If Israel plans on attacking Gaza this weekend then expect a mass shooting. Just noticed a lot of tarrant threads and gun control threads being spammed right now.
If Israel plans on attacking Gaza this weekend then expect a mass shooting. Just noticed a lot of tarrant threads and gun control threads being spammed right now.
Yep. also 7/7 is coming up. Also there's a (((Free Speech))) rally in DC tomorrow and both (((Antifa))) and the (((Proud Boys))) are showing up.
Israel couldn’t even do shit with Gaza in 2014, starting another Intifada will tank his fuckup of a career
Israel is collapsing mate. Netanyahu is running out of available options.
Israel lost
Why is Mossad so bad at predictive programming and shilling lately? It's all so blatant.
Never underestimate the kikes.
Take your meds Kushnerbot
>Never underestimate the kikes.
Don't need to underestimate them for them to fuck up themselves and be sloppy as fuck. Just bring out the worst in them and get them to destroy themselves.
Sloppy job IDF
I don't get the Christchurch one, seeing as it overshadowed an attack on Israel.
I bet you a false flag happens at one of the staged rallies this weekend.
Large scale Isreali incursions and operations are only done so that they can test new equipment for arms manufacturer's. These take place so that the manufacturer can then say in the sales brochure things like " battle tested" " 100% success rate in real field conditions" " proven effective against enemy targets" and a whole lot of other bullshit. Gaza is a testing ground and real life target practice.
Don't even fucking try this bullshit kike.
Based Bibi, fuck Hamas terrorists up.
>Saudi Flag
This is a prime specimen of a COWARD ISRAELI. This stupid faggot needs to hide behind a foreign flag and pretend to support Israel because Israel truly has no fucking allies. SLOPPY JOB MOSSAD.
Yep. These kikes are still posting their mass shooter spam.
Nice False Flag, Kike. Keep spamming your sloppy posts. we know who you are kike.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but saudis despise Hamas. We support the PLO in the West Bank, but not Hamas terrorists. Hamas+Muslim brotherhood+Iran+turkey are all in the same faggot ass camp.
Hey Moshe. You're bad at pretending to be a Saudi. When MBS and Rouhani declare war on you it's gonna be fucking hilarious.
Netanyahu shouldn't have tried to kill Khashoggi. Sloppy job kike.
Cue wanting more shekels for the welfare
Jew ethiopian negro are rioting and now the kike want to attack Ghaza hopefully hamas will destroy filthy kikes.
Hamas isn't real. They have no weapons. You're only talking about Hamas because you're an Israeli shill and Hasbara only tells you to keep referencing Hamas.
You know that special agent trap that died in Gaza? Thousands of Israelis are about to die. The minute Bibi tries invading Gaza Israel's neighbors will start killing you kikes.
>chimp outs all over Tel Aviv
>Iran situation at catastrophic pressure
>Syria regime change campaign was absolute failure
She must be absolutely wet
Retard i'm not the piece of shit that posted before. Hamas and Islamic jihad and others in ghaza exist and without them kikes will take over like they do in west bank. I wish the kikes will be gassed and killed. No invader should be remain alive.
No matter what flag you jews hide behind you can't change the way you talk...
Get out of my country, terrorist sympathizer fag.
Boring. Kikes will be killed sooner or later no big deal. They have no place in the region.
Eat shit terrorist kikes cock sucker. People like you have no place in Arab world.
I really feel like this is 2 Israelis arguing with each other but LARPing as Saudis.
>Tried to
Hes not dead?
They are the same thing, saudis are kikes in robes.
Tried to frame MBS for killing Khashoggi*
Nope Moshe, they're not. It's a new age.
unironically take your meds
>inb4 flag
>unironically take your meds
Antifa will get shot at by Mossad spooks to escalate conflict and distract the media from Gaza shenanigans. Screen cap this post.
why would the israeli army be interested in a Moroccan spice trading website?
>(((Proud Boys)))
At this point this doesnt surprises me.
Hahah all you IDF fags are gonna die.
fucking based
I still find it funny (((they))) were encouraging the idea there were crisis actors there when the bitch literally got run over by his car
rent free
Except Israel causes all the problems in the world so there's a reason to think about Israel.
