Seinfeld is an honorary white though. For making us laugh all those years.
To be fair though, Ashkenazi Jews are white. Same race, different ethnicity.
Why don't we just start being the jews? Identify as jewish when it benefits us, identify as white when it benefits us, gas them when the time comes
jews are genetically close to whites and most of them have lots of white dna
That doesn't matter because the rich jews only see us as cattle.
Only when they want to be.
hes a turbo kike dude
most jews in Israel don't have white dna fyi
White is a complexion not a race. If white was a race it would include Jews, Koreans, Arabs and Slavs.
Not bad and this
Ashkenazi Jewish non-whiteness is more abstract that that. If they didn't think and act like they do and just behaved like a normal ethnic group, there's no real reason why they wouldn't be considered white. Jews are a unique phenomenon, they can't be explained in terms of any other ethnic pattern.
Radio Jew is probably where we cut it for considering if certain Jews are white or not, but he does have blue eyes.
He is a very funny jewish person, he make me laugh like crazy man
Jews arent white you fucking kikes. They are parasites on the white race, and furthermore, their emeies
Is that Paul Joseph Watson chad form lol
Also Albanians.
Nope just Jews.
This is why we need to boycott Israel, and also let anyone bomb it who wants to. Word up?
I don't like the "black race/white race" part.
Black isn't a race. White isn't a race.
Even if we didn't have skin color, the Races would still be different.
Saved though.
Since your clearly good at making memes, mind if I dump a few? Im hoping to inspire your work.
i made it explicitly for trying to get through to negros, if they turned on jews the jew would be undone
Is part of why I love it so much.
>what is rhinoplasty?
You, I'm trying to steal the Rainbow Flag as a symbol of Diversity, And Race/National Pride.
My goal to correctly define Diversity.
intermarrying with goy when it was convenient doesn't make them white, it makes them parasites
hes a fucking kike puppet
Want some more of these memes OP? I got a lot.
Cool, exterminate right-wing Jews and fulfill the agenda of leftist Jews.
Don'y you consider it strange that after the failure of socialism, there's no more left in Israel? Ben-Gurion, Dayan, Meir, they're dead and have no successors. Israel is firmly right-wing, and the youth is even more right-wing than the older generations.
Why is it that the globalists and leftists in Israel are all gone, and now the likes of leftists are lead by atheists who hate Israel, such as George Soros and Bernie Sanders, and happily welcome people who hate Israel such as Ilhan Omar and Jeremy Corbyn with open arms?
He looks like a fucking poodle
sure im saving them for later
right wing jews want me to go die for israel
left wing jews want me to black my race
wtf i love right wing jews now
fuck off kike
why are you lying on the internet?
Wow you are so full of shit i can smell it allover here like half a globe away.
Are you even an american? or a shill?
stay mad muhammad
This one is actually really good. I'm a mutt (80% Anglo, 10% euro mutt mix, 5% iberian and 5% native american), but I have light skin, I was raised "white" and prefer to associate with white people. Also, my wife is whiter than I am (98% german). Would I be welcome in your white society, or would mutts get their own fringe in the middle somewhere?
>making us laugh
are you kidding around? its god awful
Well then I'll gladly share my folders!
Hey go back to arabia lands and fry eggs on the stones on the beach and kill your women.
He wears a wig now
I basically look similar to the White guy in picture.
Yet you guys keep calling us Mongoloids.
Amerimutts are mad.
Well America dont got a race. I'm also a mutt you see.
Americans have A Proud Nation!
Now Germans get Germany. Italians get That boot, Irish get that Island, China and Japan go unchanged. Ect ect.
One day America might have claim as its own Race. (We might get lucky and send away the niggers though)
Respect our Differences, and Love each other's Pride.
muhammad sucks cock in hell
I saw you saying the exact same thing in a thread yesterday, same pictures too. Probably a bot.
f u c k k i k e s
Look at the file name genius
Yeah I had a liberal teacher who used to talk about that - "America is a melting pot where the people of the world who want to be free are coming together to create a new breed of human."
