Why are american hillbillies so insecure about thei gun riaghts?

Why are american hillbillies so insecure about thei gun riaghts?

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Because look at the UK

Attached: gun-free.webm (800x330, 1.91M)

Would the 2 years in bong jail be worth the joy of raping a lady cop?

because they are surrounded by niggers and are mutts themselves

Attached: british cops vs guy with a knife.webm (640x480, 2.76M)

This is just british "humour" right?

Bear in mind while in jail you will have to convert to Islam.

Because they really really really don’t want to have to over throw the government.

if you try proposing anything sensible like "hey maybe if someone has murdered someone they shouldn't be able to buy a gun" they start chimping out

Insecure is a inaccurate term by bias cunt that doesn't understand America

The Bill of Rights is Important above everything else all 10 of them with no Caveat or Exception.


Theres nothing sensible about any of your Anti American Anti Middle American bullshit

Imagine you fail at life. What sort of artifact can give you some sense of power just so you can sleep at night without killing yourself?

Go get killed, limp-twisted GCHQ Loser glownigger.

You wouldn't understand mr permit for butter knife, but its fucking power man- the potential. We hicks destroyed your fucking empire with squirrel guns. Go figure

>Imagine you fail at life. What sort of artifact can give you some sense of power just so you can sleep at night without killing yourself?
Its not a sense, its a reality.


>dozens of Democrat candidates who want to infringe on their rights

>"Why do they think they will lose their rights???"

Because I live in South Texas and everday there are more unfamiliar faces and violent crimes. Criminals do not respect the law, if citizens are stripped of their right to defend themselves from criminals with gins, they will create an even bigger black market. The government in turn would crackdown on citizens even further for trying to protect themselves.

Or an easier scenario, some fucking spic tries to break into my house, Castle Doctrine in Texas says I can drop his ass without hesitation.

Yes, that's the spirit. Don't let them take your weapons.

I have heard of 'gay for the stay' but Muslim for the stay is a new one! kek

Felons already can't own guns you double nigger. Lear the laws you are trying to leverage my rights against before flapping your s01lent lubricated cock holster next time.

Attached: Gun control test.jpg (800x437, 71K)

They heed the lessons of the past.

>Why are american hillbillies so insecure about thei gun riaghts?
Because retarded lefties keep trying to take away their guns all while saying, "We're not trying to take away your guns! We're just saying you can't own them!"


Based ausbro.

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You should always skin and burn their genitals to carbon with a blowtorch.

because they have nothing else

A bong? Be serious!

This. FPBP

They like the idea of keeping power in the hands of the citizenry. This is a deterrent to governments who would take away their basic rights. One of these would be freedom of speech, a right that a limey faggot like you doesn't have.

>UK takes away guns
>Now you get arrested for mean tweets and facebook posts, or having your dog stick its paw in the air
>How long ago was your brexit vote now?
The Government simply ignores the result of a popular vote and you can't do jack fucking shit about it

>why do Americans care so much about their rights

t. Needs-a-locense-to-own-a-tv

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What the hell is "riaghts?" Is English your second language?

The moment someone questions the necessity of the second amendment is the moment it's self-evidence becomes clear.

kek that shit would've been over at 0:10 here

I find one of the best arguments that stumps most hard line lefties is to let them know Marx was very pro gun. Blows their fucking minds to know their Jesus was pro gun.

Attached: marx_gun_control.jpg (449x491, 57K)


I wish I lived in a state that allowed me to feed a home intruder both barrels of my coach. I am supposed to run if able. Pussy shit.

Run away while rapes my daughter or robs me blind? Nope.


His name was not Marx, he was a Jew

>I own a big black carbine but i-it's not because I'm insecure of my tiny penis hidden under my fat rolls!
LMAO americucks then why do you put testicles on them?

Attached: testicle grip.jpg (750x1333, 120K)

Felons can't own guns...not that the law stops niggers in the cities from illegally buying them anyway on the black market.

oi you got a loicense for that post?

What about gang-banging niggers? They aren’t going to give up their guns.

Gotta protect mah PC and my dog.

I don't care. I'm not pro Marx in any way. It is just hilarious to see lefties react to the fact that even Marx was pro gun.
It makes sense. Anybody who claims to fight for the proletariat should want the proletariat to be able to stand up to tyranny. It doesn't make sense to disarm the working class if you fight for the working class.


only the most gargantuan of faggots puts balls on a rifle

Who cares if that's why someone owns one? His fat insecure tiny penis having ass could still drop you in a second. How does that make you feel?

OP is a perfect example of what forgetting your own history looks like.

Got his own ass kicked hundreds of years ago and still doesn't understand why and how. Hundreds of years later he is cucked day in and day out.

As always, OP is a faggot.

I dont

because we don't want to turn into a nanny state like you

>why are people insecure about their right when a right they care about is constantly attacked with threats of using the military and police to forcibly strip them of property, right and potentially life?
It is certainly a fucking mystery, retard.

You won’t be able to flee very far with an injured leg. The judge will understand that you didn’t place that heavy coffee table there with running for your life in mind.

It's HillWilliam to you, bong.