Tucker is fucking Tulsi

Sources close to the Tucker administration tells me that Tucker is fucking Tulsi. Based.

btw this is clearly politically related.

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I'm jelly

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Only explanation for backing the modern Chamberlain

did big daddy tucker cummy in mommy??

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Gross, he can do better.

Pretty sure everybody is cumming in your mom, little guy.

he’s happily married and wasp which means if anything his wife is cheating on him with tulsi

cursed post. TUCC is married and has a wonderful family. delet this

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Yes. He's going raw. He thinks condoms are for fags i'm told.

Probably just happy to talk to a women in the democratic party that isn't a psycho shill fag/niggerlover

Heard brazzers was gonna release the tape soon

members only

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>cucks projecting their cuck status on Tucker
Yes believe it or not but some men cheat.
Clinton is technically a WASP as well.

Bill Clinton is a rapist

Just like they told you trump was going to drop the true true on aliens and shit?

Fuck off, remember to sage Nigger tier posts

Tucker is a cheater.

No not Mommy

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I don't think it's true just because you posted it on Jow Forums and said "sources claimed" with an image titled "sex"

And a memeflag. Meanwhile Bill Clinton is a literal rapist

he cummy in mummy Tulsi's tummy


Will Jesus save this user's soul or is it far, far too late?

Absolutely 10000000000000% fucking kill yourselves you jews

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pls no

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Not good. Tulsi is CFR. Tucker is compromised

What the fuck are you talking about you massquoting fucking retard?


She's been on his show before

I'm talking to you beta fucking cucks from reddit who need to go jump off a fucking bridge for being race traitors and sell outs

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>one note nancy
Does she have anything to say apart from muh foreign wars?

Then why the fuck did you quote me you God damn stupid fucking nigger?

seething jewish post if I ever saw one

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Sources say she gives better head than kamala.


true tho nahmsayin

Incredibly based. Best way to turn an attractive liberal is to give her the dick since a lack of testosterone in her surroundings is the only reason any woman becomes a progtard.

Aloha Gang!

This is the hottest Mommy Footage:


Her smile warms my heart.


okay, this is based

Is your source the film editor who had the hot tip about the Alien disclosure, you brainlet? Why you retards are scared of a candidate posting so low is beyond me

Boo hoo pussy

Tutsi will never get the nomination

She's batshit and only foreign trolls and brainwashed retards "like" her

Ok shill.

imagine if tucker and tulsi were you're real mom and dad. they would argue coyly with subtle sexual undertones at the dinner table about the jewish problem,. and gun rights, they would put you to bed and they'd keep you awake with hours of thumping and bed squeaking.

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>implying Tucker would marry a pagan
>implying Tusli would marry an Abrahamist

'batshit' is a common phrase the shill bots are using in the past few months, it's cutting off the crazy part off the end of it, they havent fixed it.

Say what you want about her, but she is by far and away the best Democratic candidate and the only one that is genuine. At least she’s sincere, wether you agree with her or not.

Humongous if authenticated.

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Shut the fuck up you 80 iq bitch. I want her to win too because shes mommy, but you're literally as dumb as the idiots who thought bernie was sincere, you are letting the oxytocin influence your logic, you know nothing of her, only PR.