Is there a single greater momument to ignorance on our planet?

Is there a single greater momument to ignorance on our planet?

Why do Americans indoctrinate their children like this. What is the benefit to keeping them stupid

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Other urls found in this thread:

>What is the benefit to keeping them stupid
Noahs' son Shem

And the Shemites

>110 iq person dies with hope
>110 iq person dies with no friends and everyone hates them for being so fucking annoying


Est a shit cake degenerate atheist cancer

Did you know the ARK got flooded a while ago? How ironic is that?

>is there a single greater monument to stupidity
Canadians elected a substitute teacher to lead their country. At least that boat has some engineering behind it and not a country full of dumb. That boat could actually work. Unlike trueadu

Yeah. Us just being particles in motion, with no freewill, makes a ton more sense. Lurk more oldfag

>Is there a single greater momument to ignorance on our planet?

You now realize that there is literally no evolutionary disadvantage to believing in impossible things like arks, but countless evolutionary disadvantages to believing in impossible things like the rationality of man.

At least they aren’t showing their kids gay porn and telling them that men are women when they’re 6 years old.

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You have to be a special kind of retard (in other words, an amerimutt) to take the Noah's Ark jew fable literally and seriously.

I have the same questions about Santa Claus actually

you are observably using reason to prove your point

>Building that abomination on Native American lands

Fucking disgraceful

Yeah op you’re right the Old Testament is bullshit so the Jews should leave Palestine since god isn’t real so he couldn’t have promised that land to them. Right op?

Being an atheist is gay, I thought about becoming an atheist but it’s just an excuse to be really fucking gay and I just don’t like gays

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That doesn't negate the evolutionary disadvantages of being reasonable.

Explain to me why divine floods exist in almost all cultures from around the world in cultures that never had contact with each other?

>You now realize that there is literally no evolutionary disadvantage to believing in impossible things like arks,
Climate change is real

Your ignorance is a testamount to the harm Christian indoctrination causes.

>muh sea levels muh climate
Then building an ark seems pretty fucking reasonable, don't you agree?

Climate change is a wonderful example of the evolutionary disadvantages I speak of, as anthropogenic climate change could not exist if men had not pursued a society based on reason.

Cooler than a cube.

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Evolutionist Thread.

>Pete Steele has risen from his grave
>to shitpost on Jow Forums
typical Friday


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>not falling prey to bike stealing sons of ham

huge tetas.

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People who take the bible, or ANY exclusively religious text, seriously, need a short rope and a long fall

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imagine being an atheist...

its a metaphor, also u got a source for that mate?

There are an infinite number of things worse for the human mind than religion. Religion is just another realm of philosophy. There’s nothing wrong with philosophy because it gets people thinking about questions, and thinking about questions is the reason that our species walked out of caves, composed languages, and became the dominant species on Earth. Even if the story is taken literally, Noah can still serve as a role model that really isn’t harmful. The story at its core says that a good man worked hard, overcame ridicule and persecution, and was given the chance to start the world anew with a philosophy of goodness.

Obviously problems arise when people use one philosophy to try to discourage others from asking and answering questions, but atheism is guilty of that too. Rather than allowing religions to explore things like souls and gods, atheism tends to brutally ridicule all non-scientific discussion.

I think the world is a better place because both science and religion play a role in society. Science gives us “hows” and “whats” and philosophy gives us “whys”. All three of those things are pivotal to the human experience.

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What a "monumental" waste of resources, most of which were gained no doubt by begging dumb poor christians to "give to this ministry so SOULS can be SAVED!" A real life Noah's ark will have everybody going for Jesus, yessir!

Yes! Wotan beckons, white man, come home!

>not taking the bible literally is tantamount to atheism

Why are people this stupid?

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The holocaust museum

Or to think that giant tinder box will float much less go any where.

So explain to me a mechanism to create the layers of the geological column other than a world wide flood.
Also learn how they came up with the geological column and explain to me how it could be used to date objects found within.

Imagine being so butthurt over good christian people voluntarily donating their time and money to create an inspirational monument to their faith.

The mechanism you seek was an ancient weather manipulating device that ancient Egyptian Wakanda niggers developed and used to create those layers you speak of. If all niggers worldwide would go back home then this can happen again, but you all have to go back first.

The geological column? Isn’t that just like stratification and rock layers?

Are you asking how rock layers can occur and be dated without a global flood or does that mean something else to you?

Let me guess. You accept that man came from apes but can’t explain how ancient man built the pyramids?

Your version of history is so wrong go back to being an NPC.

But if it rains?

You have to admit that its a massive waste of money that could have been used to help get folks off drugs, battered women, elderly shut ins, prisoners, you know, all those lowly people Jesus wanted his followers to focus on. Not retarded lincoln log ark silliness.

Ancient Wakanda like advanced niggers built the pyramids as observatories and measuring devices to map out the heavens

>Are you asking how rock layers can occur and be dated without a global flood
Yes. How, other than hydro logical sorting on a greater than continental scale, are the layers formed.
Also the model for the geologic column has assigned specific layers to specific eras, but the whole picture was formed by tracing layers all across the globe and sorting them by the strata, which would imply that certain epochs only occurred in certain areas. So how is it that you can date items found in the layers by it's strata unless you somehow believe that time is a localized phenomenon.

the road to the site got washed out and they wanted their insurance to pay to fix it. see how stupid your media sources think you fags are.

so it got flooded?

You sure showed him

Today is the day, I'm going to be ending it now early in the morning just before my parents wake up. I haven't slept in almost 30 hours.
Goodbye everyone, and thank you for the fun times. I'll start in around 45 minutes. Jz

Livestream video link + explanation:

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The same thing that happens on boats when it rains..

