Antifa Here

Dropping by to say fascists can't fight, can't organize and get their asses stomped by us regularly. This will continue and there's nothing bootlickers here can do about it because you're basement dwelling betas and are too afraid to even go out in public.

Goodnight, Alt-Right

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Other urls found in this thread:

Alt right isn't real. Proud Boys and Antifa are both paid by zionists.

Sloppy job mossad.

Anyone who goes to these rallies is controlled opposition.

New Thread.

lol prove it faggot.

Have job. Have life. I’ll wait for the real party before we dance.

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kill your family

The 'real' fight?

Wat's up with you pussies always having some other time in the future when you're gonna stop being pussies?

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You play into our hands and help us by beating the crap out of people far less extreme than us, by beating moderates with deadly weapons you turn everybody against you who isn’t already with you. Then when there’s an eventual civil war or other backlash we can open up on you with whatever force we want and few will complain

You want people to stop being pussies, you go and directly mess with their livelihoods and family. When that happens, you actually did something of note vs. annoying people with pointless protest.

why are antifa such faggots? you act tough and routinely get genocided by the right every time, in every country

'Step over this line and I'll kick your ass'
'Step over this here line and I'll kick your ass'
' I meant step over this line and I'll kick your ass'
'If you step over the line again I'm gonna kick your ass'

Pussies everywhere!

I seem to recall fascists losing almost everything in the last fight they had with Antifascists, including Nazi Gernany, Fascist Italy and Japan. Where do you fuckers win? 'Dat one time in Spain.' - And that's it.

1.What drugs do you take?
2. Do you still live at home?
3. Do you suffer any sort of mental illness or depression?
4. Do you have a job?
5. Where did you become radicalised?
6. Are you on any medication?
7. Do you have any savings in your bank?

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Except Antifa thinks anyone who isn't Antifa is a Nazi. These weaponized fags shop for costumes and accessories on Amazon, they live with and hate their parents, and these ALL WHITE pill-head privileged cunts have never felt real pain.

They will get what coming to them.

>I seem to recall fascists losing almost everything in the last fight they had with Antifascists
most of latin america, literally still finding corpses here
>I seem to recall fascists losing almost everything in the last fight they had with Antifascists, including Nazi Gernany, Fascist Italy and Japan
i struggle to understand how the antifa, being a left wing movement, identify themselves right wing western governments that fought against nazi germany in WW2

We lurk on your boards for lulz. This accusation of everybody being CIA is hilarious to us. You're scared little bitches. The CIA isn't concerned with a bunch basement shut-ins who masturbate to CP all day. You're a non-threat. You don't matter.

lol. K

Let's get pumped for tomorrow guys.

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>takes a group of 30 antifags to attack a reporter from behind
you fags have been losing since 1930s

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Even lose 1v1s

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>This accusation of everybody being CIA is hilarious to us
until this post i legitimatelly thought you were a troll

Nazis will never win

Ok faggot

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the "nazi's" were defeated by armies of nationalists who believed they were fighting for their national sovereignty and self determination not trannies and hipsters.

>We lurk on your boards for lulz
That's how it started with all of us user. Enjoy your redpill.

The West stands with Us against racism, sexism, and homophobia

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The 'real' fight. The fight where bullets are flying and people are dying in the streets, everything else is theater. What city are you located in?

Based Greece this is from a anti-EU riot @ us, obv not antifa related, we also had a riot dog which antifa doesnt because theyre soros muppet puppets .

>'Riot Dog' becomes hero of Athens protests
A mystery dog that has apparently braved the tear gas and petrol bombs of every Athens riot since 2008 has earned national fame and become a darling of the country.

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You do know that a "fascist" is someone who forces people into silence by force or threat of violence. In other words, Antifa is a fascist organization, far more so than any organization that they fight against.

its called having a brain. dont worry you'll get shot eventually

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>i hate bootlickers
>lick my boots

>one image from two years ago

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I remember when I thought anarcho punk was cool then I turned 14

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That makes literally no sense, antifa literally stands for anti-fascist

have to admit, that's funny


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You can only continue to post ITT if you own a bath or the future will be capitalise forever

K, capitalist

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We win the ideological war

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"It's not who you are underneath (or label yourself), it's what you do that defines you."

