Should we get rid of socialized fire departments and police officers?

Should we get rid of socialized fire departments and police officers?

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Yes. There are private fire departments and they do a better job than government ones.

No, we should get rid of faggot OPs. Herbs and spices.

I'm in favor of it, so long as we have a rule that homeless niggers get removed from the city

If we got rid of fire departments then one fire could kill all the commies in a medium to large city.

Nice false equivalency

we should get rid of border patrols and ICE
that qualifies as soshulizm according to these mouth breathing retards

>implying he wont burn his house intentionally
>implying its wasnt jewish lightning all along

Here in NJ, a lot of small town fire departments are volunteer desu.

>federal taxation should be for providing services at the state and local level
The absolute state of socialists

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This post is some elite-tier evasion. You know perfectly well what he means you bad faith-arguing faggot.

It's more like you call and get quote beforehand, and sign up for a plan, so thsat when the time comes, they are on call. I agree, based leftist retard.

Actually what would wind up happening is the whole town or community depending on the scale would pitch in to buy the supplies and volunteers would act as firefighters.

Could you imagine if we started incentivising people to do these things on their own by lowering their taxes for service? and making their firing illegal like we do with.... ohhh i dont know JURY DUTY

>universal health care
>somehow completely unrelated to centralized, nationalized tax-levying authority
Retarded much?

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It is not socialism if it is directly stated in the powers laid out in the constitution that the state is to provide that service I.e. the post office isn’t socialism you fucking brainlet.

>Actually what would wind up happening is the whole town or community depending on the scale would pitch in to buy the supplies and volunteers would act as firefighters.

That's true. And what would happen next is that the people who paid more money into that fund would get better service which is what always happens in a market, e.g when Jeff Bezos' house is on fire 700 trucks will come, but when Joe Schmo's house is on fire, 1 dude with a bucket of water comes.

None of you guys seem to realize that privatization actually means that you segment a service by economic class.

Waaaaa waaaaaa you can't use common sense against me that's not fair!
Shut the fuck up dude, you know damn well that the two things are entirely different and should be regarded as such. Plus, you of all people should know how debilitating unchecked socialism is to the average person. I'm thinking you might be a Sw*de trying to make Danes look bad

I was under the impression that parts of the USA had already gone with privatized fire departments?

>Venezuela isn’t real socialism because the workers don’t own the means of production
>roads, fire departments, and public libraries are real socialism even though the workers don’t own the means of production
Socialism is the most convenient ideology ever. It’s socialism until the moment it starts failing, at which point it becomes not real socialism


I remember hearing the story about the firefighters who deliberately let a guy's house burn down because he didn't pay, only to fight the fire when it started spreading to his neighbors' homes that paid fees already.

The idea seems very odd but capitalistic. The downside is that if I was the type that didn't pay, I'd feel no incentive to call 911 if my house caught fire, and those who paid? I'd let the fire spread to them just to spite the firefighters. Or due to lack of any reason to help... after all, it doesn't benefit me in the same way putting out the fire without payment doesn't benefit them.

They were once less centralized but not anymore. They used to fight each other when there were no fires and were full of alpha males. They were all volunteers, but they began to beat the shit out of one another so they could take credit for putting out the fire.

And american cuckservatives usually say the exact opposite
>roads, fire departments, and public libraries isn't socialism
Socialism is the most convenient ideology ever. It’s not socialism until the moment it starts failing, at which point it becomes socialism and muh government programs

>Jeff Bezos' house is on fire 700 trucks will come, but when Joe Schmo's house is on fire, 1 dude with a bucket of water comes.
That's not how firefighting works at all, why would 700 trucks be needed? talk about bad faith arguing...

Americans actually love socialism, just as long as it's the government using 700 billion a year on the military or bailing out banks for 900 billion. They just stop liking it when there's a possibility it might help some poor white person or god forbid someone who is poor and black.

Yes we should. Let me conduct vigilante justice in my own neighborhood without fear of legal prosecution. Let the sluts who go get drunk in public without a male chaperone be raped and murdered. Let the politicians selling us out to the jews and corporations be dragged from their houses at night and hung from the tree of liberty. Let the prescription drugged boomers burn in their overpriced homes when the cheap mexican labor electric work fails.

You think bringing up police and firefighters will prove the value of socialism? Bring it the fuck on boot lickers, those government pigs are the only thing keeping you kikes from hanging and we all fucking know it.

find me an american that loves the military industrial complex or corporatist parasites, but isn't an employee of either. Bad faith arguing is all you can do because you are a cuckold.

I think there is a city in georgia that has privatized fire and police services. Private can take advantage of tax deductions that a state can't.

The US is a union of states. Any state can have universal healtcare at it's option. they can also expand medicaid. However, the reason they don't is they aren't allowed to run budget deficits like the federal gov.


Yes, disband them.

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Then the subscribers can call 911 (or really, their private fire department line).

The first fire department ever in history was organized by Marcus Crassus in the first century BC. He bought an army of 300 slaves and trained them in the Roman method of firefighting. Then he set some slaves as lookouts on the hills of Rome, scanning the city for the telltale signs of a fire. When they spotted one, they would alert their fellow slaves and Crassus, who would all run to the spot of the fire. Crassus would find the property owner and offer him half the value of the property to buy it from him. If the owner refused, which they often did, Crassus merely waited until it had burned down a little more then offered them a lower amount of money for it. He explained that the owner could get some money for their property, or have nothing when it was burned to the ground. People usually sold. Then Crassus would have his slaves extinguish the flames and rebuild the building, usually renting it right back to the original owner. In this way Crassus became the largest landlord in Rome, owning quite literally half of the city. He became the richest man in Rome, too, but also the most hated.

Later, the Emperor Tiberius decided that was a filthy business, so he had slaves belonging to the government take over the job thus creating the first public fire department.

We should only get rid of fire protection for neighborhoods that don't contribute to taxes.

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We should close the border or we don't have a country.

Audible fucking kek

>socialized fire departments and police
Socialism was a concept that Karl Marx theorized. He came up with it in the 1800's. Are you so fucking retarded that police (soldiers) and Fire Dept's weren't around anywhere before then?

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No, because they're one of the few things where you know your money is actually being used properly most of the time, and they provide useful services.

Public vs private good. Day one economic stuff.

>get rid of fire departments
>cities burn down
based, I'm for it.

>Yes. There are private fire departments and they do a better job than government ones.
I live in a very very small town. Somehow we have 3 independent fire companies, all of which are well outfitted and ready to go. They support themselves through charity contributions, and they are light years better than the taxed & payrolled dopes from the city I used to live in. The difference is that the employees treat it like a job, and you hope to god to never have to see them (because your house is on fucking fire of course) whereas the local companies are all over the place and always doing something for the community.

>hurr durr public roads = socialism y'know..

The obvious argument is me breaking my own leg doesn’t carry an inherent risk of my neighbors infant dying in a fire.

Small Town fire departments are funded via donations and run by volunteers, fuck you

This is retarded. We have government firefighters and shit of that nature because fire can FUCKING SPREAD. God socialmediafags are mongs man, always trying to be le quippy, never actually thinking.

>Hey i parked my rv next to your mansion on your private property don’t mind me
>wtf my rv burnt down with your mansion you have to pay for it

Nope. A party paramilitary should take the role.

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