I think that's great and all, yay for civic nationalism. However, it is also the right of groups of people to collectively reject that because they want to retain their own racial identity as well. I got lucky genetically and wound up with a good IQ and not a lot of health problems out of the mishmash that created me, and I sacrificed a lot to be with a woman who is intelligent, so hopefully our children will be. And I really don't want them throwing that away to mix with a bunch of low IQ niggers and spics in some kike pet breeding project.
>right wing jews want me to go die for israel
I'mma need a source for that Pedro
>left wing jews want me to black my race
Yes, so do left wing whites. In fact, get this, left-wing whites are behind most of it!
>fuck off kike
Cope harder, if everyone who disagreed with you were Jewish, there would be over 7 billion Jews in the world.
A better version
Seinfeld is white. He has blue eyes. He has white children. He is white.
>White isn't race
Well there is your First mistake.
But that's ok. Many Amerimutt often think there are only 4 races as well. (Brown black white and Asian)
Zoomers like you need to be genocided.
Subtly is a key that can get you past many doors.
This is a good idea, and one of the best methods I've found for redpilling on Jews. HOWEVER! Your pic is going to be called out (wrongly) as racist, unfortunately. That's only because it shows a pic of a white man with the word white under it.
I would adjust it to only show Jews, and them claiming themselves that they're not white. And then maybe posts where the same Jews who claim they're not white saying things like
>fellow white people!
But I'm no meme expert.
i dont care whitey how many times you say jews are not they have white skin whitey so i dont care
Jews are white deal with it.
I am sure there are jews who disagree on this point, though. I have a (white french-arabian) muslim co-worker who is pretty redpilled on some things. I tried telling him that jews aren't white, and he disputed it at first. I think I convinced him, but he was definitely skeptical and considered them white beforehand.
Your correct, but that is difficult to Translate into a clean meme with style.
Wana give it a shot for us? I'd love to see your work.
Jews are white, nobody thinks otherwise but you.
No. They are Jews.
>America is a melting pot
They moved into Chink and Bohunk, Wop and Paddy towns, so they could be close to people like themselves.
And if you were young and dumb and walked onto the wrong turf you could get your ass kicked up under your shoulders.
The melting pot metaphor, as you recognize, is complete lefty BS.
Whites are the only race not permitted to live this reality.
Fuck you
Neck yourself, kike.
Love it
Jews are more closely related to Arabs than Europeans though. Except for khazar ashkenazi impersonators. I have a theory that they are eastern european mongol rapebabies.
White isn't even a Race.... Dumb Amerimutt thinking race is just color deep.
Lol even niggers
Elaine was so fuckable to be quite honest. Would spawn turbo kikes with, to be quite honest with you my dear family members.
bill kristol
ben shapiro
left wing (((whites))), almost always jews
Yet... Not permitted yet user.
With time, comes change.
needs screencap with amerimutt pic
I'll be back with more if this thread is still up later tonight.
>File name
This has to be bait. Even mossad isn't so sloppy.
this is the typical response, but i have gotten through to a couple of them
we just have to frame it in a simple way they can understand
also a legitimately funny woman. how many of those exist?
Open question to any Asians on the board - You are so open and generous with your culture (I've never seen an Asian bothered by a white roastie or some stupid hipster in a kimono, or whites 'appropriating' anime or k-pop or whatever). What do you think is the problem with crazy niggers and liberals screeching about one race enjoying the culture of another?
Challenge accepted.
Seen a couple of these individually, but this 'collection' takes the cake... Damn.
Catch phrase similar to 'This is extremely dangerous to our Democracy', really annoying
not asian but it has nothing to do with "culture appropriation" its just more anti white bullshit
wouldn't you feel proud that your culture was so awesome people wanted to emulate it?
fact is every mud person living in the US and Europe is appropriating white culture