Earthquake in California!!!

... another one

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Other urls found in this thread:,-117.5837281,702m/data=!3m1!1e3


Big one

Roll for 9.0

/MAGMA/ praise for the 8.8

What was the depth?

It was just Kim "Nigger" Kardashian sitting down.

gguys... the japan earth quake (costliest disaster in history) happened when Trump was 777 months old.

I could never figure out the significance of this until now...

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rolling for ayylmaos

Jesus is coming, bros.

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are you saying trump cause the earth quake????

which one do I get bros
im fucking scared

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10.2 DEATH

My buddy lives in ridgecrest said he thought for sure his house was going to collapse

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This is really all that matters

Half a mile

30 miles Above ground. Cali just got nuked by ayy's. Earthquake cover up incoming.

8.8 in 30 minutes

Yesssss pls tonight

no im saying its a sign, 7s follow trump every where he goes

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numbers for this

Japan happend on 11-3-11

Tomorrow is 7-7-19

Oof that’s pretty shallow. Not good because if it hit in the subduction zone it could possibly cause more aftershocks which in turn could possibly trigger more quakes. Given that it’s basically on the fault line I’d say this is the beginning of the end.

Make your own, it's what I did for hurricane, pack the shit you need first aid etc and for fucks sake water.

Lets make it 9.9!

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fuck it dood lets make it a 10.5


did any celebrities or politicians take to twitter and blame the earthquakes on Trump yet

14.88 is coming at midnight

It is going to happen

hail the gods hope they destroy cali with 10

soon muh climate change

Felt it in vegas... was serious.. god is mad at trannys

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Make your own!
If you cant make a bug out bag you are NOT white!
If you dont enjoy making your own bug out bag you are NOT white!
I wish someone would steal mine just so i could have the pleasure of making another one

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reminder that the midwest wont be accepting coastie refugees when they inevitably get btfo

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Over 200 quakes in 24h around that area according to USGS wtf

these earthquakes are happening in the coso volcano field so maybe we will get really lucky and the basalt flows will resume.

What’s CERN been up to this week? They were testing shit when both New Zealand and Alaska got hit with their 7.1s

Los Angeles here.

Rollin for the Big One to shake this cursed land back into the stone ages so I can finally leave this retched shithole.


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The Midwest will have a big earthquake in the next few days. Screen cap this

Forgot pic of the 300 year old basalt

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I had a dream of a 9.0 about 14 years ago

Pin marks the 7.1

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Praise his name. Digits confirms CA will once and for all be dealt with.

It’s not so unusual for that to happen after a big quake like the one they had yesterday though. Especially if it’s not a deep quake because there’s a lot of earth that’s getting resettled

Show me your apocalypse face anons!

rock breaking is beautiful
normies do not realize the sheer brute force of whats happening under their feet, they just shake a little bit

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Ggez commiefornia

This is Military China Lake,-117.5837281,702m/data=!3m1!1e3

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pretty sure there isnt a fault line running through the midwest, well be fine

umm guys this isn't funny. what If I actually get die?

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above the Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake

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Alaska’s was on Military property too. An abandoned missile silo from the Cold War.

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>my birthday is July 7th
Sunday happening confirmed?

Whats the elevation at that point?

Coordinates for reference

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I'm so glad these retard commie FUCKS are getting what they deserve, big one PLEASE

May fire and brimstone rain from the skies

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rolling for 9.0 - 10.0 earthquake by tomorrow morning.

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roiling for 8.8

gr8 b8 m8 8.8 l8r, str8 f8

oh, well, there you have it.
8.8 incoming

This is a roll for an 8.4 to send this shit hole back to the 1800's.

Oh shit.. double 7s for an 8.8 and tomorrow is 7/7. F Cali

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Isnt Yellowstone in the midwest?

1700 ft

Judgement day for commiefornia. 1488

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make your own, it's cheaper, and generally better

Abnormal. Too shallow

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I really hope this happens.

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Something that takes out LA or SF, please and thank you, Kek.

It is happening

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Pls no


Bakersfield here, when it's gonna stop

Can someone give me a QRD on why shallow is bad? Why something so big was that shallow?

Are we done for? Will I die in my sleep?

bakersfield here also not until every degenerate californian is dead

Don’t tease me

Shallow means that there's less cushioning rock between you and the megatons of fuck that gets unleashed.

So, is it RARE that a quake this big was that shallow?

Normal heavy hitter quakes are deep in the earth, miles down. This was right on top. More like someone is blowing shit up.

rollin' for 8.8 foreshock to 9.9 ripper

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>earthquake in nepal
>no big deal
>earthquake in california

It means they’re fucked see More imminent quakes that are likely to be worse are a legit inevitability now.

so im also drunk as hell
does anyone in NY feel any moving over the past 5 minutes?

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take your meds faggot

Many non-degenerates would die too, sadly.

What do?

So a quake for going from Alaska to Tierra del fuego then.

Sodom and gomorrah will burn again

That's not big enough, give us a 10.

>I know nothing and yet I post.

Fuck me

The prophecies might be true.

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