>What is the benefit to keeping them stupid
easier to control

Post live stream link here you fucking cuck. you probably arent gonna do shit

It’s a theme park for children, ya dip

It was a direct backlash form the christian community after Bill Nye trash talked the ark story while debating a famous creationist on TV.
He regrets ever doing it after realizing it was all a setup to get funding for this thing

Um yeah retard

The flood doesn’t make a boat real.


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No clown, a road washed away the ark did not flood. where faggots get there news may have reported that the ark flooded, but thats only because they know you losers are uninformed and obedient.

friendly reminder old testament is jew shit

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what you think of this House in Illinois?

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>go any where.
The absolute state of atheists.

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I went to the creation museum when I was in high school, (before the ark was finished). And while I wasn't personally convinced by there account of creation, they do raise some interesting questions and theories. A global flood is a pretty universal myth around the globe, and we would do well to keep an open mind as too why.
Some anthropologists have suggested that the melting glaciers of the ice age might have unleashed sudden floods on early man, leaving a lasting impression.

It is an indoctrination tool

There are literally propaganda videos playing 24/7

>Why do Americans indoctrinate their children like this. What is the benefit to keeping them stupid

>literally tells Canadian children fucking dogs and homosexuality are ok

I'd rather my child be a Christ-cuck than a literal beast raping left and right for a five second orgasm.

Good post, well said

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One of the ugliest things I've ever seen. Is this the Wesley Snipes we wuz kangs cult house?

Its not a waste of money to the people who care about it. Also, I think its a pretty cool and creative thing to have done. I'd like to visit if for myself.

Wait wait wait.

I’m going to preface this by telling you that I’m an 8th grade science teacher and we literally teach this exact cycle to 13 year olds, the majority of which are able to understand it.

I think your biggest misconception is that the rock layers are all global. They are not. Almost all definable rock layers worldwide are formed through the processes of sedimentation and lithification. The rocks of an area are weathered into sediments, deposited, and compacted through pressure into rocks.

The rock layers in North America will look very different than the rock layers of Indonesia. Most North American sandstone was formed when the inland see dried up, forming the red Sandstones of Utah. Meanwhile Indonesia’s volcanic activity at the same time gives rise to layers from weathered igneous rock.

So scientists can tell that the layer in Indonesia and the layer in Utah are the same age, because they know how long it takes each layer to form. But there’s not like a uniform layer of sandstone across the globe.

So what I’m not understanding is how from this you say a flood must show that certain epochs are localized.

There was possibly a massive flood in the Middle East during early civilization caused by a meteorite, which we can hypothesize from archeological data. That is likely the source of flood myths across much of the worlds religions. But that data does not extend worldwide.

And the taxpayers who had no say in how their money was used?

Do they just not matter

reminds me of the "we wuz kangz" cult.

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It's sad that biblical allegory goes over your low IQ head.

If you read the thread you'll see where I was responding to another user who was saying "at least it's a usable boat" Reading is fundamental you retarded nigger.

If you don't like the creationist museum, don't go to the creationist museum. Nobody is holding a gun to your head telling you that you have to go there and watch their videos.

>All funds for the museum were privately raised,[16] and the organization received donated architectural and construction services.

Stupid Canadians. The museums a money maker for the local economy because it brings in hordes of white Christians to an otherwise boring area.

I hope you care about your nigger grandchildren as much as you care about Jewish fairy tales.

You have to be the biggest kind of idiot to think a snowboard instructor knows anything worth following.

The tax payers elected representatives that decide where tax money goes. They can vote those politicians out if they don't like it. Although it seems like the Ark has been very good for the local economy and people seem to like it.

>not all Christians
Most Christians don’t buy this shit. Only evangelicals and morons.

Noah didn’t built that ark to save the animals. He was the first furry ever and wanted to fuck every single animal existence. I bet they didn’t tell you that in sunday school.

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ah yes, the fundamental truths of science

I'm sure the only funds that were privately collected were all given by ONLY billionaire believers because taking poor people's money to do shit like this would just be immoral, right Lord?

Bill nye asked for a tour, wanted to film it. Ham agreed under the condition that they got to film as well.

Wew, the full version is not a good look for old bill. Just petty and woosh the whole way through.
It IS meant to be educational, but it’s mostly a theme park for Christian kiddos.

>believes in worldwide flood
>doesn’t believe in boats
Wew, atheism.

>Although it seems like the Ark has been very good for the local economy and people seem to like it.
and the cost of indoctrinating an entire generation of Kentuckians to reject the scientific method?

I am, and the only thing that chaps my ass is I didn’t think of this shit first.

Friendly reminder jews don’t exist anymore.

>taxpayers paid for it
You’re dumber than I thought you were.

Holy shot lmao

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Yeah but at least it doesn’t last 12 years and steal money from me


Because floods happen everywhere

Thank god we found a liberal arts major to set us straight.
Post labia.

You know the funniest part about this?

The ark wouldn’t have been a boat. It literally would have been a large rectangular box and it would have been black because he was told to basically smear the shit out of it with tar.

It’s like the retards can’t even read their own book.

>we are le epic TRUE Christians who think the Bible is a bunch of lies!

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>Rreeeeeeeeee How dare people give there own money to things I don't like!

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Nobody is forced to go there. Its a fun theme park for christian kids to learn about their religion. I don't know why that angers you so much. If you want to plop you kids in front of the TV to watch Bill Nye, thats your choice. You don't get to decide what other peoples kids get exposed to.

I've seen this and the creation museum, they're full of whitey is racist signs and god loves race mixing dioramas.

>I don't know why that angers you so much.
>You don't get to decide what other peoples kids get exposed to.

It’s like you aren’t even paying attention.