ITT People who would've been great presidents

(They have to be Americans)
>George Patton
>Walt Disney
>Ron Paul
>Pat Buchanan
>Douglas MacArthur
>Benjamin Franklin
>Clint Eastwood

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-07-20-13-05(1).png (1064x1026, 688K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Franklin was a degenerate, MacArthur wasn't redpilled on the jq, Disney keep his company away from the jews and couldn't be expected to do better with the country, Ron Paul is retarded, GLR couldn't even keep his party together and was killed by it, and Eastwood is bluepilled on race.

>Hilary Clinton
>Bernie Sanders
>George soros
>Karl Marx
>Bruce Jenner
>bailey Jay
>Albert wesker
>big boss
>Obama third term
>bin laden
>Jeb bush
>Joe Biden
>3 dog from GNR
>mr krabs
>Ron Jeremy
>the green goblin
All better than trump

Nobody's perfect, dipshit

>"everybody has to think exactly like me"

JFK (if he didn't die)

Thoughts on George Wallace or McCarthy?

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Uhh Paul Rudd and maybe charmander xD

Based Mel

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Acronym Definition
GLR Great Lakes Region
GLR Glare
GLR Glycine Receptor
GLR Greater London Radio
GLR Gaylord, Michigan (Airport Code)
GLR Generalized Likelihood Ratio
GLR Gateway Location Register
GLR Global Learning Resources, Inc (Fremont, CA)
GLR Gas-Liquid Ratio
GLR Gay Lesbian Radio (Ireland)
GLR Ground Leaving Radiance
GLR General Ledger Reporting (accounting)
GLR Group List Report (student achievement; various locations)
GLR Generalized Left-To-Right Rightmost Derivation Parser

I'm stumped.

Tulsi Gabbard

I'm thinking George Lincoln Rockwell

George Lincoln Rockwell, the dumb ass neo nazi who got btfo by an undercover cia agent

George Lincoln Rockwell you dolt

Attached: rockwell_face_value.jpg (433x329, 55K)

Donald Trump

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I would set minority children on fire in front of their aunties to have been on this timeline.

Attached: RTXGY2K.jpg (623x419, 80K)

Attached: fuckyou.gif (280x210, 2.61M)

Henry Ford

Dr. William Luther Pierce
The second coming of Andrew Jackson
The second coming of Hitler

Who else would we need?

I'm surprised by the quality of this list. Though I'd remove the last two.

>Tucker Carlson
>Charles Lindbergh
>Henry Ford
>Father Coughlin

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>you and I could rule this country, spidahman

I agree with ron paul but disney would've FUCKED shit up I tell you what.
let's see... I dunno many intelligent people.


Not bad. Lindberg and Ford hates commies (jews)

Coughlin is a leaf