Should we get rid of socialized fire departments and police officers?
Should we get rid of socialized fire departments and police officers?
David Johnson
Jaxson Thomas
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Ryan Ward
Ian Walker
Yes. There are private fire departments and they do a better job than government ones.
Brayden Reyes
No, we should get rid of faggot OPs. Herbs and spices.
Joshua Allen
I'm in favor of it, so long as we have a rule that homeless niggers get removed from the city
Jace Phillips
If we got rid of fire departments then one fire could kill all the commies in a medium to large city.
Ethan Ramirez
Nice false equivalency
Adam Brown
we should get rid of border patrols and ICE
that qualifies as soshulizm according to these mouth breathing retards
Anthony Scott
>implying he wont burn his house intentionally
>implying its wasnt jewish lightning all along