>Well wel well if it isn't Stan DARSH

maybe in the sense that you all scurry and hide like the cockroaches you are when confronted

We had just got done kicking your asses in Portland. You faggots responded by doxxing people who will be treated like fucking heroes for what they do. You're morons. See? Everybody hates fascists, thus why doxxing you works. How do you retards not get this? It's rinse and repeat, one retarded ass idea after another.

kill yourself, faggot
Demand Congress strip human being status from antifa members so they can be killed like rats

Also memeber Sacramento?

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>deploys jew lawyer to destract you
>hits you in the back with a pipe
>haha nazi (person who's not a communist) you can't even fight

Come to Alaska so I can use my laser on you

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by that logic, North Korea is a democracy.

I challenge you to a fight

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It makes no sense because you idiots don't actually know what fascism is and so you seek to silence people by using fascist tactics which is what makes you a fascist. Calling people fascists and being against them doesn't mean the people that you call fascist are actually fascists, what makes people fascists is the attempts to scare people into silencing their beliefs, which is what Antifa does. Therefor, Antifa is a fascist organization.

I've said it before I'll say it again. We ought to form a group and call it OPCOM. Opposition: Communism. Same tactics. Meet them and give it tit for tat. I'm not saying anyone has to get hurt or anything but if they want to fight we outta be able to meet in some space and settle our differences in a fair free for all. No weapons really. We ought to just go in fists and feet. Catch as catch can. I think there is a Constitutional precedent for it with the political situation. Enough autism. How about a fair fight? Loser shuts their damn mouth and goes home.

dox me faggot. id love an excuse to put some lead in your phony tough faggot friends

desu I found i was quite dissapointed when i learned the US also had lefty wackos in college
, and you are all unimpressive at best

while you guys may be new shit in the united states, argentina has had faggots like you for 50 years
stereotypically they guys and chicks who act like they are heroes (they seem to sincerely believe they are fighting fascism and evil) never finish college, just complain stupid shit, be anoying and never achieve anything because arent responsible enough to do anything useful
unimpressive at best

yeah, i don't really see a problem with that actually, it's simply the treatment fascists deserve.

King of the nuclear wasteland

You sure act like we matter. You're so scared us you think we're every where.

You are right. We are loners and prefer to stockpile guns and ammo by ourselves. When the great boogaloo comes you wont have to worry about us all gathering to fight you, you will have to worry about us individually being behind every tree and fighting by ourselves, as we have done for the past 70 years. No matter who you try to milkshake or kill, we will always be there.

Tits or gtfo fagg

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hows summer break going

If you hate fascists so much then why do you act worse than them?

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lol, nice political theorizing there buddy...

This. Reminds me of brown shirt tactics.

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>repeatedly uses "pussies" as insult
OP hates vaginas and women

fucking kek!!!

>clumsy overuse of the word retard
You write like child

Show us your battle outfit and weaponry Daniel. Scare us moar.

When you fuck your mother in the ass do you worry about catching aids?

>antifa was obliterated in spain, germany and italy.
>fascist cant fight.
right nigger.

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what is a fascist, antifa?

Dilate faggot

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you fucking faggot
it's because of retards like antifa that people like fascists
antifa are a violent pest
the fascists are the cure for the disease

So are you saying that if you call someone a fascist than they are a fascist?

You are a fascist, there I called you a fascist that means that it is true.

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What a massive faggot

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lol faggot let antifa burn the zog hole who the fuck cares



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Okay so real talk, fascist here. I hate you and hope that one day we can have a knock down drag out (legally) to decide who's right. That being said holy shit do I hate these enlightened centrists who call you retards fascists, at least you fuckers have an ideology.

this, often what leads countries to the far right is fear to the far left, argentina's dictatorships rose to power in order to do do pic related

>fighting fascism in Portland
Did they try asking the Democrats in charge of the city and state not to be so damn racist before they started beating journalists and geriatrics in the streets?

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Don't be afraid comrades. They talk tough but this is what they look like

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Remember. Use that special herb on these slide posts.

That sage spice

>You're a non-threat. You don't matter.

And yet you come here...
You're a goon working for capitalist jews.

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its called responsibility.
Also most antifa have aids and skinheads are degenerate. Proud boys is just boomer fightclub. Its all trash, theres no real fascists other than NRM and Casa Pound and they fucked up their local antifa faggots a long time ago.

Sick burn.... Not!

>commie faggot thinks beating up some fat nerds in the safety of libsiht cities with full protection of the local government (the irony) means anything.

You faggots will get what's coming, don't worry. :)

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