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The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand incident started WW1. Is there a single individual today that if killed could start WW3?

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so this dumb look with the eyes and mouth are a trend now i see... why are women so hopeless

Not sure about a single individual, but maybe if you blow up an entire building with soros and friends inside... Who knows

It's so fucking cringe. Women are an abomination lmao

Why are you asking

I think that if the pope was assassinated by some muzzie it would probably start ww3

Is there video of her reverse cowgirl on a suction dildo yet?

>Killing one guy started WWI
Only half true, there's a million other causes of WWI like the previous era of imperialism.


Me. If you kill me, I promise there will be ww3

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>trend now
where have you been?

Britain didn’t want to share the seas with a kraut empire and France was still super butt-hurt about the Prussian-Franco war.
A European war was inevitable.

There are also a million other things contributing right now.
All it takes is an initial spark.

John Bolton
Even an assassination attempt could trigger a series of events that will lead to a big war

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they do it because you fat faggots keep enabling it and giving money to them

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No one gives a fuck about pedo cult anymore a bunch of cucks will cry and the next Pope will preach about understanding and acceptance perhaps even taking Islam with your cucktolic believes

No, that's you, bud.

True, but there isn't any real build up yet.

Killing one random nigger in Israel has caused all of them to chimp out, this will result in civil war and the Samson option automatically activating, destroying the major cities and resulting in WW3.

russia mauls whoever (and world) did it
pence fucks whoever is the same skin color, could be eurasian ally
deus vult

England just step conflict with Iran what the fuck are you talking about, China is in deep tensions with the west and Russia is dragged in to, its just the spark needed right now and Israel will be blown to shits by the a rabs


Xi Jinping

Generic thot with dumb face #65221
You're welcome

Very interesting bias. You do not like her , but you post pictures of her , and do not blame the people who are fan of her. Truly i believe in the ethnostate success

>Is there a single individual today that if killed could start WW3?

No motherfucker better lay a hand on Betty White. I ain't playin'.

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Austria mobilized because they were angry the murder of their duke wasn't being investigated by Serbia. Austria counted on Germany to back it up, Serbia counted on Russia to back them up - even though neither Germany nor Russia wanted to get dragged into war. When the Tzar seemed to also mobilize his army to prepare to defend Serbia, Germany had to react by mobilizing too, and thus everybody attacked everybody.

Say the Japanese PM was assassinated visiting China, and the Chinese didn't bother to investigate the murder - so Japan mobilized to go to war against China to force them to take the matter seriously. Then China mobilized in response and asked Russia to back them up. Then when the USA sees Russia mobilizing, the USA has to mobilize also. Now you have WW3 as all countries have to pick a side.

I've been saying this for years, what's gonna happen is political discourse is going to devolve to the point where someone is going to get killed at a rally / protest or whatever, or a political person is going to get assassinated and half the country is going to feel it was justified and rise up to do more of the same, while the other half rises up against them and that's how WW3 civil war edition starts.

>some cringe ass boomers death would lead to wwIII
just no
he's not even a good musician. when a man loves a woman is overrated af

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I'm gonna kill Jacob Rothschild

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The US is the only country currently capable of a real overseas offensive. It would have to be something bringing Russia and China into war with a nearby US ally the US would be willing to defend but it's hard to see that being caused by an assassination.

Your ID is kinda funny

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I dont think any one has that power today to really get people rallied together for action any more.

i hate this website

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thats a man

First off I don't want to kill anyone and never intend to in my life
If both Trump and Pence were killed there could be a serious succession issue with the entirety of the democratic party calling for a hold on executive activity until the election. Russia and China would think they could get away with shit and start WW3 but it would be really easy to paint them as the bad guys.

Donald Trump getting assassinated by a Chinese or Russian agent would be a different story and WW3 would start immediately but in this scenario its also easy to paint them as the bad guys.

A really interesting one would be if an Indian extremist killed a Pakistani politician. Russia and China would have a fair excuse to attack India, Europe would stay out of it, it would be up to America to defend them.

Very similarly, and the most likely to start WW3, would be a South Korean/North Korean defector assassinating Little Rocket Man. SK and Japan vs. China and NK would quickly involve the US and Russia, leaving Europe mostly neutral until the end when they could invade Russia and claim the main victory.

However all of our focus should be on Iran.

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If some country dropped a bomb on the cube in mecca during the haj things would get poppin

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It's gotta be Tucker. He will have to die for their sins. And then (((they))) will die for theirs.

Either kim jong un or trump at one of their meetings. Bonus points for if they manage to convince either side by appearing like an assassin who tried to appear not as one.

Top fucking kek

Assassination of Jingping Xi

who shat in your cereal?

Merkel, Trust me, go and do it.

>assassination of the archduke leqd to WW1
> doesn't know world war one began in 1898 (suprisingly yes people of a certain heritage involved although it was not the overriding intent)
>probably believes the hype that the Kaiser was a "war monger"
> can easily dismiss everything OP says or discusses because OP is retarded fag
Inb4 source/citation: youtu.be/tclAbWvBt70. Completely full of them, all verifiable.

Someone that looks like this is trying his hardest to get a war started, where he won't fight or die.

