that entire sensation in my head. Like time stopped. She is an enemy. Dont let her get you killed.
May I be bestowed with the bounty of khazar
Rolling, goy.
Jews have a cockroach mentality. Everywhere they go they must infiltrate through the smallest cracks and end up laying their eggs everywhere until they own the place.
They work through slow, gradual infiltration and overturning. They tend to go for either getting control of the official ideology, the money or the most popular fads.
>Forcibly kidnap children, rape the attractive ones and brainwash the rest into thinking that putting your own first is wrong.
The word you are looking for is psychopathy.
roll me
Peepee poopoo
Came in here just to roll
>tit cup letter
>she's short and thin, probably like a 32E
>she's short
>Short AND stacked
H-how short?
>posts ugly female ben shapiro
no thx
>this lady went to uni
>made a sex tape
>went to soprano college
>Went to jew school
Is just going magically become orthodox and plop out tons of kids
The husband
>is 28
>just going for the barr exam next year
>gets it because of nepotism
>is her cousin
>is going to take as much as possible
Why do people deny nepotism again?
Haven't witnessed a ruling monarchy. Seen nepotism in action in the real world during my lifetime. Must be stamped out before any real progress can be made.
sex tape? where?