Sloppy job mossad
You grow anxious and restless as the days go by because deep down in your bones you know judgment is coming.
Excellent. Only good muslim is a dead muslim.
Arabs are only in Arabia. Levantines and North Africans aren’t arabs, just backward larpers with a habit of begging for money and backstabbing. Can’t wait till we get the descendants of our historic Jewish populations back, in Medina and Najran.
Pretty sure Jow Forums lives rent free in your head since Israel spends so many resources shilling here and trying to actually fucking frame Jow Forums for false flags. This board is such a threat to you that you're going to such extremes to try and shut it down. It just exposes how much Israelis are losing power and influence these days. Your abilities to manipulate have waned dramatically.
Sorry, but, no. Ordinary American. Sick of Muslims shit. You can scream jew, kike, cryptokike, good goy, whatever all you want. Howling at the moon doesn't mean shit. And no matter how much you do it, it won't change the truth.
Now holler about "muh meemflogg"
You're not an American.
you are really trying to make me repeat myself
You repeat yourself because you're mentally ill and neurotic. You're compelled to try and get the last word in as your inbred genetics mean you're basically an organic robot.
Sure I'm not. Born and bred faggot.
Show your flag.
a faggot who acts unhinged a kike who acts reasonable and sleek arguing in an attempt to paint Jews as reasonable and logical, so that people would take their side.
Support muslims in Israel, which will lead to the extermination of kikes in the middle east.
Kill all sandniggers, kike and arab in western countries. All invaders get the rope and kikes in Israel cause damage from afar, muslims killing kikes in ME cause us no issues back here
>hurrdurr holl sae sho flogg
>den hull sae nao looz duh veepeeenn
You people are pathetic.
1. I'm telling the truth. I'm American. I live in E. Texas. Near Carthage.
2. I literally don't give the tiniest fuck if you believe me.
anyway i will take it as a compliment
Show your flag kike.
You're losing so badly that another jew needed to post with a proxy from a foreign nation defending you.
Holy fuck Hasbara is so sad these days.
Bibi looks simultaneously badass in this photo, and yet also like the camera shutter went off before he was ready. Lol XD
how exactly am i losing?
>schizo still thinks I give a fuck if he believes I'm American
>after I told him directly I don't
Fuck you're stupid and delusional.
>No self awareness.
I guess there's a reason vampires were based on Jews. You have no ability to self reflect. You've made Israel look worse and weaker by pretending like the Israeli government doesn't dedicate resources to combat this website. Get a grip Avi. You can't win.
Show your flag Rabbi. You're not American. You're an Israeli coward.
Rouhani is a comped faggot. Look what the Russians say about him. Faggot met with Soros.,
If this ties into the DEW getting shot down, then maybe this is Israel challenging the US to do something about them, almost as if they are daring them. Never forget that before these all went into space, Reagan sent the Marines into Lebanon to protect the Palestinians from the Israelis right around the same time Israel started sending up these satellites. That made us turn our backs on the shit going on in Palestine real quick.
Okay. Khamenei then. He's the actual leader of Iran anyways.
see and
Oh noez! He called me chicken. Surely I'll fo whatever he asks now. Whatever you say LaDarius.
>no point
and he implied that i am a tard.
>Ordinary American
There is honestly no such thing.
I miss Mahmoud Amadinejad.
STFU stormfag
Israel is just itching for any conflict it can get into militarily speaking.
nice meme, kike
>it can get America into militarily speaking
dead american goy blood enriches their youth
Israel doesn't seem to good at getting Americans to fight for them anymore. Israel is on their own this time.
>Netanyahu supports hardline nationalist ideas
>Netanyahu specifically says Europe shouldn't take refugees
>Says Trump should build a wall just like Israel has
>Israel teams up with based right wing populists like Salvini / Orban for the same reason
>Italy getting made gr8
>Hungary being made gr8
>EU globalists freaking out
>UN freaking out
>This is well understood by everyone
>Spergs on Jow Forums cannot handle the truth
>Cognitive dissonance increased x1000 as a result
Netanyahu is a coward who will soon die just like you meme flag.
You've been saying this crap for years now.
You said it was going to happen in May and June from what I remember. Why were your predictions wrong?
Why are you meme flags so bad at shilling?
>Dodging the question
I don't engage with kikes using pilpul