That was a jewish plot, starting WW1

That's how it will start but his death will be faked to claim a miracle and he will be mistaken for the second coming. It will be a young pope with Jew blood who will claim the line of King David. Israel will bend the knee to him. All that do not will be declared evil and war will be declared.

Old Rotschild

Chairman Xi of China.

This user doesn't realize it, but he just saved Jow Forums. Can someone make a generator where you just put the thread URL in and get one of these back?

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could lead to mid east war, especially if assassin was hezbollah/iranian

>kim jong un
if assassin is south korean / japanese? seems highly implausible though
By far the most likely one would be Trump or Pope. Trump if done by leftist would be civil war > ww3. Pope if done by muzzie would be religious war > world war

Doing it right.

>japan and NK
I think this is the most likely out of all the scenarios

It's because of degenerate ANIME FAGGOTRY

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No, because contemporary imperialism is fundamentally different than in previous eras. Russia and China would sabre-rattle, maybe grab some territory, but the scale would be a pittance compared to the ridiculous changes in maps from 1900 to 1960.

Bibi maybe

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>oligarch takes over
>sells the nukes to mideast niggers
>US has to go in
>nukes flying

I see what you did there KeK

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I think India and Pakistan would be the trigger for WWIII tbqh

She was blacked by snoop dogg


Kek, Jow Forums in a nutshell.


i'll tell you what's going to happen. neocons are frothing at the mouth for a new war. they want iran. they will have iran, but trump is against a conflict with iran. how will neocons get the US into a war with iran? they will have the Brits get into a tussle over tankers. A british life will be lost. War will start. The US will then be forced into war as with WWI.

belle deplphine reminds me of the shameless whore who fucks EVERYONE during summer school and tries to hide it but everyone still knows. what a fucking useless whore, whichever beta faggot marries her deserves a place in the hall of shame

Im pretty sure every country south of texas would declare jihad on the middle east at once if that happened

100% agree, especially under this volatile administration,

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what in god's cock

i come from a poor country, please include me in the screencap

all the wops too

>I think that if the pope was assassinated by some muzzie it would probably start ww3
Not this Pope.
Much of the Roman Catholic faithful wish he'd never become Pope in the first place.

great idea user. don't know how you'd do it exactly, but I assume you could do it fairly easily.

Lol this is why I come here

I don't know how people could find that face attractive.

Based and blackpilled

Never made sense why Franz’s death sparked ww1

Duerte would hold catholic mass on that black cube thing in Mecca

This cunt has no tiddies

What in the actual fuck are wrong with these faggots? Do they ever question what they are doing?

I read up on a bunch of shit about it. Still can't sort the thing out. I lean towards oil railways in the middle east.

KEK but the milato isn't even catholic anymore, he stopped being catholic after getting his dick touched as a kiddo

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treaties and alliances

>Austria mobilized because they were angry the murder of their duke wasn't being investigated by Serbia
>The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand incident started WW1.
Eh... that's not really entirely accurate.

Certain elements of the Austro-Hungarian government had been pushing for war against Serbia for years. Austria-Hungary held a lot of territory in the Balkans with slavic populations, and Serbia was constantly agitating for them to demand independence from Austria-Hungary (by force if necessary). Serbia was also an ally of Austria-Hungary's main existential threat, Russia, dangerously placed on Austria-Hungary's southern border.

Austria's war with Serbia started because Conrad von Hotzendorf had been looking for an excuse. He'd literally petitioned the Emperor dozens of times to launch a war against Serbia. Franz Ferdinand's assassination was just a pretext - it was a good pretext, as pretexts go, but it's entirely possible that if it hadn't happened Austria would just have grabbed the next one that came along anyway.

Ditto with Germany. They didn't get drawn into the war because they were Austria-Hungary's ally, the German General Staff had been pushing for war against France and Russia for years.

So in answer to the actual question - it doesn't really matter who the person is, all that matters is that they're in the right area and it suits a particular country's geopolitical goals to treat it like a big deal. My bet would be some Chinese official no one's ever heard of before dying in a plane crash on or near Taiwan. China has been super-serious about reclaiming Taiwan for years - as soon as they feel strong enough, they'll find a pretext, and at that point the US will have to intervene, and will most probably drag everyone else in along with them.


You win this day.

>i want realistic cakeface, pull out all the stops

this thread is dead

See what i mean, no one knows exactly wtf

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Austria, is in fact, Austria-Hungary, or as I've recently taken to calling it, The Austro-Hungarian Empire. Austria was not a country unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning governmental system made useful by the Hungarian counts, citizens and vital rural and urban municipalities comprising a full empire as defined by the 'Dual Empire system.

Many governments back then ran a modified version of the Hungarian system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Hungary which was widely used then was often called "Austria", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the Hungarian system, developed by the Hungary Project and Gyula Andrássy.

There really is an Austria, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Austria is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the country's resources to the other programs that you run. Austria was an essential part of the country, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete country. Austria is normally used in combination with the Hungarian system: the whole system is basically Hungary with Austria added, or Austria-Hungary. All the so-called "Austrian" countries are really versions of Austria-Hungary.

It's pretty obvious... Trump

cheeto dude or pooh bear


extraordinarily based
comment of the year right here

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