Trump's parade was an unmitigated, absolute, outrageously expensive disaster. First of all, barely anyone showed up...

Trump's parade was an unmitigated, absolute, outrageously expensive disaster. First of all, barely anyone showed up. The webcams on the National Mall have all been turned off without notice so no one will talk about Trump's 'crowd size'. DO NOT spread this photo around, we don't want to make our Great Leader angry.

One person claimed they watched it on TV and the crowd was large, but when I asked them which channel (cause all the ones I saw showed a weak ass turnout) and the person deleted their comment. A lot of trolls out today defending their Great Leader. These people would follow a laser pointer over a cliff.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I bet a nigger stole it

glow harder. 10 threads posted yesterday with phots of of the speech , largest turn out in 30 years easily/

Hey retards the Lincoln memorial is east of the Washington monument the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. So if the sun is over the Lincoln memorial it's early morning.

>always type "sage" into the options field whenever replying to containment threads so it does not bump them

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If it wasn't for reading it on here I'd have no idea there was some big parade in the US


Lying sack of shit, OP.

Hi Share blue Jew Media Matters faggot!

Collect no shekels tonight! God doesn’t like liars.

They hold the parade every year dolt.

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I have no doubt that some people will come to inhabit this alternate reality.

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admit it, nobody came to see trump! HAHAHAHAHA

also please stop using Obama's fourth of July event.


Holy shit i thought that was a migrant caravan!
Lol America is not white

I honestly just wanted to see the tanks

The Lincoln Memorial is west of the Washington monument going in the direction of the Potomac River.

bit like your thread then.

Trump confirmed time traveler!

>obama event
>everyone has maga hats

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Bullshit Achmed, you no life goat humpers follow US news like a reality show.

You're mentally ill. I was there and it was packed.

trumps in the middle on stage


And who would you prefer as leader?

>implying it isn't a reality show

I was there bro it was intense. Standing room only along entire reflecting pool. Raining off and on for 5 hours and hot as a jungle. Families. Children. Couples. Community. It was an Event. Dollar store beachballs and shoes off in the mud. And gundpowder coating the ground like fog while walking back. Blotting out the Washington Monument just feet in front of us. Fireworks popping off like gunshots in the warm sulfuric mist, flashes in the dark

>zoom in randomly
>see gooks, poos, blacks all in the shot
WTF bros I thought trump only attracted white supremists


Benjamin Netanyahu or George Soros

Imagine being so dumb and such a complete uninformed loser that you dont know the secret service shut the cameras off so they didnt give away their positions. Crowd was enormous. Die mad.

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Hitler, obviously.

Beautiful user.
>mfw couldn't enjoy shoes off in the mud at the feet of our nation's most beautiful and significant monuments while listening to Trump tell the story of our brave soldiers that formed this country from the blood of the patriots, forged in the despair of tyranny. Fighting for the freedom to live in a land such as the dream of America.

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Shit man, if you refuse to see reality I can't really help you.

What did kek mean by this?

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I don’t give a shit one way or another but there was a ton of people for the speech. And there’s an expensive parade every year dipshit.

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>bumpf said sumpin bout airports
>no one came to blumfs talk n shit

You understand the man fucking lives in your head, right?

4th of July in DC is always crazy af

shitty resolution


Good post

Washington was a vile anglo nigger attacking rival colonies without declarations of war

> bait

> self bumping his own post

OP confirmed for giant faggot.

>No one showed

This is post speech after it started raining and stopped raining

Attached: no one showed.jpg (1863x1072, 532K)

Attached: you mean like this.jpg (4954x3303, 1.21M)

Exactly THIS.
What kind of childish little faggot is OP anyways?
By everyone's (who's NOT a hired shill) well-known powers of 'Pattern-recognition', here........everyone KNOWS damn well that the Fake Stream media would be trumpeting this shit all over the place if OP's drivel even had 10% of truth to it.

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The last president to give a speech on July 4th was Nixon, and it was pre-recorded.

Stay in your lane leaf, you dont know shit

Aww you think your important. Bless your heart.

There's steams on Youtube aren't there? I didn't catch any parts with the full crowd shown, but it should be easy to check if you care to.

why is it that liberals always multiply there numbers by 1,000 but divide Trumps by the same to get a count?

Massive cope or bait thread. Youtube live feed and photos showed people were packed back BEHIND the washington monument

Nice self reply
Orange man stuttered like he had a stroke over "ramparts." looked stupid but Obama had that if-if-if-if moment so oh well.

Basically the news networks refused to show the event, showed photos from people still showing up and claimed no one came, and claimed any evidence to the contrary was photoshop (that last one was just one newsperson on twitter, but either way the levels of cope and butthurt were hilarious)

imagine getting paid to fakepost about a massive public event that happened less than 2 days ago expecting to be able to change the truth

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