If your so racist then why dont you join the KKK. They are just like Jow Forums

if your so racist then why dont you join the KKK. They are just like Jow Forums
>anonymity with hoods
>get to say nigger irl
>other racist people to hang out with

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KKK is mossad psyop.

take your meds schizo plus how would you know they dont even have the klan in france
you guys desperately need it because 4% of your populatio is fucking bantu

They're the epitome of outgroup. Pure poison. Plus, I'm a catholic.

what do you mean by outgroup?

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Nice try FBI

The KKK has been a Fed honey pot since the 60s

not everyone is a fed whos out to get you you arent important enough to do that
yeah so its fun

I mean they're the uncoolest kids in the jungle.

>Hey join this group that has been confirmed to be infiltrated by federal agents and had been a honeypot since the 60's
>What do you mean I glow in the dark? Take your meds!
Not today CIA

This post made me LOL

>He thinks only white people hate niggers

I'm already on enough watchlists and I can hang out with FBI agents already on Jow Forums

The KKK dosent exist anymore dick shit

Fucking this.
If you join a Klan "chapter" or whatever that has 50 members, guaranteed 5 are federal/state agents undercover. They're very heavily infiltrated.

I am all for telling schizos to take their meds, but the KKK is at least a quarter feds. And the KKK is a bunch of trailer trash.

In the KKK only white people hate niggers. On Jow Forums, spics, Asians and black people hate niggers.

We also all hate the CIA.

>black eyebrows
>black eyes

No thanks. I want to associate with whites not anglos.

i'm not a racist, i''m a free speech absolutist.
i say nigger not because i hate niggers but because you say i can't say nigger

Because the KKK was created by Jews to discredit WN

They are honeypots filled with disillusioned jews and fbi informants.

>They are just like Jow Forums
besides a few core ideas, not much at all. Who want's to wear a gay hood, be part of a boomer frat, go to a retreat on some dumpy farm and wait around for it to get dark to watch a cross burn (a little based) all in the company of low-tiered hillbillies. I'd rather sit in front of my computer in my underwear

you got to pay your dues
to be a member you got to pay your dues

Red neck yeehaw bullshit

they are a silly anachronism

I'm a fashy goy.

The KKK is glownigger central unless you live in a town of less than a thousand people with a local faction.

I don't need to put on a sheet to want to burn a cross in the yard of the nigger government that awards itself reprashuns... Sorry motherfucking concept, sorry race.

But I thought everybody who was right of Bernie Sanders was KKK?

KKK was the Democrats Mafia

It’s a honeypot. Joining (((groups))) is for retards.

We are joining the Republican Party. What’s the harm, the left already calls Republicans Nazis. Why not actually join up then? We can morph the Republican Party along our lines.

You’re not blending in here.

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They hate Catholics.

Explain how. The only people I know with the KKK on speed dial is the mainstream media. Every time they need to talk to the Klan they can mysteriously find them... hmmm... But they're hidden in our daily lives...hmm...

This. In fact people complain nowadays that they find cops who are part of it and this proves racism... not that the local PD's everywhere have them inflitrated and any time they suggest doing anything violent, the "undercover" cops steer them away from it.

That's where they are now. They're basically defunct and only exist as a boogeyman to keep around and blame for things. That's what I mean by the above, the KKK only seems to pop up when liberal media wants to put an opinion or idea in their mouths and kill it by association.

The KKK is quite literally just an office at the FBI. Same with Antifa.

Yeah I don't doubt it at all. How do you join these groups? Have you ever noticed how they don't seem to actively recruit too? They both just always have people... Hmmm... When you're controlled you can't just accept anyone off the street.

This, there's just something really uncool about them that's mostly distasteful and a group that people will never view as hip.

i don't want to hang out with hillary clinton's relatives

Yep it’s pretty obvious. Affirmative action and nepotism are taking a toll inside our law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Nobody trusts them any more, and for good reason. Pretty sweet gig if you can get it though, I’m sure.

>Same with Antifa
no way lmao. I go to UC Berkeley and I'm friends with lots of anarchist types. Jow Forums thinks of Antifa like CNN thinks of Anonymous. Antifa isn't a cohesive group; it's just a bunch of hooligans with Signal on their smartphones

What makes you so sure I'm not?

I'm a hater, not a joiner.

That’s where you’re wrong kiddo. Antifa = FBI.

>join the KKK

I’d have to be a Democrat first

I'm not really a joiner, but you kids have fun at your rally.

Would you autistics stop feeding the obvious bait?

Quit it homeboy you glow

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>he says as he bumps the thread while posting with a memeflag.
get out

>boomer jokes
what is the southern strategy?

Most definitely if it was the 1920s.

The Democrats were in fact the party of racism and started the KKK. This is common knowledge user.

true.I'll ask again dumbfuck
>what is the southern strategy?

Join Atomwaffen, The Base, or SKD if you don't feel like dealing with faggots who do nothing but burn crosses in their back yards and fuck each others wives while our race dies out at the hands of the kike system.


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Have unironically been in the klan for 3 years now.

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It was a good Boomer joke.

They are fucking weirdos who do weird ceremonies.

>the hood jew

Because I don't want to wear a mask. When it comes down, I will go into battle face first. I have met a couple antifa people and I looked them right in the eye and asked why they hide their faces. Some LARPers here didn't answer, but one did. Still a coward.

Attached: antifa visibilty.jpg (1247x266, 110K)

kys fed fuckin worthless do-nothing faggot

They pulled my thumb off Chollie!
Could have been worst, Opie.

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If there is such a thing as an in-crowd, then ...

I’m not a democrat

Im a grand wizard and Hillary Clinton takes orders from me. We've actually had sexual intercourse for her initiation and she hates olives. Anyways ama.

Yeah. The Effa Bee eye.

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It became the Democrats' Mafia. Didn't start out that way, it got co-opted and ((capitalised)), just like every other movement

where do i sign up?

They have a website. I think you can see if you have a local chapter on that.

This glow in the dark nigger didn't stick around long after being called out.

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The KKK is a Christian organization so that's a no from me.

where about?

It's a website, it's on the internet

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